>4 door cars
4 door cars
>OP keeps making the same thread because he's got nothing else to do
>"hey user, what did you do this weekend?"
>OP:"Oh, my old thread on Veeky Forums got deleted so I had to make it all over again! It happened like 3 times! being an epic troll is so hard XD"
>"wow user that's really lame you should probably re-evaluate your life choices"
>0 friends autists
T. 4door cucks
4doors are ugly as fuck
I drive a 2 door hatchback
Sounds like someone had their civic coupe passed by a station wagon.
Me too. I regret not getting a 5 door because it's more practical.
the new civic hatch will have both 2 and 4 door options
3-door retard.
the hatch is considered a door you fucking mong
mfw when supreme 3 door masterrace
More doors
More whores
Unless you drive some richard scarry shit like this, it has 3-doors. Retard
>Americans saying 2/4 door
>not realising it's 3/5 door
>no ecoboost
quotation mark yes quotation mark
Alphonse takes it up his back door
Only if it's a hatch you cuck
I might be weird but I enjoy seeing 4 door classics in the wild more than 2-doors. That's commitment to classics, to cruise in a 4-door.
>Having doors
>2 door car with wheelbase the same length as a 4 door.