Tell me how the 3.8 Track Coupe isn't the best new affordable rwd car

Tell me how the 3.8 Track Coupe isn't the best new affordable rwd car


Lacking steering feel and shit shifter. It's a solid first attempt, but the competition just happens to be better.


Because the Mustang GT exists

Id rather have a hyoonday


>top spec V6 is slower than a 4cyl turbo Mustang

>Is lighter
>Has more power
>Still slower


gookday sucks.

Mustang is better in literally every single way

60mph = 100kph

0-100kph: 5.8s
0-60mph: 5.2s


Now youve learned laptimememesite is not truth


but uh, yeah they are equally different for both vehicles.

Then buy a shitty Korean car m8

Why make the thread if you've already made up your mind

>car can juuust hit 60 in 1st
>need to shift to hit 62

looooooooool, that really might be it tho.

>he thinks im OP
Why do people assume this here?

Not after I turbo the 3.8

Even better

Why did you reply to me about rather having a Hyundai than the Mustang in the first place?

The Mustang would be faster after you spent the same amount on it.

Thats the whole point of this board.... to share oppinion. I do what i want

>has to spend thousands of dollars on top of the purchase price to be even with a Mustang GT, and be infinitely less reliable
Top kek

>Wants to spend EVEN MORE just to beat a fucking mustang ecoboost 4 banger

Are you retarded? You can buy a GT with that kind of money.

me thinks OP bought the dick-window car and now has hurt feelings




Note the same year and mileage.

Not surprising. Hyundai is shit. Same class as Kia.


Literally the same company as Kia.

What would you take? 370z or 3.8 gen?

Z, miles better overall. The only thing the Genesis offers over the Z is a tiny-ass back seat and a bit more trunk space.

>still slower than my 17 year old PONTIAC TRANS AM


Seriously though I'm just not sold on Mexican reliability.

No worse than Korean reliability.

What does

>Korean liability

even mean?


It's a meme carried over from the period of extreme unreliability in Korean imports stretching from the 1980s up until the early 2000s.

Nothing good but I thought you'd get a 7 year warranty on their cars

its still a fucking mustang. i see them 20x a day. theres nothing special about them whatsoever. boring shitboxes. yes they are faster. whoop de doo.
The Genesis coupe on the other hand, thats a car that turns heads. I own a '15 R-spec model and without lying, I tell you I get many inquiries about what it is and how cool it looks. hell, just going down my street a bunch of kids yelled "cool car!". I was at a light and a guy pulls up and says "man, what is that?" I get many thumbs up while driving, etc.

those mustangs are nice but so what, they aren't special so they're invisible.

it's 10yrs for the engine and trans i think.

>The Genesis coupe on the other hand, thats a car that turns heads.

>actually believing this

top kek