What does Veeky Forums think about the Bentley Continental GT?
What does Veeky Forums think about the Bentley Continental GT?
Has absolutely no idea what it wants to be.
inb4 "hurr durr the only reason you wouldn't want one is because you're poor lol"
>Has absolutely no idea what it wants to be.
Auto post pls. I meant for the pricetag that sort of issue isn't really justifiable, it's a good car but not really worth buying over its more specialized competition.
It's just a rebadged VW
>its more specialized competition
Which is...?
Guy up the street traded his Hellcat for one about a month ago. I've seen it leave his house on a flatbed 3 times.
Yeah? What model VW was it "rebadged" from?
I heard the GT3-R is very agile for all the weight it has to haul around.
I don't know anything else about it though.
If you want a sports car, get a California, a Huracan, or an infinite number of cheaper and better options. If you want a luxury car, get an S600, save up a bit more and get a Ghost, go SUV and get a G65 or save a ton of cash and get an Escalade. Plenty of options. Hell, you could have an Escalade or a non-Maybach S class for the weekdays and any number of great sports cars for the weekend for the price of a Continental.
Meant to reply to but it applys to OP too.
Is this the car that has a 50+ year old engine?
The problem with the S-Class (and many Rolls too) is that it's a car that needs a chauffeur.
And a pure supercar is a bit ridiculous if all you do is driving slowly in the city.
VW Phaeton
>ITT Veeky Forums doesn't know what a GT is
this board gets dumber every fucking day
Not electric. No care.
That only applys to the S600 Maybach, you can drive your own S550 all day. And yes, a Ferrari or a Lambo would be pretty stupid for city commuting. But frankly, I'd rather get a lower end S class with a chauffeur (because I fucking hate driving in shitty city traffic) and an F-type for the weekends. Should be able to pay for a chauffeur for a while after buying the Merc and the Jag before it adds up to the price of the Bentley.
The base model V8 on small wheels is the best one
Then fuck off
I think there's a reason these are depreciating faster than a jar of mayonnaise sitting in the sun.
At this rate, in two years there will be people on Veeky Forums asking whether to buy a Bentley or Corvette C5 because they're the same price.
>Been on sale since 2003
>Still not attainable for p/o/orfags
Ultimate chav dreamcar.
fuck off your Alphonse ripoff suck