[ D a i l y A u s f a g T h r e a d ]

>2016 Veeky Forums Census edition

This thread is dedicated to user-chan:
soz, i tried

>'Strayan Cars & Bikes
>'Strayan Questions & Answers
>'Strayan Pictures & Videos
>'Strayan Blogging, Bitching & Moaning
>'Strayan Scenc as fuck

>/dat/ Links
OP CopyPasta: pad.riseup.net/p/datop
Music List: pad.riseup.net/p/datmusic
Meets List: pad.riseup.net/p/datmeets
/dat/ Map: zeemaps.com/map?group=1829299

>Community Links
NEW Map: zeemaps.com/map?group=2174197
OLD Map: Cart/o/graphy Map: zeemaps.com/map?group=1049739
/dat/ Steam Group: steamcommunity.com/groups/DailyAusfagThread/

>Guides & Information
/dat/ External PDF List: pad.riseup.net/p/datpdfs
/dat/ Recommended Cars: my.mixtape.moe/akuicw.jpg
/dat/ Recommended Bikes: my.mixtape.moe/mpxqyl.jpg
RAA Used Car Checklist: raa.com.au/documents/motoring-buy-a-car-checklist

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

bikesales.com.au/private/SSE-AD-4189190/2000-Honda-XR650R/?cr=0&psq=(((Make=[Honda]&Model=[XR650R])&((((SiloType=[Brand new bikes available]|SiloType=[Brand new bikes in stock])|SiloType=[Demo & near new bikes])|SiloType=[Dealer used bikes])|SiloType=[Private used bikes]))&Service=[Bikesales])&pso=0&pss=Premium

way too fucking depressed for this shit anons

why is every single commodore completely trashed?

I would love a tidy VT-VY manual in any trim level, but they're all high mileage, faded headlights, kmart-rimmed pieces of outer suburbs trash. For six grand.

drown your feels with consumerism user

why make a new map when we've got like, 2 maps already

and i really hope you didn't your actual address on that map, mr germanian

>entering your actual address
top kek
i hope no one is that dumb
old maps have tons of markers for all those faggots who left
so having a new map every now and then is a good thing

>wanting to exterminate zee history of /dat/

typical german

i have no respect for faggy cunts who decide to leave Veeky Forums behind, for retarded reasons like "life" and neither should you
plus the old map is still there

Jimmy will be turning in his grave after that comment

he can rotate in hell for all i care
if you don't plan on staying here, stop wasting anyones time and fuck right off


>Express shipping $25
>Still takes 3 fuckin days

I swear if we were any more laid back we would be lying down

he's still ere cunt. he's the user that posted about the 200k service last night.

>jimmy being a bitchboy that cant do his own work and bitching about jew mechanics
Sounds like Jim

i recently sold a '00 VT with 140k on the clock, completely stock and tidy for 1800 the other day

just wait, a tidy one will come up

>just saw an absolute mint R31 GTS drive past

Fuck lads I think I want one now

Reposting from previous /dat/ hoping for more input:

So I bought my first car today. How fucked am I?

> go to inspect LN130 (1991) hilux surf, 350k with timing belt change on the 2.4 TD EFI at 330k
> gumtree post is asking for 1750, mentions the rear diff is shot, so the car moves but is obviously not in driveable condition
> rock up to some dodgy leb's run down house for the inspection
> do all the regular checks with a mate who knows a fair bit about diesels and he says the motor looks, sounds and feels strong, as does the transmission
> test drive maxing out at 50kmh, strong clunking whilst applying power in 2wd, very strong clunking when coasting in 4wd
> take the car back, tell the guy there are more problems than he discussed (cracked exhaust, shot sway bushings, bolts missing off rocker cover)
> tell 'im he's dreamin' for 1750
> walk away, get some texts about 15min later asking for an offer
> honestly not planning on taking the car home as it's a lot of work for my novice mechanic abilities
> low ball at 1000 cash, he asks 1500, I say 1000 firm, get back to me if you want it
> tells me if i get it in the next hour it's mine for 1000
> check rego and VIN on ppsr, everything checks out, make the deal and cruise it home in second gear
> transfer rego later that arvo

It's definitely seconds away from exploding right? If I do it myself, replacing the rear diff centre seems like it won't cost more than $450, which would make for a $1450 vehicle?

How bad did I fuck up?

> pic related

Sounds like you bought a worthwhile little project that someone else simply couldn't be bothered fixing. I'd have done the exact same thing.

I hope so.

Will post pics of the busted diff later tonight.

Keeping thread alive

Dear mad cunts: I keep reading in DAT threads about getting 'P' plates. Do you get P plates when you get caught speeding or is everyone who mentions them just a new driver and provisional?

Signed, burger user

A 'P' plate is just a square piece of plastic with a P on it, just like the 'L' plate. P plates must be displayed when on a Provisional License.

guys help

i need to drive to Perth and back at the end of the year, should i take my corolla? (200~k/kms) i have no idea if it will survive or not

I'm in Victoria, i thought i uploaded a picture with the plates in it.

they made fastback corollas?

Generic hatch my dude


>never been thrashed


I offered the guy an extra grand and his flight home from Melbourne if he drove it here and he declined


Is the Toyota Starlet a good car? This seems to be a good example, might need the timing belt done, besides that I can't really see why this wouldn't be a bad car to get for running about and work

A P plate is a plate you put on you car or bike to signify that you're on the provisional license stage, aka the "babby's first drive without mummy and daddy" stage.

AE112R came in hath, liftback and sedan, don't think we ever got the traditional hatch here though afaik.

pls respond

u might die


>changes plugs and leads on new car
>plug 2 didn't want to come out
>made it come out
>'installed' new one
>getting rid of it before I have to do it again

It's a corolla. Have you roughly maintained it sometime in the last 100,000 km? If so you'll be fine.

what'd you do? thread it?

the previous owner did and forced a plug in, as if they had used an impact or something to fasten it

Just buy a cheap head?

Allright cunts my Mirage died on me yesterday and I'm in the market for the most reliable car under 4k. I want a shitbox to last me well into the 200,000 km range.

Camary all the way?

The usual suspects, i.e. Camry, Corolla, Pulsar, 323 etc. Avalon if you want an upmarket Camry.

Buy a magna for a cuttla hundred and drive it till it catches fire from oil leaks, claim insurance and repeat


>tfw no fuccboi-spec 3 Series

Started smoking again

Bought optimum crushes because a mate said they are cheaper than reg Winnie's. how do I turn them into a menthol cigarette. I wanna see what it's like.

Also wtf at Winnie's being $25 a pack now baka.

what are the most affordable yet decent smokes these days?

>freshly painted boot
>It's the worst part of the paint

soarer, theyre like 1k now

Think you have to bite down or squeeze the filter, something like that.

Don't have any experience with ciggies personally, having only smoked once, but I do sell them and apparently JPS are... okay. Quite cheap though. Same goes for Rothmans. Bond Street are also cheap but I think they taste like ass.

middle eastern convenience stores usually sell $10 packs of smuggled shit to other kebabs

>dashcam battery managment device's cable gets caught between seat and the rail and severs itself
>dashcams arent getting power
>"ill fix it tomorrow"
>today driving to uni turning left off pacific highway
>its a pedestrian crossing
>some lady is walking across
>i edge forward
>suddenly BANG
>some cunt in a toyota kluger rear ends me
>i pull over
>we both get out check the damage
>thankfully there is none. my car and his are fine
>guy apologises profusely: "sorry my son was talking and i saw you moving forward"
guy was probably on his phone and not paying attention. moral of the story dont stop for pedestrians

+1 to magna 10/10 manual is gud

I have a tech problem and /g/ is cunts, plus you guys have no standards for what is on and off topic.
>PC output via optical to stereo
>Also use 3.5mm jack for headphones
>PC always 'thinks' the headphones is plugged in
>If I want to swap I need to disable speakers in playback devices
Anyway to fix this? I just want it to normally output to optical unless I plug in my headphones then it should output to that

Magna is love. Magna is life.

off topic mods pls delete

>Veeky Forums
Nice joke

Depends on your OS

Windows 10 usually lets you hot-swap but 8/7 has issues.

honestly looks like it has none to minimal clear coat. clearcoat should be somewhat glossy even prior to buffing

Who wins tonight lads? Bulldogs or Eagles? I'm kinda hoping the dogs get up but I don't see it happening unfortunately

It's footy, nobody wins.

Ah well. Thats a shame. Thanks man though.

>supporting bulldogs
>being a lebbo

Nah m8 I'm not a bullies supporter I'm just hoping they get up and I don't know why, probably due to the season they've had they really deserve to do well

sue the cunt you assfuck

don't smoke you niggershit

for what? no damages. im not a dog cunt

>Watching sportsball
Why would you do this to yourself?

>spot the homosexual

>tfw copped a face full of diesel yesterday
>got absolutely drenched in diesel, jumper was soaked
>throw it in the wash just now.... with my other clothes
>now everything smells like diesel
>bedroom reaks of diesel
>car reaks of diesel
Send help

Vinegar rinse all the things, starting with the washing machine.

beats the time where my fuel pump seal unseated and the 1/4 the tank leaked sending me back to the dreamtime

2/3 the way up the filter you'll feel a ball, crush it

How is this even bad? Free history lesson brudda

nice degeneracy you have there

Don't worry I started to feel a little woozy about 10 minutes later, all the diesel fumes have made me 1/10ths aboriginal for sure

>working on carbies
>fuel tank is off and sitting in the corner of the garage
>assume the smell of petrol is just carbies
>half hour later start getting light headed
>starting to black out
>after getting some fresh air realise tank has dropped it's petrol everywhere
Dreamtime lads. Cheaper than weed

>cheaper than weed
For now, until those towel heads decide they need more money to take over more desert

>hardcore racist
>unironically want to crusade against the mudslimes
>help line their pockets with money by purchasing the petrol jews
I am a disgrace

I bought my VY for $2k. Just hit 300,000km and still going strong.

Vf sv6 station wagon with brothers work discount ($33k)
Corolla Sport accent ($24k)
2016 Civic sedan entry level one ($25k)

Which one for a daily driver no frills, no hooning experience. plan on buying new and hoping this will be my only car I will ever buy. besides work and groceries I am pretty much Hikikomori shut in, so my km will be pretty low throughout its lifetime as I work Close to home

Mazda 3 hatch manual imo

How do you guys find deals like this?

How many km did it do when you got it and how did you know it was in good condition still

Or a 6 wagon.

Should I be worried about how cheap this is?

bikesales.com.au/private/SSE-AD-4189190/2000-Honda-XR650R/?cr=0&psq=(((Make=[Honda]&Model=[XR650R])&((((SiloType=[Brand new bikes available]|SiloType=[Brand new bikes in stock])|SiloType=[Demo & near new bikes])|SiloType=[Dealer used bikes])|SiloType=[Private used bikes]))&Service=[Bikesales])&pso=0&pss=Premium

they're all stolen anyway so it doesn't matter

That's not even cheap but it's a fair price. Probably needs rings, valve stem seals or carb attention with overfueling. I don't know about Vic but the rear brake light case might need replacing or at minimum a solid gluing to pass roadworthy. Ask to view it to see how bad the cold start really is. Probably also due for fluid changes all around the bike and maybe pads. Don't expect it to be set for more than 1000km without some kind of service issue.

>buying new

Anyhoo, why not go for a higher up model for the Civic?

They're very good now and fuel efficient as fuck. Top model has some kick to it and IMO would be the most fun to drive out of the cars you listed

>Anyhoo, why not go for a higher up model for the Civic?

The turbo ones?

The mechanic my gfs mum works for gave me a good deal because I fixed all his computers. I was 18 and it was my first car, had about 250 or 270 thousand km on it. Hasn't skipped a beat since, I always take it back to him for services.


i have a bit of a problem.

own an aw11.
need to get a 2nd car thats more practical (camping gear, dogs, surfing ect)

for my tastes, the best option would be a land rover defender (5 seats main reason)


i really want to own a panel van. did any panel vans come with dicky seats or anything like that? or is my best bet a column shift auto with a bench seat for seating of 3?

what do

Most of them seem to go for about $3.5k to $4k.
What else should I be looking at? Just want a reliable bike to go trail riding with my dad.


Is it true that when abbos get given cars and shit by Centrelink they just drive em around til they run out of petrol then just leave the car there because they dont realzie you gotta refill them or simply don't care

>Is it true that when abbos get given cars and shit by Centrelink they just drive em around til they run out of petrol
lol, mate, an abo could never resist a brand new tank of the good stuff, they'd invite their mates around and that shit'd be gone before they left the centerlink car park

>Have a test tomorrow
>Stressing out
>A mate managed to find a copy of last year's paper which is probably identical to this one
Wew lads

Shaheen has control over here too. You can't win man, unless we have a crusade and take their oil by force

Twice a year they get a big cash bonus

I've heard of them buying cars and driving them until the run out of petrol, but not being given new cars or anything


This is a blue board, user.

They sure do. The stereotype of them driving flogged out old falcons is from a bygone era. Now they roll in FGXs and VFs

Fuck me, really?
Oppressed bruddas my ass, cunts get all sorts of benefits. We were so close to getting rid of the cunts too

me and my m8 reseated the fuel pump and ring with a camera tripod and shirts as masks
fuel is not to be fucked with