Cheesecake is pretty good
op is a nigger
>Kutztown Dragon
Stop advertising your shitty channel
Also, Matt Farah is better.
You mean Fatt Marah
love a good laugh
I did
muh furry
OP here. I didn't know about this. Have to rethink some stuff.
He's pretty handsome desu
Do we have to have this thread every fucking week
isnt that the turnover period of the average summershit
>le summer maymay
You know school has been in session for several weeks already?
Retards exist throughout the year,and there's only a minor influx in summer browsers.
Have a look at the catalog/archive, there's been a few posts up for about a week now.
Where did it all go so wrong?
The vagabond falcon might as well stopped existing when he finished it.
Literally 0 followup about it. Sad because so many people helped him build it.
A couple funny ones but I think sometimes he likes cars that no one else likes just to be snobby
Probably wrecked or some furry scum boi, stole it.
>tfw he's the best-looking furry I've seen
Well, except one dude on /k/ I saw a couple years ago in a /k/-Veeky Forums thread.
Last thing I saw about it was that the brakes were fucked up on it. He said that's been fixed and the only thing anyone was seen was a few seconds of footage of it sitting at a car show.
It's probably still fucking broken.
He's been doing follow-up, but he said himself he wants to drive it a lot to do an in-depth review of before and after.
>in depth
Bro are you trying to fucking Jew me, stick to REGULAR I'll do IN DEPTH fucking prettyboi don't make me whip out my fucking sneak and rape your boypucci and describe it to you in extrutiating detail
He's fucking annoying. Hardly any of his jokes are funny, depends on moaning and groaning noises to fill in gaps. Tells you 3 things about the car and then says more stupid shit. Roman(o?) sounds like shit in the intro.
>the same 20 or so anons haven't always just been using summer as an excuse for x-x-xtreme shitposting
>underaged b&s would make any serious amount of effort to troll this board of all places
The only original threads on Veeky Forums anymore are one of the many generals, which is really depressing.
Let's just take a glance at the catalog real quick.
>general, general, general, qtddtot, post car ass, tech support, /mu/, stance, tech support, tech support, general, general, general, /v/, general, general, >4 cylinders, general, cop stories
Like Jesus Fucking Christ what's even the point of coming to this board anymore? With all the generals, we'd be much better off just going to more dedicated forums.
I fucking hate generals, because before there seemed to be a constant flow of content even if some was shitty. Now there are so few threads the board stagnates which allows that nigger Alphonse to nuke the board every night.
So that really is him?
There's some decent looking furfags, actually. They rarely advertise it, though.
Yeah, my ex-bf was pretty nice looking as far as slavs can go.
I don't blame them for not advertising, you say you're a furry and you're associated with a bunch of autistic fetishists and SJWs.
RCRcomes on o every now and then
Do we see him post? Or does he just browse?
Dammit, Veeky Forums
>associated with a bunch of autistic fetishists
Associated? No no no, he IS one of the autists.
I think in general though, most furries don't admit it to randoms for that reason.
There are two kinds of furries. The weird fetishists and film students who enjoy doing it from a prop/makeup perspective. Mr Regular is the latter.
I mean probably. Begs the question why they'd admit it to anyone if that was the case. Con-going types are so socially fucked it's probably the first thing they tell anyone, and the ones who have the presence of mind to keep that shit to themselves probably don't even tell other furfags so nobody knows. The whole "well-adjusted furry" thing is such bullshit.
Nah, he's a furry because they were the only ones who laughed at his autistic cringe worthy "so randumb EX DEE" humor.
I like this opinion.
This is a pretty good opinion.
To be fair most public schools (at least that I'm aware of) will begin their first terms this Tuesday. The schools I attended and ever one surrounding mine all started the day after Labor Day.
its cute that some normie scum thinks he's funny
thats about all there is though
I don't care so much that he is a furry more that he thinks he is some sort of automotive anthropologist and writes scripts to impress other english majors.
Am I the only one who gets a serious Plinkett vibe from some of his videos?
Like this one
i have to know what time it is
the ones where he walks around car shows are better
These are probably my favourite RCR videos, other than some of the early reviews.
tacoma btw
Wtf? I love him now. Is he gay?
Where are you faggots getting furry from
mr regular was formerly known as kutztown dragon, a furry "reporter". watch any of the videos and you'll recognize his voice.
I like it
-sometimes thoughtful
-average car is Veeky Forums-tier
He rants a bit too much about useless psychology degree bullshit but that's my only real complaint
No shit, why you like it
>regular fur reviews
He is a furry, so you have a shot so long as you dress yourself up in a dragon suit and smear pheromones on your bumhole
I'm not a furry and to be honest I find most furries weird as fuck, but if he's not "in character" or wearing a dragon suit in his videos I don't give a shit. It's not like he's a furry car reviewer, he's just a regular car reviewer that happens to be a furry. People should continue to enjoy his content if they so choose regardless of his fucked up sexual kinks.
he's not so regular anymore, now that his subs want him to test ferraris and audi r8's and shit.
Pretty entertaining for a furry.
>It's not like he's a furry car reviewer
This would be hilarious.
Some of his shit is good. Didn't he used to go on Veeky Forums before he got grilled hard for being a furry?
Pic related is the actual Veeky Forumsutist who got his car on the show, as far as I know he's still salty that mr regular got his name wrong after being told multiple times how it was pronounced. Personally I think he should get more shitboxes like this on the show
Hit n miss
He refrenced /d/ and bad dragon, I wouldn't be surprised if he did. Why.. he could be in this very thread!
He did a documentary on furries in like 05, I really want to see it
Why would he waste his time here?
Now that JewTube has changed their revenue shit he's probably freaking out.
>Now that JewTube has changed their revenue shit he's probably freaking out.
Given the backlash I'm pretty sure they'll revert it in the week. Plus he's got his patreon so I doubt he's worried.
They didn't go back on RedTube, I don't know if they will.
Forgot about that, I wish I could figure out how to get people to give me money for free.
>Forgot about that, I wish I could figure out how to get people to give me money for free.
I thought he had a day job?
I don't understand, what does a catfish have to do with getting free money out of people.
I think he quit that.
He said he used to do something, I think he was a teacher, probably a writer given his education. He said he got called to come work for them again but youtube cash was paying well enough that he didn't have to.
Ah, never heard that usage before. Must be an older usage of catfish, seems pretty 30's-50's in origin.
Far as I know it's pretty recent, with online dating and whatnot
That would make sense given all the desperate lonely people out there.
Learned something new today.
the fuck are you talking about? that use of the word started over a documentary that evolved into a wildly popular reality tv show
I don't watch much TV, especially reality show.
if you can't be bothered to look up the origin of something you're unfamiliar with, you probably can't be trusted to maintain a motor vehicle
normies fuck off my board
These two things have nothing to do with each other.
i'd never heard this term before either until this week, apparently it happened to my roommate when he went out on a tinder date. I thought i was mishearing him at first and he was trying to tell me my cat had shit on the carpet or something.
i don't understand how you people function, just wandering through life, guessing at every impasse
That is what Google is for.
>spoiler: it's not a 30s-50s term, you fucking autistic dick sandwich
nu male
We've already established what the word means. We also have established it wasn't from the past.
You're autism is unneeded here.
He's a meme spouting furfag and has never said anything of value and only "reviews" meme cars
>it's a "/pol/ is jealous of everyone that can grow half-dcent facial hair" episode
I'd be willing to bet that if he does come, he's made one of these threads before
IT's #1!
found the miata driver
>autism triggers because someone doesnt pronounce your name right
a true 4channeler :^
I find Miatas too slow 2bh.
Which Veeky Forums thread is best Veeky Forums thread?
>He refrenced /d/
When did this happen?