Good fucking riddance

Good fucking riddance.

>Velez was conducting a stop when he was hitwhile outside of his patrol car on I-90 westbound near the Warren Road exit.

I believe in enforcing "slow down move over" with bigger penalties, and some officers actually want to help people.

Unfortunately this won't change OSP idea of "law enforcement". This is a shitty way to generate revenue in a city that has huge problems, one of which being high rates of human trafficking.

td;rl Officer is killed writing a speeding ticket. Was it worth it?

No the guy was just doing his job. It's not his fault he's assigned to the radar gun.

>being this butthurt about speeding
You take the chance of getting pulled over if break traffic laws. No need to be edgy about it op.

To be fair, pulling someone over on a freeway is putting everyone's lives in danger.

Not intended on coming across edgy.
Just upset that this is the result over $90.
My point really. This father of three was sent on a busy highway to be a tax collector.

Why not send the officers out to ride within the traffic, to observe and keep people FROM speeding in excess?

>Americans incapable of looking where they are going kill a police officer
>blame the guy who got pulled over

This is how you know that it is a totally normal thing to not be responsible

Does the person that pig pulled over still get a ticket?

It's called target asphyxiation. You look at something and your body naturally leans towards it

kek. You mean fixation. And although you are right, there are ways to not go where you are looking. I'd wager it was more a distracted driver on a narrow highway with jersey barriers.
>Tfw driving behind someone and seeing them jerk back into their lane as they hit the rumble strips.

>target asphyxiation

I hear the officer died of eternal bleeding

Actually the blame is going to the person who struck the officer.

But I'm sure no mention of the officer being on the WRONG side of the vehicle will not be mentioned.

More than likely yes. But if they're smart they can stick it back to the state by filing disability for "trauma"

>But if they're smart they can stick it back to the state by filing disability for "trauma"

That's what most of the black criminals in my state do. They get hurt getting beat down in the arrest and they use that to file for permanent disability and social welfare plus Supplemental Social Security.

It is in Australia. Highway patrol is the coppers' dumping ground since you can't just dismiss an officer for being an insufferable cunt.

It goes without saying that HWP ends up full of pricks.

are there cameras on the freeway in aus? I have never seen one

>hyundai drivers

being hit by cars is the biggest killer of police.

we could save hundreds of lives a year if we stopped using police as revenue agents.

go back to you underage busrider

I don't get why people refuse to move over, here in Virginia it is an enforceable law. We had huge billboards, and street signs and an ad-campaign to promote officer safety.
Yet about 75% of drivers don't move over, and I have been stalked home by someone who was pissed off that I moved over and slowed down. Even though the second we passed the traffic stop I moved back over.

>officer is on the wrong side
You know, something tells me it's not intelligent for the police officer to put himself as far as possible from the driver and force him to reach across a potentially empty seat. What happens if the guy who was stopped gasses it as the officer is leaning in handing him his ticket?
Do you own a car? Are you aware of the driver's side position relevant to the situation?

The pic in the OP looks like a pretty wide road.

Using the passenger side is standard procedure. Then again if he thinks it's too dangerous or that he is in fear of his life everytime a kid has a BB gun maybe he should have seeked out a different profession.

If you point a replica firearm at a cop and are surprised when he shoots you, you are officially the dumbest human being to ever walk the earth.

The worst part is how much of their day they spend putting the public in danger just to collect revenue so they can continue to put the public in danger. I'm not going to say this guy deserved to be crushed to death, but it's not a completely unexpected outcome for something that he shouldn't have been assigned to do in the first place.

>have mustang gt
>cops flash em
>I punch it and loose them

Every time

A guy recently stopped at a red light here, pulled his turned off phone out of his back pocket because it was uncomfortable, and tossed it into a cup holder.

A cop in on of those cellphone catch stings saw him, and gave him a $490 ticket for using his cell phone while driving, even after the guy tried to show the cop that it was turned off.

Ontario is full of cunts, that's why

I'm gonna turn off my car and argue till I turn blue that I'm not driving one day. while at a red light, obviously

You're either a nigger, a troll, or a child.

>I'm too retarded to follow speed limits set since overwhelming majority of people are too stupid to drive. Therefor I have happy to see a deceased person since their job was to enforce this.

This is how you sound OP. How does it feel to be underaged?

In our state, its "slow down or move over". If you can find an opening to your left.

Problem with this: Anything you do to disrupt traffic can cause an accident if some jackass isn't paying attention.This has happened to me several times. I slow for traffic in the right hand lane. The next lane is full so I can't move over. The person behind me isn't paying attention until the last second, so they stomp on the brakes. More often than not, the only way they avoid a collision is to put their car onto the shoulder. I've been passed on the shoulder several times by white-knuckled drivers standing on their brakes.

Problem is: If I was slowing down for a cop on the shoulder, now he's dead. If we'd all have continued on at 65 or 70 MPH, nothing would have happened. On the other hand, the officer who gets hit by a car that slowed to 45 MPH will be just as dead as the one who gets clipped by a car doing the speed limit.

A better law would have been: Make no speed/lane changes when approaching the traffic stop location.

>this person did something I don't like
>good thing they're fucking DEAD

OP, edgy kid

i drove by that accident yesterday those fuckers closed ALL HIGHWAYS WEST OF DOWNTOWN CLEVELAND

there was absolutly no need to close that many exits onramps and runs of highway

it was like 20 miles of no cars

kys nigger

Sure. But if you're trained to shoot first then ask questions later no matter the consequences, you're part of the problem.

>speeding a little bit
>cop decides he wants to pull me over
>top of a hill, around a corner, with no shoulder
>decide it's not the best place to pull over
>wait for light to go green, hazards, left at slow speed, pull over into non-major road on shoulder (less than 100 feet from where he turned on his lights)
>cop is fucking outraged that I didn't stop in place because I didn't want to get rear ended or have him pissed I was subjecting him to getting hit
It's funny how this shit works because there's no system. One cop will be pissed you stopped somewhere with a narrow shoulder (increasing his risk of getting hit), the next will be mad that you didn't pull over as soon as physically possible.

In BC they have high zoom camera gear and sit hundreds of meters away from a light with a radio. "protect and serve" the interests of the government

>then crash into oncoming traffic taking the lives of 6 children, 2 elderly adults, and 3 college students
Good job my man.

>Still approaching drivers side window on active highway

The gene pool has been cleansed.

>things that never happened.

>being happy that someone died

Cop or not you should never be happy someone died he was a fucking human being with a life and home and kids


UK law permits armed police to kill anyone pointing a gun-like object at them, after a case where they shot a kid with a BB gun.
Courts found in favour of 'better safe than sorry', and 'don't point BB guns at armed police'.


police unions allow them to pretty much do whatever they want all day

no other person could kill more than one person throughout their life while being paid at work and not get fired

That is a pretty good rule of thumb no matter what country you are in. Here in burgerland within the last year a black kid and a white guy where shot after pointing BB guns at police.