Why do Americans do this?
Here in civilised Europe, you would be fined and lose your driving privledge for modifying your vehicle.
Why do Americans do this?
Here in civilised Europe, you would be fined and lose your driving privledge for modifying your vehicle.
Other urls found in this thread:
>blah blah blah
Yeah yeah yeah, enjoy your migrant crisis.
But civilized people aren't illiterate.
Memes aside its usually low income urban americans who have donks.
also its really a non-issue. would rather drive a v8 donk than 1.3 liter diesel shitbox.
>Europe caring about Americans
We don't think about you, stop putting your nose in other peoples shit
i hope you know civilised is the correct spelling in UK english and Australia.
Nice job, genius.
>using a colon after a fragment
>real English
>Altering your personal property in a safe manner = your driving privileges and vehicle are taken away.
Damn it feels good not to be a eurocuck.
>you would be fined and lose your driving privilege
This is why America is better than united kingdom.
No outrageous fucking restrictions
How's that "manual" license coming along?
>Not hooning in your donk in front of the squad
Some donks are badass.
He means the mainland, people in the uk can mod their cars no problem.
That is a 'basketball american' car OP. Only a small portion of the US make up these people.
But that's dumb
>Here in civilised Europe, you would be fined and lose your driving privledge for modifying your vehicle
Bloody hell, that's an outrage m8. You shouldn't stand for some cunt telling you what you can and cannot do with your property.
>all these ameritards being triggered
So you literally own the roads?
>still trying
Can't own guns, can't modify your own cars, get beat down by the Mother Mafia for wanting to buy a steak knife to cut steak with
How does it feel to live in such a shitty place?
I live in a civilization not a civilisation
I bet you spell advisor like adviser
It's not even my mother tongue.
We're about results, not excuses
and whats your excuse for producing such a diminutive 4X4?
Not him, but I'd say it's because we don't need to compensate for something, like you do.
Also literally because Ahnold said he wanted one
Also H2 and H3 are shitty Tahoes
H1 is built on actual HMMWV frame
so, if i follow your logic that driving a bigger vehicle is compensating for having a tiny dick, then the reverse must also be true, guys with big dicks drive smaller vehicles? yeah?
yfw i drive a Vespa, yer mammy knows why!
Git gud hombre
The point is, you have no dick.
Unless you're riding a mod scooter one day those are tits
do other races than nigs drive those "donks" cars?
Thank god you live there, right
>still being triggered
Your car "culture" is amazing, burger
of course its a Mod scooter , its not complete yet nor fully dressed. heres one i rebuild and repainted for a mate.
Not enough mirrors m8
2055 lel
it's nowhere near as bad as civilized europe
the mirrors are now added, the scooter was too wide to take through the house with them on.
i have no rear access so the scooters go down the hallway, into the livingroom, into the kitchen, 3 point turn and out the backdoor to the shed.
this is how the scooter looked in April of this year when it first rolled into the shed
>posts a h2/h3 when he replied to a pic of an h1 alpha
Ok kid.
send me your address , i want to buy you a sense of humour for Christmas
Man, I'd stay away from her if I were you. She's fucking insane.
Helpful bit of advice.
Also, vespas are cool. Your counter argument is invalid.
I'd rather you send me a dragon dildo desu
pro tip, all women are fuckin insane. no exceptions.
can be arranged