What is the anthro fox of cars? I wont be able to find my wifu in real life, but maybe I can get the next best thing

What is the anthro fox of cars? I wont be able to find my wifu in real life, but maybe I can get the next best thing.

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Fox is fox


>It's sexy
>It's cute
>It goes fast

VW Fox

honda fit

fox body is the only appropriate answer

Yiff in hell faggots

yiff is over rated

wanna yiff?

Yiff in hell faggots


Stay mad skunkfucker

Yiff in hell

Why so mad that somebody enjoys this type of art?

I get it :)

I don't :(

this'll answer it for you

Blocked, muted, derendered.

art may be subjective, but if this is art it would be the feminist that queefed out paint filled eggs onto a big canvas

He didn't say anything about foxes

You furries sure are dumb

Kill yoursef furfag

>Waaahh a furfag thinks MY car is foxy


>what's wrong with being a zoophile

furry isn't zoophila

Literally my fetish