Things shit drivers do

Things shit drivers do

I'll start: pic related

drive an autotragic

That grinds my gears so hard.

Here's one:
>Using a cellphone while driving as anything other than a music player.

I-I do that

This is how I drive, it feels good while cruising.
Of course when you start driving hard you use different driving positions.

fuck off dogfucker

I drive one handed a lot sometimes.
Those times I'm usually doing a lot of shifting.

fucking skunks makes you drive like shit? huh really made me think

Why?? It's not functional whatsoever; it's less comfortable than resting your hand on the "arm" bit of the steering wheel and gives you dreadful control. This is purely a fashion statement.

driving with one hand is fine if you put it at the right place this isn't

>not burying your nose in the stink spraying glands of a hot skunk bitch
Lmaoing at your life 2bh

When I do cornering i actually keep my left had like that with right hand around 3 o'clock. Gives me better precision with my car as it has very sensitive steering.

It just feels good, don't ask me why.
Leaning back in your seat, sitting low as fuck with your hand on the top of the wheel.
It's enjoyable when cruising on the freeway or straight roads.

fuckin people

>light turns green
>see person looking at their crotch
>they take off erratically and mad at me

>driving on boulevard
>woman in her 40s in a luxury car, almost always a convertible
>speaking on cellphone not giving a fuck
>driving 10 under the limit and not paying attention at all

i honked at a guy on the left lane once, in heavy traffic he was going trough papers on his passenger seat and having some kind of meeting with a guy on his phone
>traffic takes off
>hes always late 5-10secs to take off
>throws his papers angrily on his passenger seat guns it and cuts 2 lanes with no signaling

it's because you're retarded


>not using one for GPS

just kys
or just be anonymous like everyone else
stop promoting your degenerate lifestyle

>promoting my lifestyle
Seriously what is wrong with your brain lol

>say the furry
top kek

Look up the route beforehand. Only acceptable when pulled over / stopped otherwise.

If you're going in a straight line it feels fine

>connect phone to bluetooth
>turn by turn directions over the music
This is the God tier choice

>Acting superior to someone else in an anonymous image board for Chinese cartoons

When it's a furfag, sure.

It does not feel as good as 9:30 and 2:00.

Also, if you aren't shifting, why is your other hand off of the wheel? It's like you want to die a painful death or have an amputation.

t. Bussrider

Speed and weather determines my hand position
Good conditions
Speed less than 25: like op
25-35: left hand at 7 o'clock, right hand shifter
35-55: left hand at 8 o'clock, right hand 4 o'clock
55+/racing/drifting: left hand 11 o'clock, right hand 2 o'clock(right turn/straight)/5 o'clock(left turn/straight)

Bad conditions
2 and 10

he doesn't need a trips for any other reason than being an attention whore

>Has bluetooth in his car.

I bet you have stability control that can't be turned off, too.

Have fun being a drone.

I use a tripcode so people know who is taking, I don't mean to toot my own horn, but my word is higher than that of the average user.

Stability control can always be turned off. So can ABS. Its just one fuse away.

>higher than that of the average user

then just use your trip when you need it

Kek, you just don't know how to drive with one hand

You don't drive with one hand at the top in that position if you want full control at top speeds.

>my word is lower than that of the average user
Kekasaurus Rex, holy shit

>bluetooth is a bad thing
I can see your argument with stability control but if you're gonna play music in your car bluetooth a good.

This. My cars steering is super sensitive, funny how one hand on top of the steering wheel dampens the side to side movements on the high way

Bluetooth is like standard on any aftermarket head unit worth a shit

And what kind of insufferable shitbox do you drive that doesn't have a fully defeatable integrated traction/stability management system?

Sometimes I do that just to stretch my arms.
I used to always grab the wheel with one hand but since I drove on mountain roads I always take turns using both hands on the steering wheel at 3 and 9.
Otherwise just one hand at 11.

>have guy behind me not even half a car distance away
>talking on the phone all the time while honking at me from time to time
It took me a couple of minutes to debate whether it would be fine for me to get rear ended since he looked pretty dang rich.

Dog off fuckfucker

>Sometimes I do that just to stretch my arms.
Tired from jerking off all your black bulls in your FWD diesel Fiat?

LMFAO I do this too. It's super comfy for me. Except I use my right hand. Which is also my shifting hand. Stay mad as fuck plebs.

So your wheel reaches lock-to-lock in 360 degrees or?

Spoken like a basketball american.

>Things shit drivers do

>I'll start: pic related

Drive a Pontiac Grand Prix? Yeah, that's pretty shitty.

>"don't use your cellphone to text! That's dangerous!"
>"it's fine if you are changing songs or searching for something to listen to though since you aren't texting!"
You're a fucking idiot. cell phone use of ANY kind while driving is ILLEGAL and IRRESPONSIBLE

drive an automatic but use the techtonic shifters as if they're speed racer

you know illegal isn't why it's bad right

>I know what feels comfortable for other people with different body proportions who drive different cars than me.

teach me

It's perfectly legal to talk and drive and text and drive in lots of states still, wtf are you taking sbout

I don't get the hate for this position. It's optimal for making one-handed turns in both directions. Why does using it imply poor driving skill? It's not like you're on pikes peak. How else am I supposed to keep an arm around my bby?

Betting 5 this thread was made by CVPI or some other boyracer tripfag

>Senile boomer pulls out of his driveway, cutting the car behind him off
>Continues to do ~20 in a 45 for at least a minute.
>Guy behind him gets tired of it and passes him
>Boomer flashes his brights and lays on the horn until the other guy turns off onto a side street

>Boomers, not even once

Pontiac Grand Prix, the official white-trash-mobile

negroid/possible monster energy lifestyle detected

Why are so so triggered by his post? Driving with one hand gives you less control over the car and by extension makes you a shittier driver

Your steering wheel has an arm bit? You better be from some wierd ass country. How do you shift gears? Ten and two,boyfriend shifts for you? I don't see what's wrong with your pic,did you just start driving and think "oh boy,time to join the big leagues and post on Veeky Forums"?

lol ya'll make fun of him but he's right

but its comfy

>sitting low
Why do people do this? What's so enticing? I can't stand not being able to see the forward curviture of the hood. in most cars my seat is always 2/3+ of its maximum height. And it's the only reason I'd never get a meme sports car some please explain

It doesn't matter if you get groceries,drop off you wife at work,go to the bank,try to enjoy life for one fuckin second,a quarter of an inch or a mile if op can find a stock photo of you,a loss is a loss.
OP lives his life one quarter (x4) shit post at a time.

So you put you hands in a comfortable, yet effective position? How dare you do the exact proper thing? Op must be rolling over in his shit smelling bed.

If you need both hands for #maximumcontrol then maybe you need to git gub you fucking pleb

Seriously,what's the problem here?
I feel as if op is about to be old enough to drive and doesn't know what from what.
Am I missing something?

This. Instagram "car guy" memes are seeping into the community

it's a terrible hand position even in a manual car. That was made more popular by old detective movies and vin diesel

Fuck me this board is garbage, you guys are less on topic than /b/.

You all gargle a big bag of dicks.

Must be nice driving in bumfuck Mississippi where your population 200 city only has eight stop lights and you don't do too much turning. I also understand that your underpowered shitbox doesn't have the balls to make you lose traction
>"b-b-b-but I am just cruising!"
whatever bitch

Dude what? None of that makes sense


It is impossible to change hand positions,when is the last time you backed out of a parking spot and later drove without your arms crossed over and hands at the six and eight position?
Check the scoreboard, it says ME:1 YOU: 0

>can't fire back
>"I'll just put a meme pic and not reply with anything. He is right after all"
Wew lad

you clearly don't drive an suv, a manual, a truck or have a gf

I drive a manual and I don't hold my hand at the top of the wheel while driving, that is really stupid

So you people don't use blinkers? Or like sitting comfortably and not at an awkward angle? Or being able to see your driver side blind spot?

You would literally need to do less work and less movement keeping your hand in the 9 o clock position.

not that guy but having one hand on the steering wheel means you're comfotable with your car.

People who death grip their steering wheels for dear life are shitty drivers

After 6 near misses in winter from people driving without winter tires or brains I've stopped holding my wheel but anything but 9 and 3. I don't death grip but you really do have better control and you make your wheel do a 180 in a snap. I'd be dead otherwise

>So you people don't use blinkers?
I don't need to take my hand off the wheel I just flick the switch with my finger (I have long fingers just ask yer gf)
>Or like sitting comfortably and not at an awkward angle?
I'm not fat and I have my seat and steering wheel properly adjusted
>Or being able to see your driver side blind spot?
Doesn't require me to take my hands off the wheel to check.
>You would literally need to do less work and less movement keeping your hand in the 9 o clock position.
Oh I literally need to put more work in? I thought you meant that as a metaphor for how you're a shitty driver and have to justify your poor driving habits; glad you've cleared that up.

/b/ro keep posting those epic reaction pics. They are so funny! You made me laugh so I lost the game XDDD

>winter tyres

we don't have winter here cunt

In my case drunk/bad drivers

One hand on top is perfect for doing a 180° steering wheel spin tho

Otherwise you look like this dork

Yes, those are your two options. You can't do anything else

>be driving RWD car
>rear slides under power
>slam on brakes

soccer mums in oversized SUV's who can barely see over the steering wheel

It's the NHTSA guideline for a reason. It's absolutely unsafe to dive like that at any speeds and increased your chances of hand slip and finding yourself turning the wheel improperly since your hand is no longer in it's original position. And if your airbag blows it WILL break your arm.

Your hands aren't permanently attached to the wheel,once you actually drive a car you will understand,pussy.

Shit son I just put my left knee adt 7 so I can light my smoke with the windows down. Hands are for plebs

People who drive like this

Pretty much most women

or anyone who drives a mussel car

The death grip is a result of being nervous and leads to small wheel movements that lead to nervousness that tightens the grip that leads to nervousness that makes you tighten the grip you lean forward grip the wheel more... Circle of shit driving.
Long story made short,OP probably shouldn't bitch about his bus driver using one hand.

This is a board for enthusiasts


Meaning what? Your car doesn't have airbags?

>drive behind slow driver in left lane
>driver keeps slowing down
>can't get over
>driver stops
>driver signals left

Wait a minute,I know people that have heard about people that know people that know girls,not one of them said anything about cars without doors.
Pic related, yfw you got BTFO by a guy that knows a guy that overhead a guy talk about a guy that read about a guy that talked to a girl.(may have been a non-fiction kinda book about a guy that knew a fella that had some stories about a bloke that one time saw a guy that talked to a pick up artist that live near a grill that cooked a meal for a girl)
Nice point,NOT!!!1!!

Al's OP is a fag

No. And if your car shipped with airbags, there's a very slim chance that it's cool.

>1980 malibu