Name a faster street legal V8

Name a faster street legal V8

Protip: You can't

your mom goes from 0 - 60 dollars in only 1.3s on her street corner.

>still slower around a track

literaly any drag car


>street legal

One of these. Even with half the cylinders it would destroy that thing.

>no lap times
Absolutely BTFO

Real men hillclimb, not play around on pussy ass race tracks.

>damage control

this thread again?

There isn't a faster car

I thought that was the Toyota GT-One

In which case, the Toyota GT-One

>more glorified go-karts that fall apart 50miles later


Sr8 LM


Nope. They're slower around a track

>no laptimes


>worlds fastest street legal car

>spoon feed me mommy!!
>slower than the turbo r

Not even
>viper faster around track
>veyron higher top speed

Who cares? You'll never own any of these cars anyway

Go out and actually do stuff with your cars instead of bitching about pointless shit all day

>still no laptimes
Boy oh boy it's time for a little game of "how triggered will the rxc shitposters get"

>damage control
>spoon feed me mommy!!

>viper hasn't ran the burgerking

Either way, 918 is king of burger. Viper is everything else
>no laptimes

as usual


>still no laptimes
Go ahead and spoonfeed me then, post laptimes that prove its faster.

>spoon feed me mommy!!
Absolutely BTFO
>still slower than the r

how can you spoon feed with no data you dumb cuck?

Stay btfo

>spoon feed me!!!
Do it yourself

>still cant do it because I cant find the data either

Top kek try again. It is slower

>spoon feed me mommy!!
top fucking kek

>so btfo he's gone full retard and is repeating himself

>literally pretending it's not true
Absolutely BTFO

That's actually exactly what your doing
>no laptimes
>v8 cars are still the GOAT

>spoon feed me!!
It's faster. Stay BTFO

So prove its faster by posting laptimes

>spoon feed me!!!

>cuck ragequit
as predicted


Nope. Try again.

>sr8 at the TOP

Why even reply?

>literally illiterate
The turbo r beats all of those cars

Because Veeky Forums was good once

>The turbo r beats all of those cars
Yeah, thats why its at the top of the list... oh wait!

This place is beyond saving. I know man, it hurts. A few anons have a small imageboard running okay-ish as a replacement for Veeky Forums at, somewhere where mods will actually pay attention. It's the only solution at this point.

oh yay a shitty tripfag circle jerk board
how did /drive/ and cripple chan turn out again?

>posts a base model
The turbo r already beat all those cars

>place made because moderation here is shit is a trip fag circlejerk

>no no it doesnt count! pls believe me this imaginary car is faster when youve posted proof that v6 radicals cant compete!
roflmao so pathetic dude

>waah waah i cant handle shit posting on 4-fucking-chan, i need a safe place where the naughty people get banned!
kys cuck


>still slower than the r

>>still slower than the r
and yet its not at the top of the lists...

>pls believe me i beg you!

>still slower than the turbo r

>Turbo R hasn't posted a single laptime.
B..but it's faster guise

It has though

>spoon feed me mommy
Stay triggered

Nope, not a single laptime.
Does this car even exist outside of user's imagination?

>no! it's not true!!

sadly for you it is, the sr8lm is fastest street car

*rxc turbo r

Made a mistake in my post

>Made a mistake in my post
sorry, didnt realize i entered an ecoboost v6 in le mans and came 18th place

>V6s did better than V8s at lemans

>Implying drag cars can't be street legal

>non ford ecoboost engines did better than v8s which did better than ecoboost v6 at lemans

Name a drag car faster than OP's that is street legal.

>V8s can't compete
Top fucking kek

>Can't post a single laptime

>spoon feed me mommy

>being this defensive
Until you can prove lap times, you are incorrect.

>spoon feed me mommy!!!
Lmao, stay BTFO

>being this buthurt
>acting like a child
>instead of proving your claims
Thanks for the reaction images tho

>inb4 spoon feed me mommy!

>literally this mad I won't spoon feed you

>can't prove shit

>spoon feed me mommy!!!

>can't prove shit

>spoon feed me mommy!!


>i need to be fed by a spoon!!

>can't prove shit
It's 3 AM here, and I'd like to keep this dick measuring contest going, but I'm tired and have a job interview tomorrow.

G'night, Veeky Forumstist.

Okay, buddy. Good game. See you around. Make sure to visit your pal alphy often.

Doing the dishes for GBP doesn't count as a job.

[spoiler]I'm actually getting my ID tomorrow, and my mommy's dropping me off at the nearby shopping center to get a job.[/spoiler]

burger times are defunct now anyway with all the limitations or else the 1:one would be btfoing everything here.

That said, the 1:one still has a higher power to weight than the turbo R right? i wonder how comparable the downforce is.

>le nurbugring speed limit myth



They've actively called off manufacturer testing sessions.


You're a tart

You're a fag


Your mom cant even make it around a track

unless it be dat ho track

no limitations, the 1:one just can't turn

Post yfw you get anally fucked by a 30 year old german shitheap