Anyone here works in an assembly plant?

Anyone here works in an assembly plant?

What is your job and how much do you hate it?
Got any interesting/funny stories?

I used to.

It was cool, I built the front ends of these machines. Didn't hate it, hated the morons who would compromise quality for profit. Hated the faggots who thought it was a good idea to let polish faggots build these.

Not many interesting stories, I mean, I learnt which wires would disable the alarm-system, how to access many parts of those buses where cutting a wire would cause havoc.

One noteworthy story: They moved a certain model out to Poland for production. First two (and only) came back to Finland before they were handed over to the customer, the buses would not pass quality control. The repair-list covered the whole side of the bus. Could've been considered a total loss since a lot had to be rebuilt, I had to take apart the whole dashboard and do everything all over again because fuck polish logic. Everything was fucked, wires were too short or over-tight, there was 10 meters of calix-wiring bundled on the floor next to the AC (because poland doesn't have segmented cables), the hand-brake lever was installed with different sized bolts and nuts (I didn't know it was possible, I guess it wasn't since it was fucked), the hood wouldn't open without tearing paint, the struts in the hood would not bring it up all the way, the headlight wiring was a fucking mess, the wire schematics had been ignored, there was lousy connections made (I'll post pic), I could go on forever, we had a guy redo the fucking roof for fuck's sake.

Some customers straight up refuse to buy vehicles made in Poland, partly because of this, partly because Poland is inhabited by shit people with nigger work quality.

And that fucking swedish cuntfart had the god damn audacity to lecture to the workers how it was cheaper to produce the vehicles in Poland. WELL NO SHIT FUCKFACE, DO YOU THINK THAT'S OUR FAULT? GO TELL THAT TO THE FUCKING FOUR EYED KEK WHO WAS ELECTED TO RUN THE ECONOMY YOU SHITFORBRAINS! WE WERE THE GOLD STANDARD FOR QUALITY BEFORE YOU CAME HERE!

i did. Mitsubishi Motor Manufacturing Of America
worked 2nd shift a little over 10 years ago.
nice gig

Yeah, this is the Polish definition of crimping a connector.

I wasn't being paid enough to work there anyway. If someone working there would see these posts, they'd pretty sure know who I am, I mean, I wasn't the best worker in the factory by far, but even I could tell that the quality of builds there was top notch, the employees knew what they were doing. Too bad the people running the place didn't.

Worked in Hyundai Motor Manufacturing America this summer as a programmer. Was cushy.

What the FUCK

no siema starachowicki anonie xD

It's hard to do quality work when you're smashed on Everclear.

Source: worked with poles inna factory

Heh, had the same reaction.

That job was surely one of the more memorable experiences, a big vehicle like that was never boring to work on, it was really amazing to see how they come together, you wouldn't have thunk it did how it did but it do. It dooooo....

Tapa ittes vitun haiseva polakki, saatana. Ei siinä, tehkää paskatyöt, meiltä Suomesta suurin osa teiän käsittelemistä palikoista tulee kuitennii.

Finnish rage is best rage

i work in one, assembling electronic boards for the climate controls or multimedia interface. Nice job but a little boring after 8 years

I used to work for Jaguar Land Rover between 2014 and 2015.

I used to work on the production line doing various jobs, the work was shit and so were the people. It felt like being back in school too, couldn't even go for a piss without permission. The money was good though.

Now I work in a QA department for a large video game company, working with great people and a great working environment. I love it.

I do, not quite automotive but close (scissor lifts and other various lifting equipment)

I work on the electrical side, nothing really technical but I'm responsible for the people that build the electrical harnesses and control panels that go into a scissor lift. After working in this area for approaching 2 years there's pretty much nothing that hasn't gone wrong on one of these things, less so recently since we've gotten electrical testers for a lot more shit. Yeah, that does mean most of the shit we assemble was previously just given a onceover and handed off to the assembly line which would stop if something failed (obviously not uncommon)

Overall not a bad place to work. I don't make crazy money but I don't do much requiring special knowledge or education past high school so I'm not complaining.

Just gonna add my 2 cents into the thing. Polish labour is extremely cheap. Managment knew it would probably be partially fucked up when it came. We run up to the bean counters and even if the first 5 buses would come up as failure long term moving to Poland would be so much cheaper. Heck, it wasn't that bad with those 2 buses considering with what kind of workforce we had on site in Poland. Despite some hicckups pretty pleased with outcome. Pay for polish workers is around 3-5€ for hour, thou we tend to push them for overtime so we get even better deal.

T:shit managment say and can get away with on a chinese anime cartoon board.

No kato perkele, ei tullu yllätyksenä että täältä löytyy ainakin yks. Mut onhan toi nyt helvetin typerä strategia antaa niiden tehdä paskaa mitä joudutaan takuuajan sisällä pyörittämään pitkin eurooppaa korjauksissa, kun voitaisiin kerralla haalia marginaalisesti pienempi voitto, varmistaa tuotannon laatu, antaa tuotteelle parempi maine sekä vähentää vittuuntuneiden asiakkaiden määrää. Tää on packard bell vittu uusiks koko homma, nopea voitto jotta pidetään sijoittajat tyytyväisenä, sitten ihmetellään kun firma on ajettu maahan. Saatana samaa paskaa rataa ajetaan ja tuhotaan miljoonahommat kun jossain vaiheessa porukka rahankiilto silmissä heittää "fuck it".

Oon itte kuullu noista asiakkaista ihan toista juttua, odottavat kuitenkin että sieltä tulee legendaarista pohjoismaista laatua, aina piti olla meno vitun tiptop-tesla kun joku panobussin kermaloordi tuli ihmettelemään tuotantoa. Hienosti tietty häpyvilla vedetty asiakkaiden silmille siinä mielessä, itsekään en ole mikään eettisyyden suurin kannattaja, mutta hävettää saatana metkuttelijoiden alasena olla. No, enää ei tarvi olla. Bussien elinikä oli kuitenkin oletettu sinne kymmeniin vuosiin, paljoa ei vuotavilla katoilla ja paloturvallisuutta vaarantavilla sähköillä päästä mittariin laittamaan numeroita.

No, ei siinä, enhän mä noita firmoja johda. Kiva duuni niitä oli rakennella, vitun hyvä ryhmämeininki ja työnjohtajakin oli ihan leebeni jäbä, mutta tehdas oli kyllä onnistuttu tuottamaan helvetin hitaasti, työkaluista (tai niiden tilaamisesta, tiimeille jakelusta) vastas vittu siivooja. SIIVOOJA. Ja se ei ees ollu siellä paikalla koskaan.

Kyllä ne pultit sitte sorminki kiristy.

Harmittaa mitä laadun vaatimiselle on käynyt laman myötä.

Maybe im too dumb to be a ceo but if you go full retarded fuck quality mode just set shop in china don't even bother look anywhere else.
Or do they think that they can find a middle ground between good quality and cheap labor that will make everyone happy?

No juu, ongelma on koko julkinen kilpailutus, jos et anna niille halvinta diiliä, nii ne vetäsee kilpailijan tarjouksen, vaikka sulla olisi ollut mitä laatua ja kokemusta. Pelkästään suomalaisella työllä on mahdotonta voittaa kilpailutusta ja julkisasiakasta kiinnostaa alhainen alkuhinta, viis siitä et huoltokustannukset koko bussin tai tuotteen ajalta tulee olemaan 5x alkuhinnan. Laatu on vaan lisä jolla saadan julkishörhöt vastuussa kilpailutuksesta vakuutettua oikeasta valinnasta, surullinen totuus.

Can you at least give the monkeys the correct schematics next time?

And the quality was worse than you make it seem, I see no way anyone can be pleased by the outcome of those two buses. I know that it was so shit and that the workers in Poland are so incompetent that we still make some front ends here and send them there to be fitted on because they don't know how to. There was so much wrong in those first sets that I bet they're still wasting money by making them wrong, lest it be a marginal sum. The poolandish workers they sent here with the buses to gather data were fucking welders for crying out loud.

I know I'm bitch-moan and complaining but I just can't fucking believe that the manufacturing of those units was moved over to those fucking apes.

I hope for Scanias sake they're making enough profit off the monkeys to coup the reputation those units gained.

Nojoo, kun asian pistää noin, niin onhan toi selvä homma. Pahimmassa tapauksessa homma menis Saabiksi aika äkkiä jos lähdettäisiin hifistelemään mun työukkofantasioilla, mutta ei tätä taas voi kun vaan ihmetellä, miten voi näin vituillaan olla bisnesmaailma että ei enää edes välitetä downtimestä tai ylimääräkuluista kun mietitään alkupanoksia. Insinööriksi lukiessa on painotettu oppimaan juuri tuota suunnitteluvaiheessa laskettua heikointa lenkkiä ja kai se on vaan jäänyt niin pahasti niskaan painamaan ettei sitä osaa miettiä enää tuottavuuden kannalta. No, vitut, omat autot ostetaan koska ne kestää, tehköön muut sitten mitä tekee.

Mikään vitun merkonomihan mä en ole.

How does one break into the videogame field user?

The middle ground happens to be cheap labour, borderline shit quality, but just above the bar to not show up from twenty feet away. Industries today are filled with twenty-footers, unfortunately.

Like that one guy here explained, put it together, sell it for cheap to ensure someone buys them, let them worry about repairs that could have been avoided with better quality, more expensive labour.