What's Veeky Forums's opinion on him?
What's Veeky Forums's opinion on him?
"Cover my receding hairline with a bandana" guy
He can count.
gives me a headache
Seems like a genuinely nice guy.
who is that fag?
Can he though?
He is.
He's too much american.
I like him. He obviously loves what he does, and doesn't come off as an annoying douche
Yes, up to eleventy-seven.
he takes tons of money from boomers destroys their cars with absolutly disgusting artwork and shit
gives it to puppies and kittens
> gives the money to puppies and kittens
I fail to see the problem
Hard to have an opinion of him when he's playing a character in a show, and there's no guarantee that how he acts in real life.
Idk, he seems pretty honest and real in the show desu, apart from the car negotiations ofc
I'm ok with this
damn that shit is like a good 6" tall
very talented paint shop, horrible taste.
I was going to say the same.
I was at their shop in Vegas last fall, the car collection building is free to have a look around. Not a lot of cars, but cool stuff nonetheless. Danny was there and talked to a bunch of us, seemed like a nice guy.
I like how they pull over people on the street with interesting cars. They pulled over some young cunt driving a vw thing and she was acting like she was about to get rapped
i wanna see someone go there with an old datsun and just say to them:
make it look like a japenese 90s racecar and just watch
This guy, horny Mike, is annoying and has shitty taste. But the count guy seems alright. Funny how him, the pawn Stars guys, and that restoration dude all know each other.
IDK, the show to me is almost unwatchable. Too much stupid dialogue/backstories idgaf about, not enough features on technique, mechanicals, etc.
My 80+ year-old Mom loves this show, particularly The Count.
I only like Roli