Car Rating Thread

ITT: We post our cars and others rate them

No bullying edition

6/10. Too curvy.

I still don't know if I love or hate wagons. I guess 6 or 7/10 for utility purposes. Probably a pretty reliable car, though, so that's cool.


>all Honda
we need some diversity

I like them in general, but it's more about the individual car. Mine is hella spacious and reliable, but still quick enough and easy to drive through narrow Italian roads. It's also nearly the most powerful thing I can own as of now. Pretty happy about it.

Sexy front. 7/10 would own.

I also have one of these, mines silver and motor swapped.

My uncle had one of these, pretty cool 8/10

Found a picture of it.

How does it handle offroading? 8/10 just for how fun it must be.

Looks very good for driving to places and housing passengers without exploding

That is a compliment many cars don't do that well.

fuck we need to do numbers I'll do 5.5/10

Bro why? That car is beautiful unmolested

The best/10

well it's a civic what do you expect

The del slow would be cool without chrome

Talking about your car....

And I agree about the chrome wheels, they were already on when I picked it up this summer, but I haven't found a set I want to replace with.

>those wheels

im confused

The post above

Nevermind. Is the driver side headlight damaged? Or strange lighting

they look fine

not cambered out enough for you?

It's turbo and the intake is right behind the headlight, the rear ot the headlight cover is pushed down to create a pseudo cold air intake.

Thanks for sharing. Well done man

Pls b gentle


Picking her up tomorrow, I can't wait lads
Looks clean, nice wheels

3/10 dd beater
3/10 dd family beater
3/10 dd family beater
3/10 dd beater
no gentle, 5/10
cleanasfuck/10 would bang


So did you inspect it with the mechanic? Good luck, hope you don't get disappointed. It has leather seats, doesn't it? 8/10, 9/10 on the Twingo scale
7/10, why the indicators?
Don't like the car but it looks clean
God those wheels are ugly



I really like them, but they did come with car.

I like them because they add more macho to the miata look, which I am always looking for.

Tell me how you feel

10/10 because meme car
10/10 because roof rack
5/10, best looking golf ever but still a golf
6/10, I love the e36 but the 318 is kind of meh
5/10, if it's wrx swapped then 8/10
5/10 literally know nothing about these

Nice color and clean as well. Dont put your gas cap on the car. ;_;

It is wrx swapped, needs body work badly though

>5/10 literally know nothing about these
They are literally the best small suvs isuzu is top tier

nice man, for me a shitty looking car that goes fast is really cool.

Golfs aint AWD

One reason i bought it, kinda unassuming to the untrained eye. Atleast until you hear the turbo spool

man, the things i'd do for a gc8.




What rim size are those wheels?

15 inch

e39 m5

Comfy dailies.

Ugly fucking wheels.




Finish your body work, 8/10

picked this up the other day






Weirdly clean






bubble butt, bubble bubble bubble butt




hoon machine 6.5/10




Excuse the stupid angle. Just kinda snapped it and is the only picture I have after the new wheels ant proper cleanliness.

Why coupes tailights different from sedan? And is it possible to put coupe taillights on sedan?

muh dikk
ebin :-DDD
lmao dodokdo

Saving to grab some 15x6.5/7's.
Splitting money between multiple play toys is hard


both solid 6.5/10

Very nice, looks good in orange 7.5/10

vapelord 6/10


4/10. Not an S13, can't even see exhaust. Typical everyday rice.

7/10. Brother had one when I was young, and it was always fun to ride in. Was my earliest exposure to stick shift too.

>Since I already posted them in another thread
R8 and h8

i spy modded taillights 5/10


89 Bronco, 5.0, AOD transmission.

All of 10 mpg.


Sabb story/10

Ford Fiesta SE 2013 in Metalic Violet

acura mdx 2003

Not mine exactly but same color and year. It's an old man car, the reverse doesn't work, and it's full of electrical gremlins but I love it


My dd

lmao, in high school my family briefly owned a honda odyssey that couldn't into reverse. it definitely made me a pro at spotting the pull-throughs

83' Nissan 720. Picked it up for $600

best gen

plz no tell my insurance that this is just a WRX

shit resolution. Have a better one.

>not a high top

>weird hood ornament
>lettering on bed
>not slammed dirt nasty low
>not on massive mud boggers

Still a nice truck tho

>Everyone's rating my car 3-4/10
Seriously? We aren't going for supercars here. Not that I really care about your opinions, but what's driving the consensus to this? It's comfy and fast. It's an Accord V6.

Muh super comfy ride.

Is that the CSN parking lot?

Here's my car's rear

And the interior at the time of purchase. The seats are black leather w/ lumbar support.


thats all i use it for, my dd is my a fusion issued from work. the ride is a lot rougher than you would expect compared to its competitors but it'll never get you stuck

>he cares about manual for anything that isn't a racing vehicle



>racing vehicle
fuck off you are a idiot manual is better for everything besides luxury vans

It's just nothing interesting. FWD and automatic are a snoozefest. No need to be upset, friend. Drive it in good health.

Looks comfy but boring.

Cute and probably a lot of fun.

I like it, but the rust makes me uncomfortable.

You're probably a smug son of a bitch, but I respect that.

A supreme gentleman. I like the car, and I've always liked BMW even though they've never really lived up to what I thought they could be.

F O R D M O D U L A R V 8


I looked at Fiestas for a while. Neat little econoboxes.

I hope you brought enough candy for everyone.

my type-s

You are not a real enthusiast fuck off
sorry for bulling but you just don't get it

>tfw it's a ferd v8 deathtrap machine

>stock god machine
needs more low


Not a stancebro, and there's other things I'm planning on doing with it.
First is going to be an exhaust header and ECU tune.

>nobody rates mine
>2 people do but give it low ratings
Isuzu is severely underated

Top of the range, mate. My old man had a king cab, fucking loved the thing.

Strong as fuck too, he got t-boned on the front left by a wench on her phone once, dug a load of parts out of the shed in anticipation of the damage and it turned out she just bent the wheel.

No, I'm not an enthusiast. I like cars, but I don't have $200,000,000,000 to shell out on the best and greatest.

Also, , yes, manual's better. It allows you to redline longer and go faster. But what's the point if the car's a DD? Putting your car at higher revs for longer puts more pressure on the engine and your car won't last as long. You'd be a retard to want to dog your daily driver. What I'm saying is that, while manual's better, it's only necessary for cars that go fast. But, you said I'm an idiot, so I guess I am. I'll just comfortably live out the rest of my life doing things I enjoy and not caring about the opinions of a raging Veeky Forums aut(Veeky Forums)ist. :^)
I'm curious, though. If I'm such an idiot, why are you triggered to the point of wanting to go out of your way to let me know that? Surely you don't think you can fix stupid, do you? That would be idiotic.

>not jizzing down your leg as you execute a perfect heel/toe downshift and kiss every apex on the roundabout as you drive to work

why even live senpai

rate my car

You don't have to have money to be a enthusiast everyone of my cars is below $5000