How do i pass my drivers test Veeky Forums this is the third time ive failed

how do i pass my drivers test Veeky Forums this is the third time ive failed.

git gud

git good

are you in yurop ?
if yes, focus and you will be fine
in the US ?
kys it's the only solution

what if no to both

well i don't know how the drivers test are in canada

they're easy and if you fail they tell you how to pass and make it easier the second time around

hard desu

any advice would be appreciated goys

i sense some conflict here
just be relaxed but stay focused on the road

Just give up. There are enough retards on the road.

Idk but in the US we always ask around and go to the DMV with the most lenient/lax testers. Mine was still a hardass but grudgingly passed me after a pedestrian jumped out onto the sidewalk last minute and I almost ran her over.


It took me 3 attempts as well.

On the third try - the instructor looked at me, shook his head and said, "Let's just get you the hell out of here" while signing me the O.K. before we even started.

I've never failed. And I've taken the driver's test twice.

Just move to Ohio.

You can get a license in a cereal box there it seems like.

Git Gud

i got my license on the fourth try

i failed my test twice, on the morning of my 3rd attempt a pal convinced me to share a doobie.
my test was around 3pm so i thought why the fuck not?
by the time i was about to take my test i'd straightened out enough but was still relaxed, relaxed enough to not be so bloody nervous like i was the previous two times.

i am not condoning driving while stoned

if doobies are not your cup of tea go to the doc, get a mild tranq to take the night before.

Do the test with a cop.

No bullshitting, cops from my experience are nicer than DOT people.

>failing your driving test

how the fuck does one accomplish this? the only person in my class who failed was this idiot girl who tried to make a u-turn while the left turn light was red. if you're that bad, OP, please just ride the bus. it's cheaper anyway

3 strikes and ur out m8. If you can't pass something as easy as a driving test the 1st time around then you lack the mental capacity to be on the road.

i take it you passed your test first time ?
where was this?
manuel or autoragic?

some countries have very strict driving tests, here in this septic isle we call the UK its tough as fuck

I took mine in NH, as long as you're not a retard you can fuck up one or two minor things or one style of parking as long as your driving, stopping, signaling and shit is fine.

I jobbed back in parking because I never cared enough to practice it and I nailed everything else so it was fine,

yeah, i did. it was on a autotragic (ameritard, VA specifically) but i learned to drive on a manual seeing as both of my parents' cars were manual at the time. the test involved pre-drive inspection, neighborhood, "downtown," and highway driving, plus parking. what are the tests like in bongland? i just can't imagine what they would ask you to do that would be so difficult

not him but I passed first try in Finland. We have a three part test before we get final license, "hard as fuck". Passed on the first try and I'm fucking retarded.

Incl. manual car, parking, hwy, city, reversing, multiple intersections and roundabouts. We are only told to drive to certain destination and have to get there our own way, we are allowed to ask directions tho.

Most of the people in america would not pass.

>most people in america wouldn't pass

other than the manual part i highly doubt that

>buy cereal
>pour out cereal
>retrieve license from box
t. American

dem feels.
Everything related to actual driving i passed with flying colors, not a single mistake.
However the final theory test vs timer I failed 3 times, only passed because they stopped timer on my fourth attempt.

>third time
drink bleach you fucking retard, you should not be allowed on the roads.

Go home eric

Haмepи cи пo - дoбpa мyзичкa и фaни ce нayчи дa cпиpaш нa cтoпoвe. Ocтaнaлoтo би тpябвaлo дa e лecнo.

Maybe you shouldn't drive on the sidewalk

You are clearly pathologically incompetent - buy a bus pass - far too many incompetent idiots in cars already, we don't need any more.

>this is the third time ive failed.

Well, maybe you shouldn't be allowed to drive. Take a fucking clue.

3rd time failed? Sorry op, maybe your not meant to drive.

told this story before

>first son takes driver's ed
>goes for test
>fails on some minor shit
>finally gets his license
>good driver
>second son takes driver's ed
>I take him to take his test
>son is tall, built and handsome
>state cop gets in car
>twenty-something female cop
>test starts
>cop is telling my son how well-built he is
>"you must play football"
>"girls must be chasing after you"
>son speeds down first street
>son doesn't stop at stop sign
>parallel parks and hits curb
>"good job. here's your license"

since then he has gotten at least 15 traffic tickets, suspended license twice, had to take the safety course twice to get his license back and now he's carless since he can't afford the insurance.

Women ruin everything.