Recent ph/o/tos

post pics you've taken recently, took some of my buddies c5 earlier today

Other urls found in this thread:


I can hardly afford a camera, much less a car.

keep on grindin

(was supposed to be at you)

Veeky Forums in a nutshell


Phone shot

Saw this today at work. Living in new England, you don't see these often.




the hardtops are so much uglier than the hatches. at least it's clean.

I remember being like 13 years old and going to the chevy dealership with my dad buying a Chevy Tahoe. I remember we both looked at a beautiful C5 all black brand new. If I recall correctly a 75k price tag rings a bell not sure

Even though the C5 is an old and somewhat weak car it's still a looker after all these years and it always makes me remember NFS3 for some reason.

Get the fug off my bridge with that trash, fgt.

>Team Royalty

Hope that's not yours.
Because the idiot that owns that just managed to make a C5 look like shit.

Great photo. I was seven when the C5 came out, and it's left me particularly fond of them.

Those are pretty clearly rally graphics

Goddamn, tell him to lower that thing.

Stickers were for a road rally calm your tits.

Here's another one from a set I took at a Cars and Coffee meetup in my area.

Then it's ok.
The thought of seeing that as a DD would be torture for human eyes.

They all came out different sizes.

I would like some feedback on these, if y'all wouldn't mind sharing your thoughts.

Busrider detected

>Haven't placed my foot in a bus since 2006 during school years.
What are you trying to prove?
Oh you mean you're the busrider?

ayy lmao
What camera are you using (last two look like film)? Off the bat I'd say ya need to give the cars a little more space in the frame, just take a few steps back.

this one is the best so far, would be better imo with the front right wheel of the red e30 in the shot (just back up like 2 feet)

Instashit a shit, also instashit filters a shit. Also fake depth of field blur is always obvious and looks like poo compared to the real thing. Also you cut off the car's butt.

the front scrapes as is rn, has a lip on it lol



Wicked El Camino at the track




Not exactly automotive but a vehicular picture nonetheless from the hockey rink I work at before we laid ice

It's just a Galaxy S6 for now. I haven't yet taken enough photos to feel justified in buying a camera.

The car was rolling during this one, which made it harder for me to capture all of it in the frame. Since this set, I've pretty much given up on the blur tool.

I appreciate the feedback. I like this one, but it might be hard to tell it's a 944.

Are those hardtops actually good as far as performance goes? Is the extra weight worth the drag advantages?

Here's another one of the Enzo. I stood back a little more for this.

I do not know, they look very good though

pretty neat truck and pic friendo



Holy crap, a Harlequin Golf.

This is my DD.

Yeah it's owned by one of the dudes from 1320 videos, didn't realize that til he commented on it lol


Whats the trick to taking good ph/o/to's?

I'll take like 20 pictures of my car and only get 1 good photo

Use a polarizing filter (will cut glare and reflections) and a lens with a wide aperture.

take more photos, and you'll have more good photos then lel

I hope I downsized this

Thanks friend. The de-humidifiers in both rinks went out and since it was late August in chiraq, it got really humid really fast and left some cool fog as the concrete slab was about 25F. Made fir headaches getting excess moisture off the slab before icing it down, but cool pictures when moving the zambonis. They're electric so you don't have to worry about having extra propane tanks on hand, and they don't need hardly any throttle input to go. Just one click and they're good to go

How's the vette? Need to learn to drive the beast. Not as much fun as my other cars but I feel like I'm driving it wrong.
To large so i screened cap

Fuck I like this.

shitboxes represent

Went for a nice cruise yesterday.







Digging these pictures of yours

like these as well

Not super thrilled about this one, but not really sure why. Think it might be the weird reflections and tires and shit in the background.

Gonna dump a few.

This is the best picture in the series, the subdued lighting really sets a good mood for this car.

sorry guys but all my recent pics are of this

not everyones cup of tea, but hey

Some time ago at dusk and some ps to make best out of poor lighting.

Mine and a friend's car. Was shooting on his camera, so not super pleased with how this came out.

this is how it looked when i first bought it

Vast improvement

Group pic

pulled the whole thing apart and completely rebuilt it

the only things i've not changed yet are the tyres, the engine has been race tuned which should get me about 80-85 mph. which on 10 inch wheels and nothing but drum brakes for stopping is fast enough

i was looking for something that hadn't been done and the 3 headed dragon sigil of House Targaryen caught my eye.

i laid down red oxide primer(s'ok its not lead oxide) then a bright metallic silver base, went around the edges very lightly with matt black then stenciled using a deep blood red i mixed up from left overs

Lol original file size was too big and i had to crop out my girlfriend

then went over it with red candy

the frame got exactly the same treatment

Are you sure it wasn't your girlfriend that was too big?

and i swapped the original PX front mudguard for a Lambretta one because i thing it looks better and flows with the lines of the leg-shields more.

its not perfect , and never intended to be or it would never get riden on our 3rd world tier roads

Yeah pretty sure.

Get rid of the instagram filters


Just of my own because I'm a cunt

Wish I had a polarizer for this lens.







Thanks, the more I look at it the more I start to like it

Another one I forgot about, probably my least favorite though

Dem staggered wheels, lookin sexy

the light in these shots is noice

framing is a bit tight for me in this one, but dem lines

Thanks. Are the other pictures of that car in here yours? I really like them

my 2012 SE 2.4
>tfw should have spent 7 more k on an MR

yeah, thanks man

I think I've taken more photos of this car than the car is worth in dollars kek

Pretty lucky.