O, please help

O, please help

Ive scratched my dad's car
Whats the best possible way to hide it, i tried with scratch remover gel, didn't helped.
Today i bought painting car spray, didn;t work also.
Please give me an advice.
Giving it to a professional car painter will cost a lot of cash.

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OP, you made a fatal flaw.
Your picture was more interesting than your thread. Learn from your mistakes, carry on, and try again.
Enjoy this free bump.

I bet I could count all of her IQ on one hand.

Tell him you fucked up and offer to help fix it with him.

Picture of scratch you stupid fuck.

>Picture of scratch you stupid fuck.

Its like this

Nope she's quite good at what she does. She's got kids and is like in her 40's but still hangs onto her horde of beta's by showing barely obscured nipples every once in a while.

The dumb whores can't pull it off for this long.

yeah, you aren't fixing that with scratch remover.

Needs sanded right back, primed, painted all over again.

Personally i would sand smooth-ish, bondo, then prime and paint.

It's down to the metal, better buy lube for your asshole tonight son.

Repaint it my dude. you arent getting that out with gay ass scratch remover

So its no other way than that...
I have to give it to a professional painter...
I hoped that i didn't have to do that.

what model and make is the car

Its Kia Magentis crdi 2006

Push it off a cliff.

You have to respray the panel.

The basic steps are:
1. Clean scratch, sand area around the scratch
2. Scuff up the entire body panel
3. Clean panel and spray filler primer in scratch area
4. Sand and level primer with rest of the paint
5. Clean panel and spray matched body paint over primer, fade paint out and blend in with rest of panel
6. Clean panel and spray several clear coats over entire panel over all scuffed areas
7. Sand with extremely fine grit, 2000+ to remove orange peeling texture
8. Use scratch remover and progressively finer polish to buff the clear coat until it's perfectly clear.

There are some good guides on youtube on how to do this.

well at least u didnt scratch a good car lmao. hardly worth getting re painted.

Thanks, bro. Ill try to do that.

I thought it was something worth giving a shit about, stop being a faggot OP.

lol just be honest and tell your dad what happened... if he cared about his car he wouldn't have bought a Kia.

Why is her hand on the selector like it means something?

Dude dont even bother with that. The car is worth close to nothing anyway. its a Kia

please don't try to repair/spray and color match the car based on 10 minutes of reading.

You are going to fuck it up even worse.

>admit you fucked up, and get it fixed properly.

>Please give me an advice
Do some yard work and "accidentally" hit the panel with a wheelbarrow full of rocks.

>woman's hand on a knob
>doesn't get the innuendo

Integrity, tell your dad you fucked up.

I guarantee you, one hundred percent, any cheap attempt you make to fix it will be seen through. Your dad's probably not a literal retard.

Be straight with him and face consequences, it'll only get worse if you lie.


>2006 Kia
The $200 it would cost to fix is probably more than the car is worth. Just dump it in the junkyard where it belongs

Scratch the other side of the car so they're symmetrical

Sell the car, buy same another of same color then you're good to go

I remember once I saw a shiny new Tahoe or Suburban, I forget, loaded up with teenagers while at a gas station, obviously borrowing mom's car. I had pulled in while they were getting shit at the hut. As I finished pumping and was putting away the fill nozzle the kids started up the car and started moving, but instead of realizing that they were driving a car, they turned immediately to the left, destroying the rear door on a bollard. All 5 occupants got out of the car and looked at the result of their stupidity as I drove away, laughing hard enough that they can hear.

Moral of the story, OP is retarded and most likely underage, learn to drive you imbecile.

>She's got kids and is like in her 40's

>this nerd is bragging about how he counts in binary with his hands
I think you're on the wrong board kid


When your dad asks what happened, just tell him it's custom weight reduction..

>bare ass on seat

Triggered as fuck desu

Oh please, please post results. I need a good laugh.

you're an autistic little boy.

Man up, tell him what you did. Trying to hide it will make it worse.

>Ive scratched my dad's car

It's a lot of scratches but they can be individually fixed by manually touching them up one at a time. That korean paint sure is cheap. They put it on so thin. Thin clearcoat. Thin paint. The only thing that was thick was the primer. The method was nicely described using toothpicks in the archived thread at:



>Whats the best possible way to hide it

Hide it? Running away from the problem?

The real problem other drivers have with teenage drivers is that they Hit-And-Run everyone's cars in the parking lot and elsewhere. Hit-And-Run is plague of good and decent drivers everywhere.

Teenage drivers suck. Full of attitude. Full of irresponsibility. I was in my car and one of them backed into me and hit. I ran out and confronted but the teen simply accused me of hitting him since the impact was in his rear. He then took off.

I say all the teen drivers should be set on fire. And it should be illegal for all hospitals and doctors to treat them. Capital punishment for any doctor to treat a teen driver.

Got 12 airbags
I think that is too many.
When that many go off, it's like $4000 to fix them all.

who dat?

if all 12 airbags go off your car is going to be so completely fucked up that it's 100% totalled anyway dipshit

>grey car
>black plastic trim pieces
>dirty wheels

Looks like your dad doesn't care that much mate. Just tell him you scratched his car and apologize. He'll probably give you shit for it but whatever. It's unlikely he never scratched a car himself.

Alternatively if you're a pussy you can also claim some asshole must have scratched it while it was parked.


That ain't a scratch mofugga, that's a damn accident. What the hell did you do? Trade paint during a street race? Sideswipe a building? GF throw paint thinner at it?


>hand on shifter

>Giving it to a professional car painter will cost a lot of cash.
They also require driver's license and proof of insurance nowadays too. If you have no car insurance, then they require a partial payment up front OR you will have a lien placed against the car. But a lien signature can only be put by the title holder.


>a scratch

You're right fucked m8

It's not like metal is bent up in that one photo. But OP only gave one photo. If metal was bent, he'd have to do the body work before any touch up paint. But it could be touched up individually without a paint shop.


Color match with spray paint I guess? Or you know own up to your mistake and apologize like an upstanding human bean

>attempting to white knight by claiming her IQ is ≤31
I can count your IQ on one hand.


>wearing pants while you drive

Yeah no that panel needs to be resprayed.

People like you are why I never feel comfortable in a used car.

>mfw John Manlove from Manlove Forensics Ltd tells me what he found in my second hand car.

sand paper that shit. Always helps me in a pinch.

hey dude tell your dad what happened then listen to advice. you can make it look unnoticable for cheap if you diy
is very very fixable.

Wouldn't it be amazing if op could just go into basically any hardware or auto store and buy a kit specifically made to repair scratches? too bad no products like that exist.