/digi/ Digimon General

Dive Into The Future Edition.

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>Digimon World Guides

>Digimon tri. part 3 is out:

>Digimon World: Next Order is coming to the west!

>Discord Link as requested.

>Appmon Episode 4 with subs

the card packaging looks pretty good.

Nice but I already have a huge binder

I'm really loving the art.

Those subs are not the best, even I with my not very good nip can tell.

Yeah the team behind them said it was a rush job and they'll be releasing a v2 of it soon. They just didn't want people to wait too long to watch Appmon.

I understand rushed but how do you translate an extremely obvious "late" into "delayed"?
Are they Chinese or are they using machine translation?

Not a clue. Either way it's no big deal. It'll be fixed soon so it's all good.

Not complaining just pointing it out, its a nice reference to have and feels good to spot mistakes because it means Im getting better.

Well that's good that you're getting some mileage out of it.

I would rather not rush them just so they can be released. That's where the errors pop in.

True. Guess they just didn't want English speaking fans to feel left out.

>this general still exists
Culumon bless.

I'm medal grinding in Cyber Sleuth and I'm only missing three.
Agumon (BLK)
MetalGarurumon (Blue)
Just fuck my shit up senpai,

BelleStarmon when?

what do people think of Applimon so far?

I like it and general reaction in this thread is positive.

You now realize that there hasn't been a main character in an anime whose digimon partner was insect-like since 02.
>Appmon: two mammals, two reptiles
>Xros: Ballistamon was not the #1 of Taiki's party, and more of a machine anyway
>Savers: reptile, mammal, plant, bird, even side characters and villains didn't have insects
>Frontier: no digimon partners, only spirits that took 3/4 the season to show any sign of sentience
>Tamers: two reptiles, four mammals, machine, aquatic, demon

Not sure if I wanted to be treated by this doctor...

>those colors

Holy shit they know


To be fair, there aren't even that many bug lines they could use.

Tigervespamon is relatively recent, there is the kuwagamon that has no chance of happening since "evil", robot kuwas have the same troubel, kabuterimon line which already happened, and unless you want the kids to stick with a perfect level you have the Arachnemon line, the snimon line and i think that's literally it.

I wish I could cuddle along my digimon partner too

>you will never cuddle Lilithmon
y even lif

So there actually are some Nips who come here

All the insect ultimate/megas:

Ancient Beatmon
Bancho Stingmon
Gran Kuwagamon
Grandis Kuwagamon
Hercules Kabuterimon (and X)
Rhino Kabuterimon
Tiger Vespamon
Tyrant Kabuterimon

So excluding kabuterimon and kuwagamon lines makes it difficult.

There are a lot of armor level insect digimon so on that front it's interesting.

So i didn't get it yet.

Green and purple, piccolo dick, newfag.

Good luck man. Side note that picture is adorable as all hell.

In a show? Never. In a game? Maybe in the next game.

I'm really liking it.

Holy hell. Didn't realize that insect digis were so low in numbers.

I don't understand why you guys are discussing why there's no insect main character and then think about pre-existent insects as main mon candidates. They always create (except for Adventure and Savers) a brand new digimon and its respective line for each season, so if we were to get a insect main, it would be a new mon created precisely for its use in the anime

Heros ;_;

well, we are discussing no insect digimon in the series made so far after 02, so in a period of 16 years.

Pokemon still hasn't an insect legendary other then genesect.

True but when was the last time they even released a new bug digimon? Tigervespamon?

Also this list is depressing because some of them don't even have a full evo line, like Ancient beatmon and rhino kabuterimon are technically frontier mons and frontier mons never get touched, Parasimon is described as pathetic and Tyrant Kabuterimon is just eh, could work as Koushiro dark evo or something.

Oh wait I think I forgot two iconic insect digimon, diablomon and armageddemon.

Top tier mon


>Fan art of digimon with bulging veins

It's so rare to find an artist that gets it..

Do digimon have blood?
Why would they need veins?

The same reason why they have boobs and genitals to pee and shit.

they have blood, but when they bleed their blood dissolves just like the rest of the digimon does when it's defeated.

So they do have muscles and skeletons

As criminally underused as he was, I liked how even if it was for just one episode, Yashamon was a legit threat in Hunters.

Very likely user. While it's true that they usually explode into data after dying, their body behaves like the ones of fully functional biological organisms while they are alive.

That looks painful.
Also you never see blood when leomon dies so i just assumed they dodnt have any.

Those orange squares are the blood turning into data.

Royal knight comedy spinoff when?

Frontier already happened

or just a regular comedy show

Is Duftmon elite?

Anybody else max out chrubimon evil with the halloween event?

magnamon being the joke as usual.

I would prefer a great seven demon lords or olympos comedy, they have a more varied range of personalities.

They could even have the royal knights around to have shinanigans.

Was Arachnemon always that big?

Also it looks kind of cute

Dem titties. I would play with them too if I were an incredibly sexy demon

Follow up to this.
I refuse to believe Renamon spawns.
I forced encounter for 3 hours in Kowloon 4 and never saw her.

Got this just now

tatsunoko digimon version


add the very special christmas episode

Who would be santa?



santa isn't real
Which is why the answer is leomon.

Makes tge most sence his being digi jesus and all

but then we have another candidate.

>Cant wear the santa hat

like this?

Kindof like that. I want to see more like this. Also
>dukemon being hit on by lillithmon

This is racism! They are attacking the great seven demon lords just because they are demon lords! I bet Leviamon was just chilling somewhere, minding his own business when manletmon came and stepped on his tail

Well somebody told them that the demon lords were planning on attacking the RK's, but didn't quite catch that they were training the combos on a dissidia mod.

As for the demon lords, they can be pretty funny too.

>leviamon already has a big enough mouth to eat magnamon
>artist made mouth signifigantly shorter for lols
Its tail would be too big to not notice

Demon lords are the funniest. They aren't even a group by themselves, they just happened to have the same title and be stuck together because why not and (maybe) have vaguely similar goals, although they strike me as people who barely tolerate each other and works by themselves in their own plans (and maybe fail because they cannot into teamwork)

>demons only exist to fuck human's shit up
>they can an often do have kids together
>digimon are for the most part friendly towards humans and in some cases just want that monkey cock
Damn you being a kid franchise!
Damn you!

>ultra violence/sex digimon anime/game when?

Oh wait thats tri

They are data, you can't have sex with 0s and 1s, can you?

It would be extremely painful

So are demons, they don't even really have physical form but are some kind of energy beings that require magnetite to manifest in the human world.

Silly user, their data body composition only matters when they die. When they are alive they are fully functional living beings with the same needs real world living beings have like needing to breath, to eat, to drink, and etc.

Indeed user, and they can combine with actual physical beings such as dogs named Pascal or edgy chaos heroes, so the chance they can mate with humans is a possibility, or at the very least the adults of those worlds finds hot and have sexual attraction for some demonbabes, like that one guy in strange journey.

Was the d reaper the last non digimon final boss?

Technically Dexmon isn't a digimon despite the name. And there's also NEO if dexmon doesn't count

Yggdrasill in Savers wasn't a digimon.

And most recently there's yggdrasil. So no, far from the last, and not the first non digimon/non human either considering that would be overlord GAIA.

Oh that one list from last thread made me think it was a digimon

Mimi / Nene / Eri crossover art when?

How can Nokia be so pure when she dresses like such a slut?

But she is not pure.

Depends what media you count. Vitium Ultimate and Mother Eater weren't digimon.
I'm pretty sure Leviathan will

She's a virgin through and through. Read her lines, she doesn't know shit about relationships.

Leviathan seems more like an organization and a lot of hints points towards Deusmon being the final boss.

neither are you are the cutest.

>skimming made me read that as Desumon
Shit senpai

I know that, but whenever I say Leviathan, I

it's okay, we ALL know the feeling of tentacles touching inappropriate places.

So Leviathan is the Appmon equivalent of Candlejack, then? How intere-

The cutest is Lilithmon

Candlejackmon when? It would an interesting concep-


TigerVespimon Atlur-Beet

watch me ;)