Is this even legal??

is this even legal??

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Depends where you live


What state?
>I couldn't Google this

if you mean in pic related yes. its england.

what are you going to do to stop me cuck

>inb4 swing my car and hit you
KEK like you'd be able to react in time


Pretty sure it's not

It's ok, everything is illegal in this state anyway

Filtered right past a cop last week. Pulled up next to some guy and saw him glance back at the cop then back at me. He was visibly angry.


It shouldn't be legal.


Was this him?

Most places yes, but the way RJ lane splits is borderline assholery.

Lane splitting is perfectly legal in Cali...

Long time fan of him and I do have to agree. It is quite some skill to be able to do it at his speeds without causing an accident but he can take it a tiny bit too far at times.

By the standards of most pakis in London he's not even that bad. His bikejacking video is a load of bullshit though.

I love that response.

>Hurr I'ma commit assault, possibly assault with a deadly weapon to stop you doing a minor traffic violation.

It's always from the cucks who go 90 in a 35 and think it's okay, and bullshit when they get a ticket for it too.

Only in California.

.png shouldn't be legal.

Png is the best right now?

bullshit how?

>is this even legal??
In a few states because they have wide highway lanes. My state still has a debate over it and the main argument about lane width has been settled as we have really wide lanes for all the freeway roads. But some cities have narrow downtown roads that don't support splitting/filtering without the bike hitting the sides of cars or their mirrors and continuing on a hit and run scraping cars as it goes by them.

There was no resolution on the problem so it got tabled yet again because of both issues and standards. Despite all the tabling and delays, the proposed law is evolving. It even has conditions against car drivers opening their doors to block a motorcylist trying to lane split.

>Opening doors to block someone filtering
People actually do that?
Fucking christ.

That picture is in the UK, lane filtering is legal.

Americans do, they seem to think filtering is "cheating" and "cutting the line" and that somehow justifies dooring someone.541

unfortunately personalised plates are legal

Some people will drive/weave over two lanes if a lane-closure merge is coming up because they don't want to be overtaken. Nobody knows to merge in turn anymore, they would rather queue miles away in the "open" lane and get mad if other people use the other lane. Fuck, it annoys me.

Nothing, let bikers have it.
Would probably do the same if i had bike

Traffic slows down because of people merging in you dumbfuck

looool you dumb cunt kill yourself right now or just stop driving holy shit

PNG is terrible for photos because its compression algorithm isn't meant for them. It results in a file size much larger than it should be for virtually no increase in quality. It's especially dumb for inconsequential shit like OP's pic.

The OP obviously doesn't have American plates and yes it is legal in most of the world

its illegal here, motorcycles can't even do it.

Speed limits are probably too high, even in the city the limit is about 45 or more, it doesn't make sense for bikes to filter to the front because they're just going to make everyone behind them go their speed.

It truly amazes me how little regular people understand about the laws surrounding lane splitting.

In the United States, it is legal only in California. That is it. Only California. Anyone that tells you otherwise is a retard. There is zero grey area. It's illegal everywhere but California.

In some countries like England or Australia, a variation of lanesplitting called "filtering" is also completely legal. For all intents and purposes, it's pretty much the same thing as lanesplitting. On paper, filtering allows you to get to the front of the line at a stop. Full blown lanesplitting allows you to do it in traffic as well. But like I said, the two are more or less the same since the latter is tolerated as well in other countries even though it's not specifically the definition of filtering.

For example, the video below is an example of lane splitting and is completely legal in California. You can actually split any lane but motorcyclists tend to pick the HOV lane since you're protected by a double yellow line which means you aren't supposed to merge in and out of it (at least not without looking 100 fucking times to make sure no one is there). This is not considered filtering.

Anyways, I really do hope they legalize lane splitting in more places. I hate how car drivers have this perception of motorcyclists trying to "cut the line" or don't want to "wait their turn" when the reality is that it's critical for motorcyclists to maintain control of situations which is what lane splitting/filtering allows them to do.

But bikers can accelerate much faster than cars so it would make sense for them to filter to the front at a red light and once it turns green the car drivers would likely never encounter them again.

What amazes me is when dumbshits like the ones in your video do something incredibly stupid like lane split at high speeds while traffic is moving and then wonder how they got hurt.

Then like the shitty humans beings they are, block the HOV lane. They have that holier than thou mentality. First one ins, first ones out, fuck the rest.

Well, you know karma's a bitch.

when I said bikes i mean bicycles my dude

>not knowing how to merge in a zipper fashion

Pretty sure it's not. We do have medical weed, but only for seizure fags, and only one kind of seizure. And no thc, only cbd. And no bud, only vials

I'm not entirely sure car divers dislike lane splitting because of motorcyclists not waiting their turn. No drivers test or education course I've taken mentioned anything about the area between lanes being OK for motorcycles or any vehicles, but there are very few motorcyclists where I live. Only thing I learned about motorcycles is to be very cautious for them and give them more space. So it's a little annoying when a motorcycle is operating outside a lane of traffic, getting within a foot of my car. I won't try and hit them though because that's fucking psycho. But to me it's on the same level as the guy who passes you with little room to spare between your front bumper and the guy in front of him. They stick their vehicle in a space just because they can fit in it, even though it is rude to surrounding drivers and they technically shouldn't.

Doesn't seem to a problem at stoplights though.

Everywhere in the world but 49 states of the USA.

reduces traffic congestion
safer for the motorcyclist

I did it in japan all the time.

>wonder how they got hurt

They got hurt because some idiot driving a car didn't follow the traffic rules. The motorcycle rider herself wasn't doing anything wrong

maybe you shouldnt have third world internet i load that shit fast as fuck

At stoplights it's technically a different thing called filtering, and that is done imln part for motorcyclist safety. A car can get rear ended without a problem, a motorcycle is fucked.


I like Royal Jordanian's London filtering vids

Sick get, bro



Very nice digits you got there.

>I'm going to cripple your bike and body and move on like nothing ever happened because I couldn't see you with my lifted truck