How do I deal with the fact that I could die in a car accident at any moment

How do I deal with the fact that I could die in a car accident at any moment

How do I deal with the fact that people are driving huge metal machines at high speeds and paying more attention to their phones or food than the lives of other humans?

How do I deal with the fact that driving is fucking terrifying?

take the bus


Learn to ride a motorcycle, then you'll start missing your cage soon enough.

It's called AutoPilot, you can't trust a human to control a two-ton death machine.

With all the electronic assists a vehicle has, a dog can drive a car if they wanted to.

Just accept that you are going to die someday. Could be tomorrow, could be 50 years from now, but it will happen.

And unless you live in some nanny state, life is going to be dangerous, and thats what makes it fun. Live while youre alive pal.

You're gonna die eventually motherfucker. You don't know how, and you don't know when and it doesn't fucking matter because it's going to happen.

Just never get out of bed in the morning you giant pussy.

Get a bigger vehicle.

t. tractor trailer driver

>not welcoming an early death


>Telling someone who can't fucking drive to get a bigger vehicle

>so when he does fuck up he'll be that much more likely to kill someone.

I never said I can't drive, I've been driving daily for 8 years. The longer I drive the more afraid I get of driving.

try driving a classic car
>even a fender bender at 25 mph will at least give you permanent brain damage

>air bags
>seat belt
>steel cage
>crumple zones
>afraid of anything

You're a huge pussy OP.

>drive something ridiculous so you can live content that if you die, you'll die historic

By getting gud
Seriously, pay attention to your surroundings. Try and anticipate others stupidity. Always drive defensively. Even if your mirrors are perfectly positioned, turn your head before changing lanes.

Drive smart and you'll be safe

>he thinks driving us hard/scary
Get on my level busrider

If you drive one newer than 03 you'll survive a head on at 60 OP. I Tboned a Saturn doing 40 in a Fiesta and didn't know I had collided with something until I had skidded to a stop and stopped spinning. I was 99% unharmed (airbag bruised my hand).

He won't kill himself though.

Your not trapped on the road with other drivers. They're trapped on the road with you!

How can you be this much of a fag? I love driving. It's fun as fuck and makes me feel like a big man.

If a basic task like driving scares you then your skills as a driver are sub part asshole.

Drive the very biggest one faster than everyone else.
Be the hero Gotham needs.

You could die at any moment, period.

You could drown in a cup of water, choke on food, fall down the stairs and whack your temple on the way down.

Life is short so enjoy it while you can. Don't live in your own shadow, enjoy driving rather than overthinking about how you'll get killed to death by everyone.

T. motorcyclist