What does Veeky Forums think of the new BMW m240i? It looks nice and the awd version is only .2 seconds slower to 60 than a Camaro SS, but the BMW quality i.e. not shit cheap plastic interior, standard sunroof, leather seats etc... easy makes up for that. Should I get one?
What does Veeky Forums think of the new BMW m240i? It looks nice and the awd version is only...
hi nissan scum user
I was thinking to chage my 545i to 230i
My opinion is: YES!
Nissan is the worse jap company brah
>no dipstick
into the trash it goes
>check out the 240i on the website
>actually a 3L turbo
Fuck, I thought it was going to be an NA 4L engine. What does BMW's naming convention mean anymore?
if this is the only counter argument you autists can come up with (aside from bmw unreliability memes) it must be a pretty good car.
why would i buy a car from a company that doesn't give a shit about me?
They can't have it be better than the M2 user. In fact, at this point I think it's better but it's an opinion thing
Does BMW make any quick NA cars right now? I heard turbocharged ones sound like fucking garbage.
Absolutely nothing. The numbers stopped meaning anything after the E46 and have gotten especially fucked since they went turbo.
Not as far as I know, and yeah, the turbo ones all sound like ass. I went to an F80/82 dyno day about a year ago (worked for a BMW tuner at the time) and heard just about every downpipe and exhaust combo out there, and none of them were any good, except the Meisterschaft, which is earsplittingly loud and sounds like a Spitfire.
So you're not gonna buy a car from any company? Because none of them give a shit about you retard.
Not true. Mazda goes out of its way to please it's customers
does Mazda suck a customers dick upon purchase?
then it's shit
>but the BMW quality
Well meme'd friend!
Literally get something else. Camaro/Mustang if you want power. A C-coupe or a TT if you want to fall for the German > American meme.
Probably the best BMW you can buy (new).
the c coupe and tt are utter shit to drive in comparison.
Bmw has almost never been accurate with the trim level numbering
An 1986 745i was a turbocharged 3.49 liter, 540i had a 4.4 etc
>Bmw has bad quality
>What you guys think of my 2003 civic? It's great right?
Fuck off
If you had to go back 30 years to find inaccurate numbering I think you are wrong
Absolutely shit. Don't fall into the German cars are better meme. Neighbor bought a 235i, swapped it for a Camaro SS before it hit 1000 miles.
Actually... funny story...
>Summer 2014
>Go to purchase a certified pre-owned Mazda.
I'miss working with a smoking hot saleswoman. Like... distractingly hot. Like... 'why are you selling cars when you could be a model?' hot.
I was looking pretty good myself, she was a solid 11, I might have been an 7-8 at the time.
We're jokingly flirting a little. I figure this is how she butters people up to buy cars. I didn't mind the extra attention.
Price was good. I got a pre-approved loan from my bank, so no worries about terms. Was going great.
She says the paper work was in order, and if I wanted to go on "another test drive" while we "wait for paperwork".
I wasn't stupid, so I knew something was up. Who goes on a second test drive, when the customer is almost out the door?
Got the keys, jumped in the car, drove. She's in the passenger seat, and her flirting gets a lot more direct. I decide "fuck it, what's the worst that could happen?" So I flirt right back, even more.
We actually start talking dirty to each other. She tells me to pull over behind a set of buildings.
She unbuckles her seat belt and grabs my dick.
REcline seats, she gives me a blow job, while I fondle her perfect tits. I cum with the force of 1,000 suns. Then she tells me we need to do this again sometime.
Get back, car is mine. Go home. I had her number, she had mine. We fucked atleast 10 times that week.
I'd like to say this turned into a beautiful relationship and lived happily ever after, but apparently she was cheating on her husband with me. Had no fucking clue. That explained the car sales job.
Anywho, I'm an idiot and had a stupid conscience. Told her it wasn't right. Broke it off with her. She texts me every now and then, apparently she's thinking of divorcing him. Still, I don't wanna be "that guy". Maybe after the divorce goes through.
Why? Is your neighbor retarded?
but really though, I'd rather have an M2 because I feel they will be really sought after in the future, but the M240i and the older M235i are nice senpai
So I can use it in the snow and it's also quicker (I expected the RWD to be quicker but AWD is for this car)
If this car had a lower beltline it would look so good