>Vipers are oh so scary, who would ever want one
>Vipers are oh so scary, who would ever want one
Doug DeMemeo now owns a Viper. In blue and white 1996/7.
I am not likely to own one...
Yep, time to kill myself.
It looks like a toy car, something Barbie and Ken would drive
Bro did you even get the new latest news who owns a viper too?
Vipers are shitty engineered death traps, that's why I would never want one.
That's what made the viper so goddamn awesome. The fact that it looked and performed like a cartoon car.
Peter Pettigrew?
Literally who.
You're the faggot we're mocking.
Saabkyle04 the fucking drivers seat of YouTube
Omfg kys
what does kys mean?
you and your imaginary army of virgin autists? eat shit.
Potion seller, I need your strongest potions!
Why do all youtube car reviewers look like some kind of weird sperg creature? Is it because they're all trustfund kids?
Sweet banshee
>scared of 1990 technology
>can't drive
ayy malao
Who the fuck is this
Kill yourself.
omfg XD
Wouldn't that be ky?
this is what americans actually believe
The implication was that it was primitive or non-existent.
His face looks pasted on.
Nah, that guy nearly cried in his video about getting the viper, and I'm pretty sure that growing up his father owned a little shack of a pre-owned lot or something, so I think he made his money himself
these wheels are cool as fuck
They look like they got it from Saab
I like how every three spoke wheel is a Saab wheel now. Three spoke wheel is a Saab signature, but desu the 1g viper brought them to meme territory
>GM car with 3 spoke wheels
Basically a Saab
This gem of truth that shows what's wrong with the current generation.
This. RT/10 a god.
And that is?