What's Veeky Forums's opinion on the 480?

What's Veeky Forums's opinion on the 480?

another cool european hatchback that us americans never got

Looks neat, tarbo is considered a fast car in most of yurop, isn't built as well as most other Volvos.

peugeot usa would've lived through the 1990s if they offered the 205 in the usa

because it's a renault

based GTI

Shares parts with many Renaults because Volvo and Renault had a partnership at the time, but it was built in a Dutch factory.

I want one with a T5. They were made close to home, since I live about 25 km's from Born. The 480 was a lot better than the Mitsubishi and Mini shitbox they make there nowadays.

Did they ever put the T5 in these? Do those even fit?

both the 480 and the accord are shooting brakes though

wrong term, my bad

Not from the factory, but and friend and I looked it over - it should fit with a bit of playing around and relocating some stuff.

Well all dutch "volvos" have been shit

parents had one in 88 or 89, fuck i hated it
>budget airline tier cramped in the back
>back seat always damp because the hatch leaked

Hold on now, it was mainly the rebadged DAFs and their derivatives that were shit. The 440/460/480 and S40/V40 series were kinda good actually.

Not surprising for a country that actively tries to discourage people from driving cars.

No they weren't.

Dutchfag here, the government actively pays large sums of money to get people into PHEVs. Getting people out of cars has been largely unsuccessful though.

I know, being a Dutchfag myself. I fucking despise those PHEVs, especially in that goddamn metallic sky blue "look at me I'm driving a clean car" color.

Everyone and their fucking mother drives outlander PHEV here in Sweden since our latest princess got one. And in that fucking color too.

Fun fact, Outlander PHEV sales dropped almost 90% here once they dropped part of the subsidies in Jan. 2016.

No shit, the only reason people bought them was because they were far and away the biggest cars you could get with the massive tax discounts and such on them.

I've heard they sold 11000 of them in the first week they were available. ELEVEN FUCKING THOUSAND.

You mean "Swedish" princess.


Wait, how many princesses do you have? That`s not the BR?

Our queen lived in Brazil for a while when she was a kid but she's German.