Apologies for noob question but just got my first 4wd car (wrx). Skid / oversteer situation what is the best way way to correct I've heard arguments for both letting off throttle and correction steering as in RWD and also pointing car in desired direction and accelerating. What should I be doing? Thanks
Apologies for noob question but just got my first 4wd car (wrx)...
when in doubt, flat out.
>My first 4wd car
AWD. Not 4wd.
Lift and correct. Don't be a knob and think your magical AWD will give you all the traction you could ever need. It won't, it can't, especially if you're aquaplaning or on ice.
You're not driving on gravel/dirt right? Your best bet is to coast and not slam on the brakes if you have to use them. Be safe nigga, if you wanna learn to drift get a RWD because AWD teaches bad habits in situations that would otherwise cause an accident.
I mentioned loose roads because that flat out quote originates from rally racing. Off road driving is a bit different when pushing the limits of a Subaru.
Stay away from trees
>tfw you will never build your very own rally car
just fucking end my life br/o/s
still wasn't sure what rallying was so I looked it up and got this picture
whatever it is, sign me up
All this terrible advise.
>coming into a corner too fast
let off throttle point to desired direction
>oversteering out of apex
give it gas accelerate out of the turn
Lmao. When you're in a slide you try to correct it by turning the same direction of the slide and applying the brakes. Or you try to powerslide out of the corner using throttle and countersteering. If you lift off the throttle your car will be coasting and will be unpredictable and it will enter what is called lift-off oversteer
You don't want that. Unless it's done purposely. You will have no control over your car and crash it.
>When you're in a slide you try to correct it by turning the same direction of the slide and applying the brakes
This is absolutely false. Never brake during a slide.
Roof scoop.
What is this need for speed underground 2?
Rally, brah. Keeps the cabin pressurized or some shit.
they better not roll down the window or they will get sucked out.
But he was trapped in the car and burned to death not flew through the windscreen
As a drifter I can confirm this is the easiest way to spin out if you don't know what you're doing. The first thing you learn when starting to slide cars around is that slamming on the brakes will initiate a drift even if you are seemingly driving in a straight line when approaching a corner.
An inexperienced driver should focus absolutely on maintainig grip. Easing off the gas pedal and using your momentum to turn is the best way to recover safely. Accelerating is only going to push you faster into the wall. The reason why rally racers are all about going balls out is because of dirt roads and they will literally kick the clutch in instead of pull the handbrake more often than not.
>never brake during slide
That's funny, the other day I was braking heavily whilst turning and the back end started coming around. I kept braking and counter-steered and performed perfect dofifto around the corner.
t: wrx driver
nah due he still alive n' popin' he neva die
There's a gravel road I practice drifting on and have skidded out plenty of times. From what I've learned, it's better to use no brakes and no gas, all steering wheel, and point whichever way you want to go. Now however if there's an obstacle you're heading towards you should go half gas and turn away. One it will starts pushing you away from said obstacle 2 it will make for a totally sick drift.
Basically its a case by case basis. You just gotta use your smarts.
Stfu you fucking retard factory "racer".
Go buy a Focus RS next so you can tell us the intricacies of driving with your led foot.
Written advice will not help you at all in moments of panic. The only way that you will really know how to handle a situation like that is experience and making sure you never get into a situation like that.
So go to a track day sometime or get a driving sim with a good wheel so you can get a feel for an AWD car.
Also you should get good tires. I learned that the hard way. I need 4 new tires for my fwd shitbox and I thought I could save money by getting second hand rear tires because fwd cars hardly use the rear tires anyways. Then I spun out on a rainy day in a corner. No amount of experience could've helped me in that situation, because with a wheelbase less than 2,5m it just turned backwards immediately. Luckily the car did a J-turn immediately and I didn't hit anything, but that could have ended a lot worse. Needless to say, my rear wheels were sporting the same expensive grippy tires as I had bought for the front wheels a week later and I'm a lot more careful in the rain now.
Trial and error is everything. Having new tires helos you learn through standardisation. After a while you'll be able to feel and assess any tires as you drive. But basically it takes laps and laps to grow. This is why all the best grassroots drifters come out of Ebisu Circuit where its only 80$ a day to drive drift missles. Check it out, plan a trip and thank me later.
This to be honest
i'm trying to imagine a scenario other than inclimate weather you would manage oversteer in a GD or newer body...
It's easy if you're aggressive with the steering
Sorry busriders, I was just relaying a real world experience I had.
Was great fun chasing an RS3
>turn traction control off in my legacy GT
>turns back on after one skid
Now this is some real autism.
Except for lift off oversteer that all WRXs get. If you do this in a WRX, you'll be proper fucked.
i bought my evox with it having as much power as a group b ralley car
its so fast, the strangest sensation to me is when you are cornering and you hit a bump mid corner the whole car goes airbourn and almost hops from one spot to the next
>stock DCT automatic
How is this possible? I need to see a dyno sheet.
Totally possible. Just like, not for very long.
I can't speak for a WRX, but this is exactly the case for my GT Forester.
Even on loose surfaces planting your foot will straighten the car up, letting off will allow it to turn.