Leaving car in first when parking

how many of you guys actually leave your car in first gear when you park?

i only do it on an incline.
7 times out of 10 i stall my car when i leave it in first when i park because when i start my car i take my foot off the clutch after i start it. its muscle memory for me.

>tfw mom, and sister leave their cars in first when they park everywhere they go
>me and brother leave car in neutral when parking

what does Veeky Forums do?
pic unrelated

>always put it in neutral
>dad parks it for the first time and leaves it in first
>almost run through the garage door because i started it and thought it was in neutral out of habit

Almost exclusively leave it in neutral and use hand brake

thats what im saying. only on an incline am i putting it in first.

oh my god who cares?

just put it on P faggot :^)

I leave my car in neutral because I can start it without pressing the clutch

what is the hidden meaning behind this image

because boomers be bitchin'
also at work all the porters leave the fucking cars in first when i go pick them up to pull them in the shop its annoying as fuck.

i have no clue

>not putting the clutch in when starting it
>not having redundancy in place for keeping the car still when parked

Here's what you do.
Turn key so ignition is on, while the cars electronic system checks the car, put it in neutral (it also wears less on the clutch, bearing and pressure plate)
Turn further to start the engine.

I always park in first, partially because my dad always does, and partially because I'm paranoid about it rolling.

It depends, when I park in front of my parents house I always put one since the porch has a 15 degree slope, just in case handbrake fails. When I'm parking downhill i put reverse gear. Putting on first gear or reverse, when parking on a slope is good habit to ensure that even if your cars handbrake fail it's not gonna roll downhill as badly or at all.

I leave it in n, it wasn't until my I heard "you keep it in first in case your parking break fails"
"parking brake fails"
But seriously when my dad said that was a thing that actually happened out here in the bay I was just confused.


I have to push the clutch in to start it, and so that turned into me pushing the clutch when I turn it off since I'm turning the key, even though I don't have to

which became a habit of putting it in gear while the clutch is in when I'm turning it off, and putting it in neutral when the clutch is in for starting it.

There's pretty much no difference between the two, like pulling the handbrake up while pushing the button vs hearing the clicks

Always put it in first gear when parking, always pull the handbrake when parking, even in my garage.

Only start engine when I'm intending to start driving, after I sort out the satnav and music and buckled up and shit, feet on clutch and brake, then release handbrake, then take foot off the brake and start going.

Don't be a retard.

Never. I always rely on the handbrake, because that is what it is FOR.

>not leaving it 4th to make it harder to roll away/get pushed by criminals

Fucking plebs

Do you have a 4 speed or is that just an arbitrary gear

In first or reverse.

I'm so used to it I always forget to put the handbrake down when I get into a car that isn't parked in gear.

Even park in gear on bike.


>handbrake works gud 100% of the time
>except when on huge incline in traffic waiting for light to change lmao!
fuck handbrakes

Lower gear is always harder to roll than higher gear.
If you push it, a car can move a foot or more in the highest gear.

Also, if you leave it in neutral you are astupid.

If you don't instinctively press the lluch and put the car in neutral check before starting the engine then you are American.
And also astupid.


the bay?

>Always put it in first gear when parking
> always pull the handbrake when parking

dont be a retard.

I had a ex-friend who did that shit.

Borrowed my truck one day, and didn't let her borrowing anything after that.

who here leaves it in reverse?


> tfw I have always put it in reverse and set the park brake

did you just come out of your first english lesson, julio?

Every time, or reverse (if on a downward incline)
I press the clutch in as habbit when I start it anyway so It's never an issue.

If your vehicle is front wheel drive you can lock both axles by leaving it in gear (front) with the parking brake engaged (rear). If your vehicle is rear wheel drive leaving it in gear is redundant since the parking brake locks the real axle already, but it's still recommended as a fail safe.

I put it in 6th with no ebrake

>had 04 ranger
Kept it in first because the parking brake is trash on those things
>have 07 mazda3
Kept it in neutral w/ handbrake until I had to cut my parking brake lines. I keep it in first and will keep it in first until I fix it.

>downward incline
So a decline?

I've put it in first ever since I once only used a parking brake in a customer's car. Turned out it was poorly adjusted, and the car started rolling away. That was the fastest getting in a car I ever did.


ive done so if theres a decline

I can't understand this shit tbqh. I'd rather have my front/rear bumper destroyed rather than my transmission for having the whole weight of the car on it.

She has definitely had a dick inside her before

I always do it, dont trust my handbrake all that much as I think its a bit worn

>parking on an incline
>not leaving it in first
>stalling it when you start
Too cool to be safe
Not cool enough to roll start

>Not putting the clutch down before starting
>Enjoy stalling the car because you were too lazy to press your foot down.

tsk tsk

Pretty much this, it's a habit to instantly put the clutch in to start the car and wiggle the stick out of fear


>laziest troll of the thread award

Faggot how exactly is that a troll? Think about it

>7 times out of 10 i stall my car when i leave it in first when i park because when i start my car i take my foot off the clutch after i start it. its muscle memory for me.
why are you pressing the clutch in the first place when you don't leave it in gear?

>think about it

Because the transmission is designed to handle the car's weight.

The thing that usually ruins transmissions in cars is being beaten on/tuned to push more power than designed to handle.


I leave it in first and pull the ebrake as well. I always reverse park into my driveway so whenever I start my car to go I don't even have to shift, just clutch. Fucked me up one time because I left it in reverse once, and almost backed up into my garage so now I always check what gear I'm in


Parked in reverse, every time. It is the strongest gear. Why would anyone park in neutral? Then your car is free wheeling with nothing to stop it but a parking brake which you may forget to use or could fail.

>I blame other people when I am stupid and make careless mistakes
wew lad

Do you think putting your foot on the clutch with the engine not running puts any significant wear on the release bearing and pressure plate?

Correct answer is 'no'

Your posts are retarded.
I do this when coming to a stop

You wouldn't forget to use the parking brake if you drove manual transmission

Oh wait a second. Everyone in this thread does. Imagine that.

>parking your car in reverse.
Absolutely unessesary

Or your car gets hit or even bumped by somebody touch parking and turns your engine backwards and your timing belt slips a tooth and all your valves get bent when you go to start it. Sure, it seems like an unlikely series of events, but timing belts can skip from the engine being turned backwards, it's happened before

I'm glad my civic has a chain

I usually leave it in reverse

I'm confused as well.
Green Bay has no hills.

>the bay
There's more than one bay, m8. And the one I'm thinking of has lots of hills.

Not sure why someone would argue against using the strongest gear to park. The chances of a parking brake failing are slim, but why take the chance? Plus, parking in reverse every time adds consistency to the process, so you always know the gear. Occasionally, someone might start the car and let the clutch out. I would rather be in reverse than first in that situation. Most of the time after parking, the next step is reversing anyways.

Preference? Yes. Uneccesary? No.

I don't even have an ns switch. Sometimes I use the starter to roll it short distances.

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