Chassis mounted wings give me a fantastic erection.
Chassis mounted wings give me a fantastic erection
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Nice blog post
This ruins the car.
Makes the trunk kinda pointless too.
make you look like a cuck
lol what a cuck
way to announce ur asian and have a truly tiny benis
nigger looks like a cuck to watashi
the samefagging itt is crazy
how did low mounted wings hurt you user
just for you
Wow I bet they go to the track so much
bet you go to the track so much
I don't
But I don't have retarded aero that's only useful at a track.
i dig em but i wouldnt do it
I liked them before they were cool
whats the point?
avoid this
What would happen if instead of mounting the wing to the chassis, you somehow mounted it directly to the rear axle or control arms or something- meaning it's bypassing the suspension. Would that be more efficient than chassis mounting because the suspension wouldn't be absorbing any of the downforce? Or would it cause problems? I've heard that unsprung weight is a bad thing
they tried it in the 60's
apparently the suspension changes affected the wing's position and made the car unstable
it would be interesting to see an individual wing for each wheel
>I've heard that unsprung weight is a bad thing
you mean mass, mass and weight are different