Anybody who hates civics is not a real import enthusiast

Anybody who hates civics is not a real import enthusiast.

eg and ek civics are to the import scene as what the 63-64 impalas are to lowriding...

or what 32 ford roadsters are to hot rodding.

I am not saying they are the best car to modify but they are the most iconic modern modified import.

You can argue and say that the supra or skyline or whatever is more iconic but you are wrong...

essentially being a import enthusiast and hating hondas is like being a lowrider enthusiast and hating impalas.

did some one beat ur shitcivic in a race today?

>t. shitty Civic owner trying to make himself feel better

Civics are economy cars, nothing more.

They're fucking shit.

One day you'll grow up and get to play with real cars though, don't worry.

who cares..

if an impala loses in a hop contest to a regal it does not change the fact that the impala is the more iconic car.

What makes you think I have only had civics?

I have friends that have had evos and went back to slower hondas and still like civics.

>I have friends that have had evos and went back
They needed economic daily drivers because their shitsubishi kept breaking?

They wanted a house deposit, and said "even though it's not as fast at least I am back in a honda"

In other words

>they got cucked back into driving Hondas

what car is this?

also, I own a heavily modified del sol, but I still think that civics being "iconic" is not a good thing. they are an icon of tasteless aesthetic mods, broke teens and 20-something douchebags, and weak performance all around

>heavily modified
>single cam
>stock brakes

crx del sol.

Then said it was a still a fun car afterwards despite not being as fast as the evo.

>what car is this?
s13 with an s30 front and r34 rear

It's a S15 with a 240Z front.

del sol

They're lying to themselves m8

>their faces when cucked back into having to drive a Civic


lol what an idiot.

all the gook cars look the same

If you say so.

>stock brakes
try again

>single cam
was cheaper to get the power I wanted with one than swap for two


if you think that del sol is anything except a different body on a civic frame and powertrain you are wrong

>>try again
Shit my bad
>stock calipers with cheap drilled "racing rotors"

>>was cheaper to get the power I wanted with one than swap for two
I get that, I mean why over do it for 160hp

>stock calipers with cheap drilled "racing rotors"

you're not very good at this, are you?

your point is?

You do realise the del sol was called a crx in other markets such as the country I am from.

I will admit I don't know or care to know much of anything about Hondas

perhaps I missed your point. why refer to it as a CRX del sol?

You will never be a true import enthusiast then.

I bet you also think it's okay to drive on rotas.

They just get a bad rep because of ricers and their an easy target
Sure there are faster cars, but for price+reliability they are great.

Because in my country it is called a crx, yet people still call them del sols because of American car scene and American media.

Guess not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And no, Rota a shit.

They make copies of my Volks :^)

Wow, normally people who hate on hondas have zip tied on body kits, rota wheels and 100 stickers saying things like "illest" and "boost gets you laid"

Congratulations on being better than this. Please never fall into this demographic.

I really don't hate Hondas man, just giving y'all shit.

They're good cars and can be built cheap but like said its the swagfag hellaflush cambergang owners I hate.

Are you asking whats in OP's pic or yours?

I think its a miata coupe with a 240 esqe front end.



>normally people who hate on hondas have zip tied on body kits, rota wheels and 100 stickers saying things like "illest" and "boost gets you laid"
That sounds more like the average Honda owner desu

Not really...

This is the kind of people who buy old nissans like skylines and silvias because they are the fastest cars that poor fags can get for under 10k

Well I don't know where you're from but I remember all the civic hatches with their shocker stickers around here

Sounds like an Aussie

>True enthusiast
Pick one.
Civics are good dds but when it comes to putting high amounts of power down it can't compete.

the Civic is quite possibly an American icon, but it's not as common in the rest of the western world and a lot less common of a car to actually modify or invest in at all.

ep are best civics.
just saiyan.

>when it comes to putting high amounts of power down it can't compete

explain why civics and kias own bmw's in btcc

>You need the fastest car possible to be a true enthusiast.

Threads like these are why I hate driving a Honda sometimes.
They have some genuinely fun cars. That's it.
That's the extent.
There's no secret handshake, there's just a few fun cars.
If you can't accept that then you need to fuck right back off to the basement because this hobby is small enough without you snobby fuckers flinging shit on everything.

You mean like people fling shit on hondas?

If you can't handle it go back to day care.
Not everyone will agree with you on everything.

>was cheaper to get the power I wanted with one than swap for two

If you were going for 200hp maybe, but a b18b is dirt cheap to swap in and will handle 380hp @18psi with bone stock internals with just arp main and head studs reliably.