[D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d] - /dbt/

[D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d] - /dbt/

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Motorcycle Ergonomics Simulator: will I look cool on it?

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I just took some pictures of my bike r8 me d/b/t.

First for please kill me

I thought you died/10


I did. I'll always be there in your heart to protect you from the skid demon.


that is one shiny rear tire, best get to scrubbing that asap


It's greasy as fuck in the city, which can be expected. One ride in rain and the tires look like this.

nah m8 you can see your chicken strips in the other photo

Afternoon dbt, just got home from riding, fuck does the 300 run well with the new reed valves in it, it's almost like the bike doesnt want to kill you anymore when you look at the throttle which is nice.

You fags do any riding today?

sup fags

But user, you can't discuss another anons tenderloins without posting your own stripless tyres

Not saying mine are stripless but I'm not trying to deny it by saying it's just greasy.

He does city commuting, let the boy do what he wants without worrying if his chicken tendies are undercooked

I put 500 miles on the highways of Queens and Long Island today. Barely made it home before the gas ran out. I prayed to god to bless my squid juice and he did.

The ocean wind smells like shit,

These were my strips before they got greasy.

When I was at the dealer buying my Tiger they had a set of Boyesen reeds for my KDX in the clearance bin. I was very tempted but was already spending lots of money on a new bike so I didn't.

Does a reed cage with reeds make a difference or are the reeds the real difference?

iirc the bike he rides physically can't de strip a tyre, stop trying to make squiddy lowslide aye

huge 2bh

Are these even worth looking at?
It's been up a while I figure I can get them lower, it'd be my first bike. I just don't want to get too invested, if it lasts a couple months of riding on the weekends I'd be happy.

Good budget beginner bikes with some kick to it still?

so far considering sv650 and gs500, though sv650 seems a bit out of my price range (about 1k over)

>chinese brand

have you ever heard of dirt biking in china?

It was running really rich/fouling spark plugs and i figured i just had the jetting all wrong, bought pic related for it to replace the vforce 3 reeds and just oh my god its a completely different bike.
you know how i was saying i had the thing set up so it makes nearly no top end?
Not anymore, on straight lines it fucking annihilates 450mx bikes now yet it still managed to keep all the bottom end and mid range power (don't even have to ride on the pipe while lugging it around in 3rd gear through single tracks)
Also it was doing this thing where when i let off the throttle there was a little blip in the revs before it would start winding down, kept making me flip the fucking thing, thats fixed too now it revs really smoothly right through the entire rev range.

If you can afford around $3k on a bike I can recommend the SV from experience, but I've only ever ridden that bike so who knows really.

Whatever you get I promise you'll be happy with it for quite a while.


postan cus I'm a rotard.

Hows this?


thats about 1800 USD, i spent too much on gear (dropped 1k on a dainese set) and so i need to budget for my beginner bike

m8 if you bought a bike a week ago I could have sold you my fz6 for 2400 in vancouver.

You got the CF reeds too?

>tfw no Vforce4 available for the KDX
Vforce3 not too bad of a price though.

literally buy this

I saw that but I know jack shit about motorcycles and so I saw 1999 and didn't pay it any attention, isnt that too old now? its 18 years old man

If it was well taken care of it will go much farther.

Moto Guzzi Breva 750. A truly fantastic cheap and reliable bike

I was told something that old is going to give me too many mech problems as a noob im not going to be able to deal with

Nah i used to have pic related in it, why i was so surprised at how much difference it made i always figured the vforce 4 couldnt be too much better.
And yeah thats a shame, you are right though vforce 3 aint terrible i mean have used them for years and never complained about them

Who told you that? It depends on so much more than just the age. A well taken care of 20 year old bike will be in better condition than a 2 year old bike that never has the chain lubed or oil changed.

Worst comes to worse you can just post here and try to get some help with a problem or take it to a shop.

Would pic related make a good first bike?

Maybe I'll wait and see if they come out with a Vforce4 for the KDX

It's a bit on the tame side for a beginner

On the off-chance this isn't the worst bait I've ever seen, no. You'll kill yourself.

5/10 Made me reply

Just looking at it for interest sake have you still got the CF reed cage for the kdx?
if you do you would probably feel the same kind of performance changes to what i did swapping from them to vforce 3
ignoring the person sitting on it, listen to how that one runs with them, crisp.

Still a significantly smarter choice than a faggot Ninja 250


and then we have 400cc bikes

Was wearing shorts on my way to school and apparently a spider was hidden somewhere because halfway through a turn I feel a pain on my leg and as I look down at a little spider on the edge of my shorts. Why do spiders love making webs all over my bike? I go maybe 2-3 days without riding but even after a single day I see webs everywhere.

>not appreciating bike spiders
they like to eat the bugs off your bike user, it is like having your own personal cleaners that you pay in dead bugs.

Oh boy it's time for more of bikes that are inferiour to modern 600s in every way but tire and brake wear.

Aw shit yeah I made it! I took my license! Watch out bitches I'm gonna leave you in my 400cc smoke!

Just passed my road test which means I'm fully licensed now, which is nice. So... Should I into motovlogging or not bother with it and just make Webms?

Any non pussified moto vloggers?

dank woolies webms

>he wants to die
They are only inferior at going over 200km/h, do you only ride in straight line or something?
have you ever been 200km/h on the touge?
its fucking terrifying.


Make dank webms for us!

When I turned 21, almost all of my friends moved away. So I basically hulled up for 3 years playing video games and watching TV with the GF.

>got my first bike (ninja 300ABS h8 away) a week ago
>decide to try and make some new friends
>go on some local sport bike forum. meet a couple guys who say they're new too
>they both have ninja 650's, older ones
>we drive through midtown and they're doing wheelies and shit
>today they kind of pressured me to do freeways for the first time
>don't have any friends and didn't want them to get bored of me so i went
>was scary but pretty fun.
>we end up at one of the guys houses
>massive mansion
>keep riding
>by the end of the day, mostly okay riding on the freeway

Motorcycles fix lives. I think?

Motovlogging is cancer; don't do it unless you have really interesting shit to talk about (protip: you don't). Just make webms.

You're all a bunch of cunts

Probably more deaths than saved lifes tbqh

Well at least im not the one calling everyone a cunt

There is a reason so many people love bikes so much.
its not all about the bikes, a lot of it is the people you meet.


What shitty country are you from?

>They are only inferior at going over 200km/h
>look at how much faster these 400s are on a race track
>oh fuck nobody wants to go fast though

I guess if you were riding exclusively mountain hairpins than the short wheelbase might matter but otherwise any fuel injected 600 has a better chassis, better brakes, more torque, and better power delivery, and those all count under 200kph.

Is this a good enough jacket?


>Guys told me to take off my clothes
>I did it becuase pressure and i have no friends
>They both fuckt my boipucci
>They they cucked me
>Jerked off while they rekt my gf pussay

Is this normal for small learner bike rides dbt?

lol wtf


That bitch must be really fat


post your learner bike user

Already told you its a ninja 300

Is that supposed to be fast or something?

i was telling him to post his cool learner bike because he was picking on you for riding a 300

Having some coffee thinking about what and where to ride today.

It was bumpy as fuck.
I went 100 mph on a similar road once, felt like IOMTT. Didn't have camera running though.

Telling me?

so you fucked the guys then?

>Just got learners license
>Not allowed to drive past sunset until Oct 1. 2017
>literally have to miss next season as well

why life?

Not really impressive or interesting desu.

I hope you live in a southern country, otherwise you can't even ride to work

He's trying to pretend that he's me because he doesn't like that people ride Ninja 300s.


You aren't very impressive or interesting either though user


Here in the US, I took a 3 day class. Total of 10 hours on a bike. After that, I could legally ride/buy any bike I want, ride any time of night, any place, and with a passenger.



I'll impress you with my interesting dick bro



Yes, im sorry i let you down dbt

why the fuck can't he upshift properly?

git gud

>That house color
>"S" on the back of the car
gee I wonder

>all them cars
absolute madman, 2spooky4me
he pulls the clutch in at full throttle then dumps it because he dun give a fuck



Oh watch out you woke that car up while it was sleeping normally they are angry when you do that


>he pulls the clutch in at full throttle then dumps it because he dun give a fuck
I know
And I think it's stupid

I raced a Corvette on my little 250 and beat him with a rev launch. When I tried to brofist him when he caught up he was mad and said he would've went faster but he "was too old".


yeah i agree, he would be better off not using the clutch considering he doesnt know how to use one.