Say you want to die in a single car crash, and you want it to be quick.
What would be the best car for this?
Say you want to die in a single car crash, and you want it to be quick.
What would be the best car for this?
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: )
Seriously, if you are determined to remove yourself, go find a gun barrel to suck on. Don't take someone else's life with you because you thought a high speed front end collision in oncoming traffic would be a good way to do yourself in.
I said single person car crash, as in a wall.
VB Commodore.
A shotgun is faster and more likely to work.
camaro, make sure to crash it into something important so that they get a bunch of bad press.
Go watch Mustangs leave the car show
Don't remove yourself and go restore an old car. Fuck a woman or adopt a kid. Give kid the car. Die. You just created a family car that will be passed down got about two generations then be shit canned by some fuck you would've hated. At least you can be Grandpa and have your kid driving Dad's car on the weekends. It's what we all truly want. Just don't get sidetracked by thinking you want to veto your life.
Citroen AX/Citroen Saxo/Peugeot 106 if you're in yurop.
Paul walkers
Some 600cc+ supersport bike off Craigslist would be easy
But like said, don't be so quick to off yourself. If it's money, don't worry about it. You'll make some cuts to help make ends meet but when you stop worrying about the money and focus on being happy and doing what you love the money will find it's way in.
thats not a normal crashtest tho
Without a seatbelt fly as fast as you can into a concreate wall. You should be ejected from the car and die instantly. Concreate pillars will work also. Make sure you drink a bit and also break in the last second you want to make it look believable. Once you get over 60 mph your chances of survival are slim to none.
This one will take me to my death. faster than it needs to be and almost no brakes left, hit something solid enough and I will be a shishkabab on the steering column
You seem to be fixated on this
is there anything you need to tell us
A crash has to many variables, I knew a guy that had an mgb with a rover v8 swap. Pretty fast, wrapped it around a telephone pole and flew into a wall. He lived.
Best bet is get something old with no emission and park in a small well sealed garage.
an old beatle
No. Just pointing out that a car crash carries a slight chance of survival.
Two words;
/k/ here, fuck off, don't make yourself a statistic for anti fucktards to wave in people's faces. Use a helium exit bag.
>none of the dummies had seat belts on
>they fly out
Wow who would have guessed that one eh?
GEO Metro
In 2 separate events 2 people I knew died in a crashed GEO Metro
Real true fatal car crashes are horrible slow ways to die
The one guy in his GEO was bisected at the waist.
He was alive and conscious for a while after being cut in half.
A girl I knew in her GEO was in a high speed wreck, got her head pulped like a pumpkin and was kept alive in the hospital for 3 days.
Also my area has had a rash of idiots who kill themselves by driving at high speed down the wrong side of the highway.
An innocent family of 5 was killed in their minivan when a schizo woman wanted to off herself by wrong-way driving on the interstate.
Want to die? Eat a bullet, or join the ARMY
This actually gives me more reason to get some hella-sick 5 points for my Expedition bro
How about a Lotus Seven clone? Not only does the design date to the fifties, it can also be easily made to go stupid fast to maximize the chances of getting thoroughly slain in a single blow.
vw sanatna
the difference was that vanagon truck thing was loaded, and the santana always crashes like that
Fast motorbike, cheap helmet, and a bridge. That's my plan for if I get sick of life and can't afford to live. I've even got the bridge picked out; the one over the Manchester Ship Canal on the M6. It's high enough to be lethal, there's deep water under it, and the barriers won't stop me if I get enough speed up.
the most hektik skid ever
The Pinto, obviously, so long as you don't just burn to death.
Chevrolet Corvair
Any slav box
I dunno. Slavs seem pretty good at not dying in crashes.
Chevy Bel Air, lol.
Are you Lithuaniafag from last month?
The correct answer is motorcycle
This guy knows what's up.
Actually this.
Godspeed you magnificent faggot.
Helium salesman here, fuck off, don't make yourself a statistic for anti fucktards to wave in people's faces. Use a rope
any old car
just don't put you seat belt on and run into a three
Yep. Ride like you don't give a shit and you'll have some fun along the way
They would really destroy a classic just for crash test data?
That'd piss me off if I was a boomer and liked 50s cars
Classically dangerous.
Fucking idiot he said one person crash. Go off the road and hit a tree, go skydiving in your car off a bridge no other casualties if done right ie make sure nobody else is around damn simple if you ask me
stop bullying
Rope salesman here, fuck off, don't make yourself a statistic for anti fucktards to wave in people's faces. Use a knife.
My first love. My 1971 Ford. Manual steering. The column will impale me into the gas tank. I then will be cooked. Bury me in this truck.
Gas tank behind the seat. Two bolt thin long straight column. Absolutely no crash safety anywhere. What else could do the job better than 60s engineering?
And a high chance of the slowest, most agonizing death you can think of
>impaled on the steering column
>lower extremities crushed
>you may find your pelvis no longer attached to the rest of your body
>compound fractures everywhere
>a piece of your skull might have sheared off on the steering wheel, still leaving enough brain for you to live
>bleed to death if you don't die from shock
>you died from shock.
Consider getting a sportbike if you want to die by auto. It'll be a little more instant since the force is applied directly to your body, instead of transferred through a mess of steel. Hit a semi going 150, have your organs force themselves out your throat while the force instantly lobotomizes you and your body tears in half, followed shortly by the whole mess becoming a splatter.
Ford Focus
Not even close.
All the awhile you have a crushing sensation that the entire problem could have been fixed. And then it comes crashing down on you that maybe things weren't so bad that taking a tree head on maybe was not the best idea. You try and cry for help, the only sound that comes out is a faint gasp as you cough up blood. Not that calling for help would do any good, it's 0300, the road is deserted and your last cries of help are too quiet for a passing motorist to hear.
Calls start coming into the police at the start of the morning rush; there is a wrecked car just off the road.
Maybe you register the sun on your face or maybe the cool sweetness of morning due, more likely you perished alone in the early morning hours while somebody worries about you.
EMTs arrive to find your lifeless body entombed in a steel coffin that once resembled a car. They pause and wonder what was the last thought that passed your head as you drew your final breath.
Fear maybe?
Some emotion we don't have a word for?
So, what was it that you thought you could not over come?
A bonus effect of a Lotus Seven clone would be that driving it on a twisty road might make you drop the whole suicide thing altogether.
>ecoboost kicked in
Knife salesman here, fuck off, don't make yourself a statistic for anti fucktards to wave in people's faces. Use anot axe.
>100 mph vs 40 mph
But insurance won't pay out
And his family would be liable for the funeral
It's like you've never pondered the consequences of your own demise.
I did not come into Veeky Forums today expecting to be met with profound poetry.
Ford pinto and reverse into something
>Not that calling for help would do any good
>It's 0300
Fuck you stop pointing to guns.
You're the reason my state is Shit.
Op crash into a wall in this faggots teepee
too quick down the touge in an NA miata with the top down.
>Say you want to die in a single car crash, and you want it to be quick.
Too risky that in a usa-made car approved by the NHTSA safety crash tests, you will survive severe crashes but be severely maimed or paralyzed. You would thus be in a living death. The system will find some way to discard you to become homeless and you'll die from pneumonia gotten from sitting in a wheelchair in some minimum care social services assisted living center for disabled homeless. Those places get rid of people by having them share airborne diseases like pneumonia.
But before then, you'll suffer the indignity of not being able to wipe your butt properly, thus your wheelchair is basically a poopchair with you sitting in itchy or burning-sensation filth. I used to volunteer, but quit since I not only had my own health to consider, but almost all the "people" were incredibly bitter and obnoxious (you could tell they had been obnoxious people long before they got to the social welfare funded facility). A lot of volunteers also made me feel uncomfortable. Some were probably there only because a judge had sentenced them to perform community service so they were "volunteers" not because they wanted to help others, but because they needed to be present at some place to collect their volunteer hours.
Just shoot yourself if you need to die.
If you need to die in a crash because you want someone to collect insurance money, then note that the laws were changed to allow insurance to not pay out while cases remain open. That's why some conservative police will keep a case open and move it to cold case storage. That protects the insurance company in that state from paying out for suspicious fraudulent deaths. Of course, insurance laws vary from state to state. Liberal laws will probably force the insurance company to pay out even for suspicious fraud deaths.
I crashed a 1990 crx in to the back of a parked car going 60kph and my head went through the windshield a bit, I was wearing a hat and was okay but I think that car would be decent to kill yourself in
Anot axe salesman here, fuck off, don't make yourself a statistic fit anti fucktards to wave in people's faces. Use a car.
>sub 40mph
>rear ended someone
Kill yourself.
>morning due
don't dew this
Once the police conclude it was a suicide, auto insurance won't pay anything either.
Also when you are so far down that suicide no longer seems a sin, you don't think of the aftermath. Instead you reason it away with "They'll be happy I'm gone." Or "I'm a burden to everyone, nobody will miss me." These sound cliche and I know it but it's generally a variation on those two.
Thing is, the survivors don't forget. They spend the rest of their lives blaming themselves. "Maybe if I was there, maybe if I spent one more minute with them, maybe..." The self-blame list goes on and on.
I've also had the misfortune of watching a friend's suicide destroy his family. They simply could not handle the fact he was dead and blamed each other. I also don't think they liked the fact I figured out what lead him to suicide. To this day, I put the blame on his family, in particular his piece of shit mother and sister. That was ten years ago and I still think about him.
He would have made a good Veeky Forumstist. He had a soft spot for 80s luxobarges.
Car salesman here, fuck off, don't make yourself a statistic for anti fucktards to wave in people's faces. Use an ocean.
Doesn't matter what, just go fast and no seatbelt.
Marine biologist here, fuck off, don't make yourself a statistic for the retarded Discovery Channel Shark Week specials to wave at people's faces. Use a rope.
Reminds me of my uncle Ed.
>Be uncle Ed
>In my late 40s, nothing going for me
>Just get out of jail after serving 5 years for marijuana
>Drink an entire 5th of vodka a night - we're talking bottom shelf popov
>One night I took off for a drive and aimed for a culvert
>No seatbelt and launched myself out the window skidding down the road
>Truck was completely totaled
>By the time the police got to me I was sobered up
>Somehow no alcohol ended up in my blood work
>Forget what I claimed happened
>100k settlement
>I wore a neck brace for two months
>All of a sudden I'm reading and attending college
>Before we know it I'm fooling around with stocks
>Holy shit, I'm turning my life around
>One day I up and packed my bags and moved to some European place
Haven't heard from him since.
Piano mover here, fuck off, don't make it more difficult to have a van full of blankets and rope, use a gun
The steering column would impale your sternum and your passenger would crack their skull on the glovebox.
Those are the most brutal cars to die in but oddly they are pretty resilient to damage.
You hit a mailbox or road debris and BAM your dead
Fuck man, I tried blowing my head off with a .22 a few years ago but fucked up pretty badly. you're nailing some of those feels I had in the hospital when the doctors told me they weren't sure I was gonna live.
But can you manage making it go fast enough to kill yourself?
Anything made in China
Shotguns aren't even that sure for a quick painless kill. There's a few EMTs on /k/ and they all have fucked up stories on botched suicides.
/k/ here, fuck off, don't make yourself a statistic for anti fucktards to wave in people's faces. Use a toaster in a bathtub.
People don't actually count suicides in gun deaths do they? That's retarded. If guns were banned and I wanted to off myself I'd find another way or something.
Holy shit
Why not use any car?
>Park in garage
>Soak garage in gas
>Stick tube end in exhaust, the other end in the front window
>Start car
>As exhaust rises, light a cig
>When you feel light-headed, through lit cig out the window.
>You die of gas poison
>Your house lights on fire
>Investigators conclude you died of a one-man accident
It's not that hard to an hero OP.
I didn't come here for this
definitely not a Caprice
>I tried blowing my head off with a .22
I doubt the bullet made much of a difference
it's spelt DAEWOO
and yeah my daewoo doesn't have any airbags or abs even
park your car in the garage and leave it running.
Why bother with a helmet? Lol
Heard Porsche was good at relocating telephone poles, should try that.
please don't hurt the caddy, close yourself in a garage with engine running at least
>thoroughly slain
Toaster seller here, fuck off; don't make yourself a statistic for anti toaster fuckers to wave in people's faces. Use alot of heroin at once
>What would be the best car for this?
A motorcycle. How stupid are you?
a .22 would just bounce around in the skull while say a .45 make u RIP