Wild Veeky Forumstist sighting thread
Wild Veeky Forumstist sighting thread
I have yet to see an Veeky Forums sticker on someone's car in real life (other than mine).
Germoney here.
I'll probably never see an Veeky Forumstist sticker on any car.
there's one at the Ring
how did an Veeky Forumstist end up with a CRZ?
some kid at my alma mater high school drives a white 240? with a couple of Veeky Forums stickers, some peeks, and full rising sun paintjobs on both rear quarter panels. probably mainstream enough that he isn't a regular Veeky Forums user, but... shrug. i'll get some pics next time i'm down there.
Spotted this wrx a while back. Actually met him too, he's a pretty cool guy.
i dont know man, the sticker, cf bodykit, wheels kinda confused me on an ff hybrid
I've got an STI WAT sticker on my WRX hatch, along with a D.Va decal over the subie logo. Sure someone'll see it someday.
someday ;_;
Lonely drivers?
I don't remember this
>super eurobeat sitting that high off of the sill
Fuck yes
Spotted this clean 8th gen Si a few months back
I'm glad no one ever found my old car that had like half the back window covered with custom decals.
I almost said I'm glad I never posted pictures of my current car here, but then I remember I posted a couple pictures of my custom vocaloid sun strip, so I guess I'm still endangered.
I've never noticed a blatantly Veeky Forums tier car before. I feel like there's a really slim chance of people ever running into each other outside of a meet up.
I've seen only one person irl with an Veeky Forums related sticker, and it was an fb rx-7 with a lonely drivers slap. Any cincinnatibros on here besides kentuckybro?
Eurobeat position is making me cringe
There's a guy at my uni who drives a hideous matte purple miata, and another white miata the dumbass asking for $7k on the for sale sign despite being a piece of shit. They look autistic enough to be regular shitposters. White miata guy is wears glasses and looks like a fucking nerd. Socal btw
You will never sell your miata anywhere near the asking price. IDIOT
We all make mistakes senpai.
I'll get one as soon as I sold my shitbox and have a car that I really like. Then we can have roadtrips for days to find each other.
I've run into a few people with them here in SoCal. I don't have a sticker on my own car, though.
I once parked next to one at Fry's and he happened to get back to his car right when I did, so I said hi, he seemed really weirded out.
I saw a white miata in Essen an couple of days ago. He had a Night Drive sticker in the rear bumper. There are some guy around here.
Found this gem a while ago in Brampton, ON. It's not even the stickers that kill me, it's the fucking subway handle hanging inside the car
You just stuck that onto a random car and took a pic didn't you
>tfw Veeky Forums acts all tough and Veeky Forums conform and then you see a car that obviously belongs to an Veeky Forumstist and next to Veeky Forums related stickers you find tons of embarrassing twitter hashtags and reddit maymays
we either have lots of closet normies here or many try hard to fit into the normie crowd
I think it's a bit of both. I know that I have to pretend to be a normie for uni and networking, but I still putstickers on shit, and am a massive weeb with the lads.
Or some of us simply don't give a fuck about being Veeky Forums conformity or normies or whatever.
>we either have lots of closet normies here or many try hard to fit into the normie crowd
What do you consider a normie? Anybody who isn't an autistic virgin loser such as yourself?
The most ironic thing of all is that you posted that comment on a fucking windows machine LOL.
I never hide the fact that I go to reddit. Why should I?
If someone recognizes my bike and talk to me they'll find out that I'm pretty much a normie.
normies during the day
wizzards at night
>tfw i have to pretend to like the animes to fit in here
Saw a rusty beaten to hell E36 with a WAT Racing sticker in Lithuania once.
normie in the streets, wizard in the sheets
>not legitimately liking anime
You need something to do to fill the time when you aren't at work, or with your car, and chinese cartoons are perfect for less sociable individuals.
Anime is for children
>we either have lots of closet normies here or many try hard to fit into the normie crowd
cars are a pretty normie hobby user, Veeky Forums has a fairly large normie population.
If anything, I think the anime stickers just prove that we can put naked anime waifus on our cars and no one will question it. People will either think its some new weird car fad, or the person is a normalized, almost non-autistic weeaboo with disposable income.
>I only watch mature television shows for mature people like me
What cool shows do you get in your dorm, kid.
I only watch mature shows like breaking bad or game of thrones. I cringe whenever someone says he likes muh anime and I instantly think hes a fuckwit
>I only watch mature shows like breaking bad or game of thrones.
Dat try hard doe
Hm, this might be good
Moeshit is trash but a decent amount of mecha is entertaining.
>16 years
>a while
fuck off grandpa
lmao you couldn't drive in the early ots? What a stupid cunt.
Couple weeks ago I went to walgreens at like 1AM and there was this chubby greasy guy buying hot wheels. I know it was one of you. Happened in LA btw
I live in Wichita, KS so its just not gonna happen
There's a few of us from kansas, I sold my car to an Veeky Forumstist on craiglist just by chance
Yeah i figured there would be a few just from the KC meets but I assume most of them are in the KC area
Any Veeky Forumstist in Shit Jersey?
I saw a new or almost new red corolla with akina speed stars sticker on the back window. This was in South Florida.
I spotted a red FR-S in my parking lot with a WAT sticker on it. I walked away in disgust after noticing it was an Automatic.
the one in san marcos?
newfag here
what is the meaning of WAT stickers?
I saw a black ice tree hanging from the rear view mirror of a WRX. Does that count?
>brampton, ON
Car insurance fraud capital of North America. Gee, I wonder why.
Wtf op that's my car haha wanna meet up and suck each other's dicks?
Why the fuck would you go there?
lurk more
which stickers are you talking about?
I saw a wat sticker on somes guys helmet at local cone fag event last week
>he had a miata