if you stumbled upon $500,000,000.00 USD in umarked bills what would you do? what CAN you do?
If you stumbled upon $500,000,000.00 USD in umarked bills what would you do? what CAN you do?
hire a lawyer
Hide it in my basement and slowly launder it. Tell no one.
wouldn't it take forever to launder that?
It would take decades to do it the right way, making sure nobody caught on.
couldn't you buy gold bullions in cash at various places all at once by hiring a bunch of lawyers?
3 or 4 years, buy shitty Laundromat or car wash r other coin op via a bank loan after the first year show it has been a great success use pay back half the loan and borrow enough to buy a 2nd location repeat this until you have a few bought and then just say they made whatever you need them to
what can you do? anything you want
Yeah, I'm sure nobody will think it's suspicious you made half a billion dollars from a shitty laundromat in 3 or 4 years.
Why the fuck would you want half a billion dollars worth of gold bullion?
well a gold bullion is worth around $500,000.00 isn't it? multiply that by 200 and it's way more manageable than that pile.
I don't take shit that isn't mine and most likely belongs to people who cut off heads as a warning to other people.
that depends on the circumstances of my discovery.
Please go into detail on how a $500,000 block of gold is more manageable than cash. I would love to hear your reasoning.
I don't know what you CAN, but you SHOULD set up rat traps around it.
Pablo learned it the hard way.
How about doing something like starting a marine salvage company, as in you go diving and hunt for sunken ships with treasures, would this work?
you can melt it down
What are you gonna say, you found $500m in a ship?
I would burn it to combat US inflation.
What I used to do when I dealt was just pay all of my expenses in cash. Use the dirty money for groceries, gas, clothes, anything that isn't going to be traced. I wasn't making more than a few grand so that was easy. As a waiter I could have just declared extra tips every night to launder a little at a time. Over the longer term, you could start any kind of cash business and expand at a quick but believable rate. Half a billion is a LOT of money and the IRS is going to be going over your income with a fine-toothed comb. Open a restaurant, laundromat, car wash, etc. It's easy but it takes time and most of all it takes discipline. If you get cocky and greedy and start declaring a million a year in tips, someone is going to catch on fast. If you come from nothing and all of a sudden have 10 laundromats and a dozen restaurants, you're going to jail.
Put the money in either stocks/bitcoin, slowly over a year increase my money, reuse same cash to manipulate a market and rake in a shit ton of money.
Either that or just use it to loan, live off the money for the rest of my life.
Dude, the first fucking problem is to get the money turned into a digital currency. How will you manage to 'simply' convert all that shit into bitcoins without getting caught?
Nothing personnel kid.
Is there any way you could just contact the government and get to keep 10 percent legitimately?
I remember watching a documentary that talked about a marine salvage company which specializes in searching for lost ships with gold and before they do anything they research the ship because their minimum project is valued at around $50M and they say there are many billions of dollars in gold in sunken ships.
Enjoy having the previous owner find out and cut your family's heads off in front of you, just before being tortured for days and left dying in a ditch somewhere.
You could do a little with localbitcoins trading bitcoins for cash with complete strangers.
Doesn't that gold have great historical value?
Would you be able to make money from it it it's shaped like coins, jewelry, etc?
Phone a friend
>si, hola, el chapo?
>si, esto es El Chapo.
I'm sure he would be a nice guy about it.
Part of the documentary I saw they talked about how this US marine salvage company researched this Spanish ship that sunk in the 1400s and they figured it should have more than $100M in gold. It sunk in a area a mile deep so they invested a lot of money in specialized stuff to go that deep and recover the gold. After they recovered it they filled a warehouse with it and lodged a claim for it with the US government. Then the Spanish government ran to the US government asking for their gold back and the Spanish government made a deal for some favors if the US government forced the marine salvage company to return the gold to Spain.
see It had great value not only worth over $100M but also the Spanish government considered it part of their history so they really wanted it back.
Also at the same time the goverment of..I think it was Peru or something claimed that the Spanish stole the gold from them so they wanted it back but they didnt have a good bargaining position to trade favors(corruption) as did the Spanish government.
So they had to give it back for free, of thay got some compensation in the end by either government?
starting around 10minutes.
I think they lost their investment.
Shouldn't that be expected?
I mean, everything they find is bound to have some historical relevance to some country (unless they found ingots, but even in that case I would expect them to be pressured into giving it anyway).
later in that video they talk about how the company went to the next project after that Spanish one, they found a British ship and made a deal with the British government to split it with them and give them a percentage finders fee basically.
That much money?
Fucking hide it and live off it forever. Fuck soft laundering maybe, but I would mostly be happy to have enough cash to live the cool life. I can't invest it or buy real Estate with it, but who fucking cares.
A smaller amount, like a few million, would be more tempting to fully launder because it would really need to be invested to make a life out of it.
>500m cash
> rant sweet pads for short periods of time, no fucks given
>slowly remodel the shit out of the house I already own.
>spend a ton on vacations
>have cool, but not suspectiously valuable cars.
>stay off the Irs radar
>maybe open a small business to launder a small amount of cash just to have an honest looking income on the books.
It's not perfect but it beats the following
>get caught trying to launder hundreds of millions of dollars and going to prison
>trying to make a legitimate claim on the money only to have the state confiscate it.
>trying to make a legitimate claim on the money only to get robbed and killed by that dude from "No Country for Old Men"
I think I could live a pretty sweet cash only life without raising too many red flags.
Ah ok.
I'm watching it ATM, very interesting, thank you.
But what I was thinking is that if amateur divers on vacation could accidentally discover pic related, surely someone could "discover" something like millions of dollars?
hide the money, live a humble and acetic life in a safe area. Treat myself to large steak dinners every few days, and fucking every high-end escort in the country paying cash and using a fake name.
Seriously think about that for 5 seconds. How are you going to pass off the story that you found $500m in hard cash in a sunken ship?
I should have elaborated to make myself clearer what I was thinking.
do your research
find out the absolute bare minimum you would need to purchase a lucrative cash based business (whether it be laundromat or whatever is lucrative and cash based).
lets say you conclude it's $1M.
do whatever to make your $1M look like its been in the ocean a long time.
go on vacation as an amateur diver and accidentally discover the $1M.
hopefully now you can use your $1M to buy your business.
launder your cash by slipping a tiny little bit of it at a time.
aggressively reinvest all profits into expanding.
expand and you get to slip a little bit more of your cash in to launder it.
invest in the poopie industry
Leave it where I found it. I'm not going to fuck with some crazy Cuban drug lords money. Maybe i'll take some change for the bus or something if i'm feeling crazy.
The post in the picture makes the fundamental mistake of assuming the money will stay intact and won't be squandered by spoiled and/or stupid descendents, bad/unlucky investments, world events of multiple kinds, change in the yield of those bonds, etc.
In the real world, 100M would be mostly gone within 3 or 4 generations.
Also, that's assuming it's all liquid, which is another issue altogether.
Anyway, it's not a matter of NEEDING to leave a big inheritance (technically almost nobody needs to, as those people can just work and not live in luxury), but about WANTING to.
That's highly debatable depending on personal opinions, but I think that people should be able to give what they own to whoever they want to, instead of being forced by the government to only give up to a certain amount.
It would be so easy to circumvent too.
whoever wrote that should be publicly executed.
and im sure they won't notice just a bag full of bills missing after you take some change
Invest in an underground fortress and store all the money there. No one would know about it as I'd soft launder and just hide it there. No real estate, no super cars, no huge laundering scheme.
I would wipe my ass with $100 bills exclusively for the rest of my life.
Yeah I'm absolutely opposed to socialism or redistribution of wealth an think taxation is theft. But before seeing that post i never really imagined how big $100M, it seems small when considering it next to the billionaires. And so I bookmarked in in my mildly interesting folder, even though I dont agree with what the socialists point the poster is trying to make.
I'm assuming whoever wrote that would have very different opinions if they suddenly found out they had a veryvery rich uncle with no children
>take money from other people that worked hard in order to pay for me and my schooling
Yeah, it's cool to see it represented that way I guess.
I remember seeing a video that some guy (IIRC it was one of those videogame streamers) made to show how much is a billion dollars with the Windows notepad. It was pretty cool too.
I'll try and look for it.
Start buying fuck loads of shit then fleeing to Panama when the jew r s caught on
Thats a pretty good way too to try to begin to mentally represent or comprehend how much money that is.
It should be the opposite. You should launder the 500m. In no way would be able to enjoy it as much if it were dirty money. You'd probably only be able to spend a few million throughout your lifetime without getting caught.
If you found a few million - that's what you keep in cash because you can reasonable spend it. Plus it's retarded to launder that little. You'd lose 25-40% in taxes so there's no point in taking that hit only to invest it.
>stay off the irs radar
>does a bunch of shit that would flag the irs
You haven't thought this through very well.
Seriously. 100 million can be put into a business or a charity by the descendant. In addition the money is ironically lent to the institution that the faggot redditor wants to take it. Finally, money would just be turned into an entity which the inheritor would control.
Most of all, fuck the govt. It's your money, you can spend it or give it to whomever the fuck you want. What's to keep the original owner of the 100 mil from paying their kid 10 million/yr x10 years. Wow, suddenly it's not inheritance and it's much cheaper than 99% tax.
Reddit is so dumb. If this post were there it'd be downvoted with many other logical posts into the oblivion of their so called free and open website.
I would just pay for all my meals, groceries, gas etc in cash while I figure out a way to launder it
Such a task would be incredibly difficult
Veeky Forums is not free and open either.
I don't think I'd be smart enough to launder even close to the full amount. I'd take a few million with me and hide it in my room. I'd buy myself nice stuff and go out to eat everyday. That's it really.
Seriously this.
I agree with all that. The reason I bookmarked it is because when I read that comment I think that was one of the first times it really clicked for me how my choices and work will carry on down through my children and grandchildren etc and will create a legacy. I was thinking like damn I really want to make something of myself and leave a lasting legacy for my future bloodline, instead of the opposite being a nobody.
Inflation doesn't decrease if nobody knows that the money had burned..
>it's your money you can spend it or give it to whomever the fuck you want
you actually will have to pay a gift tax if you give over 14,000 a year and have given the lifetime limit of 5.43million. so that's what's stopping you from giving your kid 10million a year.
You could actually put the cash there, and then find it.
Like, start/acquire a marine salvage company, operate it for a couple years, and then plant your cash/gold in a ship and find it.
Underated post!!
Invest it all in AMD
This particular pile was found by the dea, it belongs to a cartel. I would pretend I never saw it.
This. Start a landscaping business, pretend to mow lawns for cash or something. You could easily put in up to 200k a year into the bank. The IRS just wants a cut of the money, they don't even care how dirty it is.
I'd report $400,000,000.00 USD in unmarked bills to the authorities.
Shitton of hookers
To the people saying that they wold launder it with cash based businesses, how?
So you declare say 10k of your pile of cash as profit, get taxed and throw the rest in the bank, you're still handing over unmarked bills to the tax man and banker. Aren't they illegal? Won't they think somethings up?
Useless scenario. Because you'll never get that much money. Wake up, faggot.
Call the police and tell them about this mysterious 300mil I just found lying around.
the fuck are you saying mate
>continue your life as normal
>use cash for cash based expenses
>gas, food, goods
For the laundry mat just go buy quarters and 1's then deposit them at a different bank.
Way to turn the thread into a dumb libertarian circlejerk. Your kids would be fucking coke addicts, never work a day in their lives and ultimately your fortune would be squandered. But they would all love daddy wouldn't they?
You are all selfish motherfuckers who assume that any penny you give to the government goes into a black hole. Maybe if you "rich" fuckers cared about other people and paid your fair share society wouldn't be such a fucking trainwreck.
>you have too much money
>give me some
Inheritance shouldn't be taxed.
All that money was already taxed when Mr Wealthy earn't it, invested it and used it.
Governments should know when to stop.
Go back to your commune
this basically. I just don't know where I'd physically put the money.
>telling your kids how rich you are
Dumbass, you picture all wealthy people as jocks and celebrities
>You are all selfish motherfuckers
>"you don't want to give your money away to people that didn't earn it and will squander it? OMG SELFISH PAY FOR MY SCHOOL REEEEEEEEE"
>"rich" fuckers cared about other people
>they obviously care enough to save it and give it to the most important people in their lives (friends, family), but noooooo instead they should have it taken by random fucks in suits so you can have your small cut. Fuck democracy.
>paid your fair share
Maybe if you dumb fucks didn't get loans for degrees that are worthless, drive cars you can't afford, and get in massive loan debt, we wouldn't even have these "problems"
It's not everyone else's fault you and your family sucks with money. And what's worse, you want everyone else to have to pay for your own fuckups
I'd just give it out to poor people and keep a mill for myself.
That way nobody can tell where the source is if I spend money and poor people will use up all their money anyway, so I'll use the short economic spike to make back my giveaway with legal money in no time, then short stocks after the poor people used up their money to double down on the spike.
This scene made me so mad.
Lazy ass parasite moocher. What did you do to earn that money?
Not everything has to be earned. Stop with this free market meme shit.
t. a bad parent
>Aren't they illegal?
When people say "unmarked bills" they're referring to cash that hasn't been "marked" (serial numbers either flagged or specifically put into circulation for the purposes of baiting/honeypotting criminals) by the government. It's not a term to describe bills without a serial number, which ARE illegal.
Put it on my bank account and pay taxes over it.
>idiots itt doing all the effort to launder it while you're clearly the honest finder
Even if I have to give it all back to the original owner the law dictates I get a 10% = 50 million dollar share.
Yeah. 10 hookers per day for 547.94 years
>Hasn't seen No Country for Old Men
Unless the original owner is a gangster and comes for your head
For that kind of money I can hire the A Team.
>roll up to bank
>walk in
>hey I'd like to deposit 50 million in cash
Top kek!
i'd just fill up a rucksack or 2 and call it a day, go home, dig a hole in my house, and cover with cement for 1 rucksack, quit my job and just live a carefree life shitposting and fapping to traps all day, start paying all my bills in cash deposits etc.
Invest it, live like the faggots on duck dynasty. Own a quarry and concrete company for the sheer pleasure of building everyone i love a castle .. etc.
Nah, just travel the country buying shit off craigslist and ship it home. Then sell that shit and live like a king
As a Dickfarmer i'll ive u one guess what i would do.
>27,014 pound solid gold dick...
I would change it all into pennies
500k block of gold is 20,017 pounds. I did the math because u faggots got my jimmies rustled
FUCK dude. Maybe i'd buy a bunker next door to bunkerbro and make it appartments. All anons are welcome. Free room and board and Veeky Forums passes. All 600 of u faggots will call me Captain Redbeard and salute me. Also the floor will have 4 feet of water so you have to take a boat to leave your apartment or walk in 4 feet of fucking water while everyone laughs and calls you a peasant. Each user has to build his own shitty boat using whatever material i choose. If u are a faggot i would litterally make u build a boat from himan shit and attempt to sail it in doors or you would be excommunicated to an old barn. We will call it the cuckshed and that where be where we put the faggots. So that we can have someone to look down on while being NEET and shitposti g 12 hours a day.