>the next generation BMW 1 series will be FWD
>the next generation BMW 1 series will be FWD
95% of the people who buy one don't even fucking know it's RWD or what the benefits/downsides of it are.
Also if it's built on the same platform as the Mini, it will still handle great
the 2 series MPV is already FWD
BMW is dead. The M2 was the finale, the last good BMW.
Nice corolla bro
>Also if it's built on the same platform as the Mini, it will still handle great
>Thinking that piece of shit Cooper handles well
Kill you are self
It's just a badge now, bro
It does
Of course a poorfag like you wouldn't know
What makes me a poorfag? Spotting an ugly,unreliable, FWD, piece of shit car?
watch out everybody
the busriding BMW fangirl just started calling everyone poor
>le buzzwords for a car I have never driven
>this assmad
I don't need to drive a car that's gayer than a Miata
>super duper shitbox economy line cars is FWD
wow what a surprise
You might find that, but it's still one of the best handling fwd cars out there
And constantly dangling down at the bottom of all reliability studies.
reliability is a meme buzzword made by cucks like you into purchasing vehicles that cant perform
>tfw I've actually driven one
>tfw it handles like ass
>tfw the 500 Abarth does, too
Now please, call me poor.
Not in TUV reports. Where's your proof?
Who cares? The 1 series is already a shitbox and was never meant to be an ultimate dribing muhsheen. BMW is already dead anyway, they started catering to the larger (normie) audience. Anyone can afford a diesel 316 now and be proud that it's got a badge of what was once a good car maker. I'd say the E9x M3 E60 M5 and E63 M6 were the last interesting ones because of the V8 and V10 engines.
>BMW is working together with PSA on a 3 cylinder 1.5l engine as we speak
BMW died after e30 after they decided to make all their cars ugly as sin
>implying this isn't godlike
>BMW is already dead anyway,
I had the misfortune of glancing in the direction of a BMW dealership today. My eyes still burn.
>this thing got BTFO by a Camaro SS that costs literally 1/5th
>Faster than a camaro
GM fangirls are actually retarded
>M cars have turbos, automatic gearboxes and play fake engine noise through the sound system
>all their cars get bigger, heavier and filled with pointless technology (adaptive steering is shit)
>there is even a BMW mpv now
Has any other brand fallen further?
the bigger they are, the harder they fall
bmw was better when they were pure drivers machines. today, weight is killing everything. pretty much all cars get bigger and fatter, and this bit bmw especially hard since they want to be driver focused. i still hop they can turn around though. because b,w at their best is nothing short of spectacular. sadly, they haven't been there for a while now
>M cars have turbos
Fuck turbos amirite
It's going to be sold exclusively to badgewhores in China so no big deal.
>Thinks he's rich because his parents financed a Mini Cooper for him
Mini Coopers are cars for people in High School still.
>0.21 seconds
So fast!
>$120k stripped out and caged m4 barely faster than a base ss camaro
that's tragic
t. mad GM fangirl
you are a retard
>I suck at driving so the only way I can have fun is to do mediocre skids in a RWD car
>M4 BTFO!!!
>The M4 was actually faster
Never gets old. GM fans actually are fucked in the head
Remember when BMW served as the symbol of the wealthy? It all changed and now rich people are buying other shit than having to share the same brand with poorfags.
Anything after e46/e60 a shit
Sour grapes: the post
>F1 drivers are bad at driving, that's the only reason they don't drive shitbox Civics
Nah, the E92 is actually a badass car. I've never understood why it doesn't get the credit it deserves on the internet, other than maybe not enough people can afford them.
The S65 is possibly my favorite motor of all time, it's like two S2000 motors grafted together.
>I just parrot my opinions from Veeky Forums
E90 and 2 series are actually very good
>hurr durr dipstick has anything to do with how good a car is