ITT: post your girlfriend with your car
ITT: post your girlfriend with your car
> He thinks anyone here has a car or a girlfriend
I have both but I'm only proud of one.
>R: 0
I was going to ask where the trailer was, but I found it in the top right corner.
I have
.... a car
tfw i dont have a hot sister to fuck like you
why though
bitches love twingos
Fuck this blazer. This was about a month ago
lol nice shooped boobs
someone post that tranny modeling on a challenger or whatever car it was
i want these threads to stop
Great fuckin find m8
>tfw you have a wife and not a gf
... what the fuck is going on here?
>not having scalie waifu
Its okay user one day you'll man up enough to leave her and her son
Drive it till the wheels fall off
He may hate me and attack me occasionally but one day he will call me daddy.
So you don't own a torque wrench.
hahahahah under8d
>Torque wrench on wheels
People actually do this? I just jump on the crossbar
No i took it to a dealership for the first time
those tits have been to the shop more times then the truck
>yfw your gf puts her feet on the dash
tfw ur gf puts her feet in your mouth while you drive
lol they sure did delete that one quick
heheeehe, I've got a topless photo of her on dropbox. Was a good thread.
And the wheel fell off?
Please tell me they paid for the damages.
There's my car...
Nah i immediately throw away all service paperwork
Come onnnnnn please post hot rockabilly gf with polka dot crop top, curly hair with a bow and some nice jeans fingers fucking crossed
tfw she gives you road feet
About that...
Don't let me die here bro
Me and her.
Meh doesn't crush my rockabilly fetish, sick ride and nice posture though bro Gratz
Who's taking the picture? You fucking cuck
what gf my car only had one seat because I fell for the weight reduction meme makes you fast meme. Dont get me wrong car is fast...but no qt gt gf to ride with me.
... so why on earth would you bother taking it to a garage at all?
The entire point of using a garage instead of doing it yourself is liability!
Veeky Forums fag
Pick none
why are you taking a picture of your friend on a date with your girlfriend? Don't you think that is a little strange?
Benchracers don't need girlfriends. They should probably be searching for a job first.
That guy's a faggot of course there are people taking pictures of him.
Were they hiding around the corner celebrating the fact that they finally got someone to agree to go on a date with you?
took me a second to realize she was wearing cheese.......
A classic
r...real racers don't need girlfriends!
Still waiting for miata owners to post their bf
Only picture I have of them together.
Don't judge too hard plz,
I'm not THAT hipster, I promise.
>lol this has got to be a joke, she's ugly as fuck
>oh she's wearing cheese
>yeah it's a joke
this is the most hipster thing ive ever seen on Veeky Forums
Im surprised she didn't tear the bumper off
you mean most cancerous
hipster shit leave
but who was chair?
Heh, for a second I almost thought Veeky Forums had real racers. Real racers don't need girlfriends, only themselves, their car and the street. Have fun being slow, kids
lmao i know exactly where this is
exit 99?
this website sucks.
thanks bb.
wow thats a fuckin huge image.
I give up on trying to Veeky Forums.
>letting a girl throw off your weight distribution
I'd fill these holes
Not having a chubby gf to balance your fat ass on the other side of the car
>not maintaining skeleton mode for maximum efficiency
>he's fat
>he doesn't maintain that Auschwitz aesthetic
That dog wants out of that situation as much as I probably would.
Nice rims.
theirs something about this picture i find very comfy. going out for drinks in the rain with the person you love and laughing while holding umbrellas while wearing summer clothes, people around you think its moronic to do so but they cant help but notice how happy you two are together. the smiles the laughter the fact that you two go out and do things in the rain and you both dont have a care in the world. this image is truly something to behold. thanks user.
Ill bite.
She's going to leave him as soon as she finds someone better or gets bored
Seems to happen alot. hope it doesnt happen to him
posting car with gf
!mjet posting as anonymous
My car is my gf.