Who else lived through the golden age of import racing?

Anyone else out there?

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2001 -2007
prime time in So-Cal
Ontario CA, to be exact

i was 20 back then with my shitty 88 Toyota Cressida we dropped a junkyard turbo into the 7M engine thought we were hot shit

F-Body cars and
03 Cobras were Feared
but a 03 e55 amg was top dog

My group of friends in highschool all had dog-shit slow automatic fwd econoboxes ('90 Civic wagon, '95 Corolla DX 1.8, '98 Sentra GXE) that we zipped around in and overdosed on Initial D. Everyone did rims, little exterior mods, interior crap, etc. Definitions of ricers basically. But man I loved driving that Civic of mine, fun little chassis utterly let down by the dual point fuel injection and automatic transmission.

The "serious" guys at the highschool were a yellow Type R with a JDM front end and a 5th gen Prelude with an automatic (Cambodian crew) and then a guy with a turbo VR6 Jetta III, and a smattering of ricers like us.

>be me
>acquire 1997 Integra Type-R
>acquire Full Race Stage 3 non-A/C turbo kit from my buddy Geoff
>mire' the glorious T3/T67
>proceed to bore legendary 1.8L B18C5 to 2.0L
>proceed to sleeve said B18C5
>proceed to close the deck
>initiate forged internal installation
>utilize 10.5:1 compression ratio
>initiate operation Open Up The Head, Faggots
>while all that is happening
>prep the chassis
>gut the interior
>SCCA approved weld in roll cage; proper seats and harnesses (for track days only)
>completely work the suspension; Full Race traction bar for good measure
>throw in a beefier clutch
>bring it all together
>absurd whp on 92 octane; a few ticks over 500whp; full boost around 3,200rpm
>could drop it into 4th gear on the highway and roast the tires
>daily drive it at 12psi of boost with no fucks given
>violate a v8 when needed
>occasionally hear about a boosted Type-R around the area but no one knows who owns it
>drove it in that configuration for about 18 months
>figured I'd kill myself, so sell entire turbo kit
>proceed to use same engine and go full N/A
>comfortable at about 225whp
>sold the car in that configuration about 12 months later
>that was definitely a very fun (all be it, expensive) time

nice! I'd love to have something like that now as a fun little car to mess around with.

I remember reading "kill story" sections of online forums, namely the 3rd gen (88-91) section of PreludePower. They only easy pickings for a 3g prelude is basically a non-Si Civic, and even then it could be a driver's race haha, I recall the Probe GT being a serious car that many prelude driver didn't want to square up against, and stuff like automatic Maximas (I have a shitty maxima as my beater now ironically enough)

no i didnt make it. i died.

I was big on the import scene but since everyone I knew got seriously hurt at one point I just cruise around in my car now. Im thankful to have not had to deal with anyone getting seriously fucked during that time...it would have been devastating at such a young age.

We are literally in the golden age of import racing. All cars are made in Asia or Mexico and all have over 200 hp.

It's funny when you think about how the 'envelope' has shifted on the low end of poor kids street racing. If before the "norm" was a 100-115hp-ish Civic that could pull 60 in about 9 seconds on the low end, well then now something like a 1.5T Civic will do 60 in less than 7 seconds and have 160hp or more.

Jesus fuck, that's badass, why would you sell it?

I'd love to get a 90s Cressida with a 1UZ swap with ITBs, total sleeper.

idk what you are saying.

gook rice wagons are not even imports anymore

Eastern part of Siberia in Russia (Vladivostok) is like the holy grail of cool custom Toyota sedans (Mark II, Chaser, etc)


Modern econobox beat 15 years old sports cars on every single aspect.

Several reasons:
1) Theft magnet; I didn't want those feels and she had a clean title
2) I keep my projects for about 3 years before swapping to something else
3) I felt I was outgrowing the import scene; there were few legitimately tuned cars- plenty of bolt on bullshit and 'Altezza' tail lights and I didn't identify with those people.
4) When I sold it, illegal street racing in my area was reaching its zenith. Although I never partook in that stuff, I was ready to move onto something else.

I have become kind of a meme in my old town. Basically I do H.S school tier meetings with students about the dangers of street racing. Thing is the kids are like "oh thats the guy with the boosted integra that has not been beat" Basically I was huge in the scene in the mid until 2010 and realized I have gotten so lucky regarding accidents . Now I just have to do seminars some nobody acts as stupid as did when I was in H.S. Pretty simple...just explaining the importance of not speeding, street racing or removing airbags for aftermarket steering wheels.

so you're the anti hoon guy?

Oldfag here, 36 to be exact. Was 20 in 2000. Depressing to think about honestly.

But it was a great time to be into the street racing scene. I live in Arizona now but I grew up in Raleigh, NC and was there until I was 23. The scene there was great.

I actually was into the scene as soon as I was 14 because my brother got into it and he was a few years older than me and I was usually with him until I could drive.

1996-1998 was when I first started being active in the scene. Imports were really just really getting popular and some of the good ones were starting to become affordable (hondas, dsms, mk3 supras, rx7's, etc).

You wouldn't know it now but I remember the LT1 fbodies dominating at the time. Otherwise it was mostly 5.0 cars. Then the import scene started to hit pretty big in raleigh towards the late 90's.

My first car was a 89 civic sedan I put a 50shot on and ran 14.7 basically untuned which was actually quick at the time. I blew its head gasket replaced it and traded it and $1000 cash for a 91 eagle talon tsi fwd 5 speed in 1998. It had a bad transmission. Thanks to the old pre-forum DSM mailing lists I had help/guidance in rebuilding the trans myself. Put in a new clutch. Did free mods. Had a HKS vpc (old school tuning setup), some 550cc injectors, cant remember what fuel pump, and i really didn't have much else. Had a supra side mount intercooler with homemade piping and i made my own exhaust that was basically just a straight pipe. running 20psi on stock turbo, had some drag radials on stock wheels. Tuned off an EGT gauge and reading plugs on the VPC I made 311whp and ran 12.8@112mph with that car.

Was actually reliable for me too and I drove that fucker for 6 years through college and all. Never blew the motor or the trans. Had to do the headgasket once and another clutch. Otherwise just misc maintenance/small gaskets/seals.

ugh im nostalgiaing so hard right now.. now I drive a '14 300c. I miss my youth.

yeah, except no one races anymore. the whole fnf fad was basically every kid in a honda wanting to do a rolling 45-100 on the highway.

most people just putter to and from work nowadays and millenials don't give two shits about cars that can't connect to facebook.

ef civic here

>"import ""racing""

>millenials don't give two shits about cars that can't connect to facebook
fuck off

truth hurts

Oldie here,
1994-2004 (and still very rarely)

Me and friends would do point to point races or some agreed course agains the clock. One at the time, because if you get caught, speeding tickets are smaller than illegal racing tickets.
Another fun thing to do was, not sure about the english name for it, CB-radio orienteering. Target(who is hiding in some really hard to find piece of road) locks the tangent open and others try to find it. The car with the fewest used kilometers wins the round. Usually the winner becomes the new target and goes to a new place while others wait for the new signal to start and so on.

Common cars were(of course others were used also):
Fords, Escort, Sierra, Taunus, Fiesta
Toyotas, Corolla, Starlet
BMWs, 3-series
Opels, Ascona, Manta, Kadett
Volvo, Amazon, 142, 240
Saab 99, 90, 900
Peugeot 205, 306
Vw, Golf
Cars/motorcycles that I have had and used in racing/competing:
BMW 318i E21 -81
Citroen BX 19 GTI 16v -89
Ford Sierra 2.0i dohc -90
BMW 328i sportcoupe E36 -95
Mercedes-Benz C220CDI W203 -04
Honda CBR 600 F -89
Kawasaki Z750 -04
BMW R1100R -95

Yeah basically. I once was king of hoons. Now I just warn against the dangers of it lmfao m8

Im 26 and still have to pass drivers test. Car guy since always.
Cant believe I didnt pass it by now but in truth I lived in city I did Uni so didnt have need.

What I notice is I dont care about speeding like I did before, I dreamed about going 300 km/h making a car that can go that fast.

Now I just want a nice reliable car with character, so I can cruise around and have room to fuck in it.

Times have changed. I am also 100% for younger drivers not being allowed more powerful cars. After 25 you do change, you stop craving the adrenaline and start thinking Jesus I have to live another 50 years at least. You start saving your energy.

I am all for car meets and just enjoying the social aspect of the culture.
Id prolly be the guy fucking some teens girl while he blows the welds on his intake.

>while he is blowing welds on his intake his girl is blowin' intaking it from me.

>literal busrider

Bike rider now.


>Never drives. Never pushes car to limits because you are still learning to drive. Was always a bench racer, realizes its out of your grasp because you can't drive for shit and its expensive. "N..nobody needs to g..go fast anyways...b..besides going fast is immature..."
Really makes me think...

I was too young to drive during the FNF craze but I hung around the locals and remember some of the cooler cars

keep in mind that during this time muscle cars were (and still are) the big things here so these guys really stood out

a NA 2.3 Mustang that was there to be beat on
same guy had an Eagle Talon that was actually quick 12s I think
a B18C5 EJ2 that was a high 13 second car, seriously around here this was fast as fuck
an orange and black (this shit looked like Han's car before Tokyo Drift) Prelude with lambo doors
the local shop had a crazy show car Civic

I had a friend with a lightly modded V6 Camaro and wed fuck with whoever the most memorable being a Viper, it wasnt a race but it was funny

when I got my car I did a few races but it really wasnt as fun as when I was watching at 12-16 and the scene had changed a lot

of course there was an assortment of less memorable riced out shitboxes
you sound like a chad that needs a car to fuck sluts instead of a car guy tbqh

Try riding a bike 60 km/h+ on a road.

far from that. But it needs to be women friendly. I dont want to come to pick her up on a date in mr2 mk1 falling apart with eurobeat blazing and announcing me.

With age comes class.

So only smooth jazz and big BMW's.

>With age comes class.
>So only smooth jazz and big BMW's.


>>figured I'd kill myself, so sell entire turbo kit
>>proceed to use same engine and go full N/A

>Its so hard to find a vehicle thats not trashed, is fast, also classy.
Not really m8, there isn't a reason to be afraid of speed, you won't be using all the horses all the time...

Nigga let me tell you about what it was like to be 15 the year the first Fast and Furious movie came out and do nothing but work so you could have a car a year later when you were old enough to get a drivers license.

All that work..when you could've just got an Fbody.

the only cars in this shit hole are all imported
trouble now days is that all the old players are set to rest
and the gay no fun council has truncated every road worth hooning
a bit like the hard core whalers poaching and lumberjacks who spend decades hacking up and destroying the wonders of nature
only to have a change of heart when they retire and set up conservation organisations

My mom was a NASCAR tard so I got into imports and rally and touring/ club racing to not be like her