i thought only slavs and mentally handicapped aussies hoon in busy streets
Grayson Walker
Thank god I don't live in Australia lol
Eli Bennett
Oh no I chirped my wheels in an empty industrial area, now a heap of new born babies are going to magically appear underneath my car and get squished!
Angel Foster
mate, i agree with you, if you are doing it in residentials you are a dickhead.
but spare a thought for my country, where they fucking hide in the trees out in the middle of nowhere in GILLIE SUITS to catch people going 5km/h over.
they made it so we can't do shit in the middle of nowhere, they made track unobtainable for the common man (you actually need a thousand track permits to run a fast car there) and then wonder why everyone says fuck it and mass civil disobedience occurs?
ever since our "guilty until innocent" impound laws, we've had a rise in police chases.
I don't agree with these bogan cunts doing hektik shit in a surburban street, but they have nowhere else to do it and an absolute refusal to give them somewhere safe to do it is just not working.
Cameron Peterson
I drive like an asshole late at night when theres nobody around, and I'll sometimes skid around a corner, again when nobody is around.
If you do stupid shit in traffic, you're stupid. It's fine if there arent many other cars on the road, or youre in an empty parking lot or something.
what the fuck australia, it's like you want everyone to detest your police. at least here if you get busted, most people cop it fair and the cops don't actively set out to ruin your life. you guys treat going 5 over like we treat a tiny bit of weed, life ruining.
Josiah Stewart
Dropping skidz here is worse than driving under the influence, even though studies and evidence suggest intoxicated drivers present a significantly larger impact on road toll.
And remember speed kills all the time. 2km/h over the limit? Here's a fine and some demerits.
Oliver Cook
It's fucking absurd. They wonder why people detest the police now?
I'm a boomer and it was never this bad. People used to have respect for the police, that has all but vanished completely.
Sure, they may rake in some revenue, catch a few dickheads but the damage has been done. People hate their guts now and the social damage of not having the police respected is really bad.
And it's not just young dickheads who don't respect the police now. I have no respect for them, even though i've never been done myself.
It's the lying that gets to me. The blatant fucking lying about statistics that 10 seconds on google proves to be bullshit when compared with UK and german statistics.
The amount of dickheads on the road who are dickheads because of their hooning is actually very fucking low. There are a hundred thousand more dickheads who simply don't know how to fucking drive for shit and they get a pass because they're not speeding while they cut people off, run red lights and drink drive.
Jaxson Baker
Nobody who isn't retarded goofs around in city streets. Most who so probably believe people think it's cool and do it for that reason instead of their own enjoyment. >it's real Jesus christ
Joseph Martin
How long till we MAD MAx because of speed cameras?
>having fun is nigger tier >"why don't you guys just play computer all day in the basement like me, having fun is for losers, you're putting me in danger!"
David Nelson
it's funny when they crash and can't afford insurance, medical bills, and/or car repairs after thou
Dominic Miller
Gillie suits? Fuck me I thought speed cameras were bad
Kevin Peterson
>being an anti fun faggot lol
Jonathan Jenkins
T, retarded Melbourne cuck
Track days cost no more than $200 entry at the more expensive places And move out of the worst state in the developed world where the education system is run by pedophiles and commies
Nicholas Wilson
Having fun isn't necessarily nigger tier. Being a moron in the process is. If you want to continue arguing I can only suggest you to have some fun gassing yourself.
Henry Ross
Fuckin kek
Evan Anderson
> $200 instead of driving around the touge for free at night
lol fucking retarded australians
Brayden Morales
tfw everyone sees my slav bumper sticker as i cut them off