How does Veeky Forums feel about Soarers, specifically JZZ30s?

How does Veeky Forums feel about Soarers, specifically JZZ30s?

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Awesome cars, wish to own one, never seen one irl and probably never will

Why don't you see them?

Cuz eastern european shithole

Ah that would make sense, I see them every day here in Australia

majority of them here in australia are autotragic though :( well at least the ones i see that are for sale

Yeah, we didn't get many Aus delivered manuals, the conversion isn't hard though.

You aussies got it made in terms of car culture.

Very nice underrated cars. Here in britain there's a few, some used as missiles, but I'd love one and stick a vertex kit on it.

Yeah we do, I'll be buying one early next year.

If you mean where I live, I'm in South Australia.

They do got it pretty good. Cool JDM cars plus V8 holdens

i prefer the 1uz engine, but its still a quick, sexy, comfortable car to drive

just pray nothing breaks down

Just go to a drift event

At my local drift events, you can see a variety of e36 sedans, 318 e30 and maybe one s13

Do you live in Moldova or something? We have some great events in the East
Skip to around 4:10 for the fun part.

theyre pigfat slow stock but look really nice.

I love em

I miss making fun of GS400guy every time he posted his SC with Soarer badges

I live in America I don't see a sc300/400 daily

They are the (very) poor man's Supra. Boring phallic design when stock and try-hard when modified with ricer body kits. It's a grand tourer, so it's not going to be sporty nor very spacious or practical. The car doesn't excel at anything.

Kek, you really don't know much about these cars then.

Theyre for people too poor for supras

I owned a 94 GT-T manual
>immense interior
>ls400 comfy
>powerful torquey 1jz engine with a lot of possibilities of performance
It is the poor man's supra like a wolf in sheeps clothing.
They are awful stock you need to open up the engine by replacing the restricted airbox, intercooler and exhaust. Add a fuel cut defender and a boost controller set to 14psi MAX (turbos shit themselves higher then that) and you got yourself a 250whp mad machine that is always trying to throw you off or kill you. They are good platforms for drifting. But very heavy and you can feel the heaviness.
The damn doors are literally the heaviest parts of the car. The door hinges are stupid over engineered and the whole assembly is just fucking enormous heavy. The chassis is the same as the a70 supra if I recall, shares same diffs and suspension bits as an a80 supra.

>door hinges
I love the hinges on the Z20 so much


Come to Australia, there are millions, you can get them for $1k

Look harder. I saw one recently and a lot on sale.