would you let a grown man have sex with your mouth to ejaculation, and have you swallow for 1 trillion dollars?
Would you let a grown man have sex with your mouth to ejaculation, and have you swallow for 1 trillion dollars?
I'd do it for free
Yes, yes I would.
so did your mom
you realize
that makes you a prostitute w/o customers, right?
Jesus, how homophobic would someone have to be to say no to that.
Wow, you are one sheltered ass virgin.
>that makes you a prostitute w/o customers, right?
A trillionaire prostitute so who gives a fuck?
keep projecting there, sweetiepie
I believe most men would do it for ten to twenty grand.
50k is the lowest I'll go, but most would yes
i hate faggots
having said that,
I'd gargle balls and toss a salad for a million.
i dont like giving blowjobs, but for 1 trillion.. count me in.
Even a gay man would ravage a vagina if given a trillion dollars
the lowest that would make me think about it is $4000, $1000 with a condom, not swallowing and it is kept absolutely secret, $20000 if they have herpes, $50000 if they have HPV, $200000 if they have HIV
"I'm not gay or anything but I was drunk and $20 was $20" - OP
Quit trying to rationalize your mistakes faggot.
ok serious question, is there any real life way to find this kind of arrangement irl? fems have sugar daddies. I would totally suck a gay guys dick for 20k
Sure, I would do it for less. A few millions are enough. I obviously wouldn't point this out given the opportunity.
OP, the real question is would you fuck a granny who never washed her pussy in her entire life for 1 trillion dollars? You also have to eat your jizz out of her 90 year old unwashed pussy.
>is there any real life way to find this kind of arrangement irl?
Nobody will make you rich for a shitty blowjob.
If you are really really good looking, good at fucking and suking and you find a high tier pimp, then you might get a few grands for a fucking session as an escort for rich dudes.
Only famous people get offered insane amounts of money for a single fuck. And if you are famous, then you won't need to prostitute yourself in the first place.
Absolutely not.
I am a wholesome Christian man
christ died on the cross for your sins and you can't even suck a dick so you have a trillion to give to charity
thank you for alerting us all 2 what overy hyped pump and dump 2 short next, m8
but you will contract herpes and won't contract aids
>that makes you a prostitute w/o customers, right?
If someone asked you to bake him a cake and you accepted, would you now start calling yourself a baker?
If your wife asked for a massage and you gave it to her, would you consider yourself a masseuse?
I would do that with a dead dog.
One day of hell in exchange for generations of heaven?
You'd be stupid to refuse.
Would you give Chris Chan a blowjob for 1 trillion dollars?
Remember that he doesn't wash, he drinks his own cum, he thinks he's a woman, there's an infected hole in his taint, and his penis is bent at a 40 degree angle.
>there's an infected hole in his taint, and his penis is bent at a 40 degree angle
Kek is this real?
why, in neither of your scenarios, do you not present a situation where there is payment in exchange for services rendered?
what does milk on coins do?
The infected hole is because he got a taint piercing so he could scissor lesbians. His hygiene is terrible so it immediately became infected and he had it removed. But the wound reopened. He believes this is because the binaural beat hypnosis videos he's been watching have caused him to grow a vagina. Somebody told him to go to a doctor and he lied and said that he'd gone to a doctor and the doctor said his vagina was growing normally.
He is truly a disgusting creature.
yeah dog of course I would. you offering?
I have a 4 inch asian penis
I'll pay $100 for an attractive white guy to suck it
Yes, but I wouldn't become a professional in that job. It would be one time thing and that's about it.
I'm sure everyone does many things in exchange for favors or small amounts of money in their life that someone else is getting paid for, but you don't worry about calling yourself the job title that those people have.
When I was little my neighbor gave me 5 bucks to go and buy her milk because she couldn't leave her baby alone. Am I a personal assistant now?
If a kid plows snow off the driveway of a few of his neighbours, should he consider himself a plowman?
Nobody does that except for prostitution (and maybe a few other jobs that have a negative stigma), because it makes no sense to label a person based on one single gig they did, unless you wanted to insult/degrade them.
Holy hell, I knew he was completely crazy but that's next level.
I wonder if he'll ever become mainstream famous, at least in America.
He's probably going to be a favorite subject among Internet archaeologists in a couple of decades. He's the most-documented human who ever lived.
That's for sure.
I'd let him do whatever degenerate sexual acts he wanted to me for a full 24 hours for even 1% of that money
I'd try and bargain him down a bit
would fuck
No way.
Yeah as long as he was clean and not black. And not that old.
A strange dilemma.
I normally say 'FUCK, NO!' just on general principle...but the amount discussed hypothetically is often 10k/20k/50k/100k/1Mil etc
The dilemma here is I literally got an erection at the thought of being a trillionaire, which kind of overrides my usual self-disgust upon considering said scenario.
Obvious condition is that this never gets mentioned, etc.
I wouldn't enjoy it, but then, I haven't enjoyed being a wagecuck for the past decade either.
Tl:dr - for a trillion I'd suck off the crustiest nigger like a cock-starved crack whore. Shit, I'd probably toss his salad too if he wants.
You realize having a preference for young non-black cock, kinda makes your sexual preferences a bit 'fluid'?
You'd already be pretty low for doing this, and you're stating preferences?
LOL, faggot detected.
I suspect you'd suck off a white guy for $1K..
I'd fuck a cute white guy for free.
>IRS face when you 1099 a trillion for "personal hygiene services"
Please. For a trillion dollars he'd come over to my house every day at 7 PM and i'd suck that dick like a god damn straw, for at least a year. I'd let him pull my hair, say dirty shit, and even have my wife join in occassionally for some makeout-blowjobs.
Be honest, you're not really doing this for the money, are you?
I adapted this punchline from an old joke about a hunter and some bears...
A billion other gay men would also suck his dick for free
i belive yes
>that makes you a prostitute
fuckin hell. put lipstick on me and call me susan as well
it's 1$b
everyone has a price. i don't know what mine is but 1b$ defiantly covers it
i'd sell a leg for 1 billion. dafuq are you on user?
No, it's $1T
A trillion.
You could literally buy several islands, or possibly a small country.
you have given it some serious thought. haven't you?
98.7 The Edge
mustard gas
Depends who I'm sucking, but if it were your average Joe, then I think my minimum is 2k.
Probably helps that I'm a huge queer.
I'd do it everyday, for a million a day.
Yes. A trillionaire prostitute.
You can build a thousand bridges, but if you suck one cock, they don't call you a bridge builder but a cocksucker.
It's possible, though unlikely to contract HIV from receiving oral sex. Moreso, I figure, if you've never given a blowjob before and accidentally cut them with your teeth.
I'd probably do it for $1,000
Are you kidding? I'd do it for like $1000, let alone a trillion.
Only poor fucks would agree to this, i.e., 99% of this board, minus whatever percentage are gay already
lol virginia fag actually just pulled it out of my ass but that's a cool coincidence.
Yes. If you wouldnt you are a retard.
Well put.
If anyone here says they wouldn't end up fucking some old disgusting guy for 1 million, they are lying.
Warren buffett would suck a dick for a trillion
I'd do it for £10,000. That would clear my personal loan with enough left over for a two week holiday in a five star hotel in Cyprus.
That said, I'm sure said grown man could find a rent boy who will do a much better job than me at it for £20. Supply and demand, eh.
I would let him do it for $1,000.
If he's offering more then I'll take it.
Every man has his price and you'd be surprised at how low it truly is.
Not being gay != being homophobic
Pay me first and ill do it
how the fuck would I launder one trillion?
You don't have to launder all of it you idiot
If he is willing to pay you $1 trillion for a blowjob, he can afford to fly you to a country where prostitution is legal so you don't have to launder it.
I like reading about all the dirty slutty fantasies you guys are coming up with here. Every straight guy has his price :3
lmao but being afraid to suck a single dick for 1 trillion dollars is
Yes a trillionaire prostitute that lives in glory now because he can literally fuck 11/10 girls for the rest of his life because of his wealth.
That's because he's gay.
Id do it on live television with the playouts being called off for that amount
no, i wouldn't believe that deal for a moment it's unrealistic.
id do it for 10k desu
LOL, I have to admit - I thought 'gay for pay' was a meme ('you guys are just closet faggots, lol')
But a trillion dollars?
If that doesn't at least give you some pause,
You are not a capitalist, and you are not a Veeky Forumsreali.
You could offer a couple of mil to some shady secret service operation and offer yourself as a guinea pig for their best 'mindwipe' research.
Have them implant false memories that you made it through business deals, etc
Hire the world's best hypnotherapists, create false histories and testimonials, do a lot of LSD and shrooms.
Stay high for a while after that, until you believe it.
This may be a joke, but it is still a valid argument.
Some rich idiot can't think of anything better than a BJ for a trillion dollars?
You could do a he'll of a lot of good with that money even if you're not greedy or poor.
It could give you a strong enough 'why'.
I'd do it for 50. Any takers?
I would do it for 500
>herpes < hpv
> :(