I need your help Veeky Forums.
My girl sent me this picture saying she is with family but this interior does not look like her families camry. I think she might be cheating on me. What car has this interior?
I need your help Veeky Forums.
My girl sent me this picture saying she is with family but this interior does not look like her families camry. I think she might be cheating on me. What car has this interior?
Well that's a Nissan so...does the model really matter?
At least it's not a Benz.
fuck papa
Ask her enthusiastically when did they get a new car.
Nissan Maxima
typical nigger car
it's over user
Not your personal investigation agency.
It's a nice Nissan Camry, don't worry.
Or DuneCoon.
Probably a rapefugee.
Cute looking boob bump
Since shes cheating on you how about a decent picture?
Your gf has good taste.
Looks like an Altima.
>Nissan fwd sedan
Pick one
kek burn the coal pay the toll
enjoy your herpiesyphalaids
I pick both. Nissan is the superior Japcar.
who is this fluid druid
It's not a nicer interior than a Honda, not note reliable in any way than either that or a Toyota and is no where as all around good as a fusion or impala
SUV next to it so a sedan Nissan Altima or Maxima?
>OPs girl
>OPs girls friend
You just got cucked bro
the nissan logo is obvious as fuck tho, just tell her "since when your family drive a nissan?"
Op, text her parents about their new Nissan, take action based off response.
Cute boob and hair. Is the rest of her cute?
Sup op what happened? Sitrep.
>left-hand drive
the pic is mirrored dumb fuck
... You're kidding, right?
Thinking about shit bro. I asked her about it and she said they have like 5 cars so finding out all of them now. I shit test her all the time and so far she hasn't lied about anything
Yeah she's a cutie. Tight af too
Stop being such a bitch, you'll only drive her away with your autistic paranoia
Hahaha i know right
OP if you can, check the exif data on any pics she's sent you, maybe you can find the location as to were the pics were taken.
fuck dude chill
You always gotta keep that pussy on lockdown.
Also, have a keylogger on your computer for when she uses it, you can figure out her Gmail password.
From there, you can go into her google dashboard and it will tell you everything, her google search history, pictures she has saved will also get backed up, any apps she has downloaded, and her GPS history , and of course, her emails.
Oh and better yet, all her contacts aswell.
dude that a bit insecure
why do you go out with girl you can't trust ?
That's not really insecure, just having all your ducks lined up incase you do get cucked.
This is in the beginning stage of the relationship to see if she passes, to see if you can trust her.
>I trust my girl
The words found on many a cuck's gravestone
Don't ever trust a female, user.
Exactly man, it's the nature of the beast.
>he cant' find a girl who won't cheat on him
but that's a bet you have to take sometimes that what trust is dude
Yes it is. The shift bezel is different on the Altima.
Google it faggot
I trust only one thing in a woman: that she will not come to life again after she is dead. In all other things I distrust her.
>she may be cheating
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Black guy confirmed
She's in a camry.
Never trust ANYTHING that bleeds for a week but doesn't die.
Why are Nissan associated with niggers?
The same way you are associated with buses
>right hand drive nissan maxima
truly the BBC.
>ghosn nissan
she lied about the car
Ya but what if her cousin has a Nissan?
Ask for a picture.
>Nissan Maxima
She's getting B L A C K E D
Jesus man, I always thought you were just the FR-shitposting Itsuki of the board.
I'm legit impressed.
Post her tits.
I did this same shit with my girlfriend. She pissed me off so much once that I mass wiped her phone from her dashboard and she was none the wiser lmao.
The kind of guys who spy on their gf's phones are the kind of guys who match up with grils who fuck randoms behind their backs. Guys who are secure because they have their shit together are going to be better able to keep a woman happy enough not to need to cheat.
I'll take the bait.
>Senior year of HS meet a girl from another school at a trade school
>Multiple dinner/movie dates, prom
>Throughout college we're still together, both at different schools
>We had a thing where we'd go out once a week for something to do - I always paid
>Have my place and she stays with me & my dog; don't charge her nothing to stay with me
>Never got fussy about who she was going out with when she went out
>One day she comes back smelling like some kind of Cologne; I recognized it as the Cologne she wanted to buy me
>Expecting a bottle of cologne, never mentioned it to her
>After a week or two she starts going out more frequently, blew off our date night
>That's okay, I want to go to the races with my friends
>Same night got shitfaced and smashed my phone
>Went home that morning still slightly drunk
>Asked to use her phone so I could call my friend
>While using her phone some guy, Matt, sent her a text
>Didn't ask her just ignored it
>Spent the next few days always wondering
>After a couple weeks I smelled the cologne again
>"Hun, did you buy that cologne for me? "
>Instantly full defense mode and played stupid
Eventually turned out she was seeing some guy in the Navy. Not a high ranking officer or anything. Just a scrawny white guy that stood just a couple inches taller than her.
After I called it quits and told her to get out he showed up to help haul her stuff out. While he was there I just went out into the garage and talked to my dog. He never attempted to step into my house so that was okay.
She came back after they split and apologized. I think she just wanted a place to stay that wasn't her parents. Although I wanted to say yes I said no. We were together 4 years five months.
>I was told she left as she thought i was going to propose on our 3 year & then again on our 4
Haven't had a steady in two years now.
I'm getting old and it didn't dawn on me till now. At least my cars will always be here for me.