What does Veeky Forums think of the Mazda Miata?
What does Veeky Forums think of the Mazda Miata?
NB > ND > NA and NC
NA is floppy, NC is too big, ND has a glass tranny, NB is perfect, NB Mazdaspeed is perfectest
This nigga gets it. NA is a turd that's a direct downgrade from the NB and I hear the ND lost some muh feels but it's not a pigfat mess like the NC
Also of the people who have an opinion about it, it's split between enthusiasts whi recognize it as a good car and 12 year olds who heard someone call it gay then do so themselves to fit into le epic Veeky Forums culture
I'd drive one if it suited my needs. But I have to transport stuff regularly and the Miata storage offerings are just too small.
I appreciate it for what it is. A fun roadster for the weekends and good weather. The gay memes make me roll my eyes but I do understand when people bring legitimate points against it like it not having enough power etc.
It's not a Mazda RX-7.
NA for popups.
yfw the NC has a higher power to weight ratio than NA and NB except the mazdaspeed
Why do NCs get so much hate?
They're not that much heavier than an NB.
It's a niche car. Appreciate it for what it is, not what it isn't. Small, tight, and handles well. Cheap and easy to maintain. Sure, S2000 is better in literally every department and Miata owners are pretty much confirmed retards for not getting an S2000 instead but like I said: it is what it is.
i like them quite a bit
Assmad NB fanboys
>it's fucking slow
>can only fit 2 people
>your moms mini van can beat it
>why didn't they give it extra hp?!?!
>should've bought a mustang
86twins are better desu
I love mine to death, but I'm selling it because I fear it won't make it 2000 miles across the country. At least they're cheaper where I'm going and don't have rust.
9/10 great fun ride every time i get in it but i wish i could have more than one person inside it
It's a slow car for slower people
I carried 2 passengers in mine once
So you think it won't make it to the next oil change? I don't understand you people.
Must be a comfort zone thing. The "what if" scares you.
Well if I pack as much of my stuff as I can into it and it shits itself halfway through the country I'm 50 shades of fucked. It's not worth the risk. Especially when Miatas in similar condition can be ~$700 - $1000 less where I'm moving.
Include that in your advertisement.
>I'm pretty sure it's going to break down within 2,000 miles
kys you fucking pussy
be sure to buy an auto camry first and sell your mx to someone who isn't a total bitch
highly effeminate
I adore my useless little faggotmobile. It's not fast, it's not cool, and if I buy a twelvepack and some chips the chips have to ride in the passenger seat because the trunk isn't much bigger than a backpack, but it's fun, cheap, and really easy to maintain.
Plus it's theftproof, because nobody is going to steal something so worthless.
i heard in some places they're quite commonly broken into because soft top
He's a cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything.
>caring what anyone else thinks
you like what you like
I meant stealing the car itself, mainly. A soft top is basically a "pillage me" sign when it comes to cars.
NB is ugly.
S2000 costs a lot more doe.
You're ugly.
Except it's heavier and on average costs anywhere from 2x to 4x as much because ricer tax.
Mainly just because they are heavier and look fatter. They are pretty much better in every way. Cheaper to mod NA/NBs than a NC though if you go F/I. Plus they cost more and poorfag miata owners can't afford them whereas you can find NAs for a couple grand in decent condition.
>can only fit 2 people
Look at this poorfag that can't afford a fun car plus a people/object mover.
>wanting to shuttle human garbage
Who else thinks the NB is the best looking? Pop-up headlights are cool but that's about all the NA has going for it. The NC is horribly fucking ugly like holy shit what were they thinking with those fenders? The ND suffers from angry car syndrome, but it's not nearly as bad as most angry cars and it's a definite improvement over the NC.
All in all I like Miatas and they're lots of fun, I just wish they looked nicer. I've had lots of fun driving my dad's NB, I've even considered trying to find another NB for myself or maybe even an ND if the transmissions stop blowing up next model year.
The NA also has the best interior. Super minimal with simplistic controls and no fat.
The NC... is growing on me. I see a late-model NC everyday at work, red with black power hardtop, and it looks fantastic. But most NCs look like crap.
I'm a noob to cars and I like the NA just because it's the cutest car in my opinion. I want one in blue just to drive around playing some j-pop and stuff.
>86 twins can carry 4 people
2 adults, 1 toddler, and 1 quadruple amputee, maybe
>Miatas in similar condition can be ~$700 - $1000 less where I'm moving.
where the hell are you moving to?
Your Miata must be in absolute dogshit condition if you can only get $1000 for it.
Probably San Fransisco
Just last night, I was driving down the freeway when I noticed a small car with pop-up headlights approaching behind me in the left lane. Being the autist I am, I assumed it was something cool like an old Porsche or an RX-7, so I slowed down to make sure it passed me. Naturally, I was greeted by a convertible red NA with some Indian guy in the driver's seat. Blue balled again by a fucking Miata.
Maitas are really cool desu
I like them
what i dislike is a major part of the community that surrounds them
like this.
but then again its always the same story with japanese sportscars.
i think the only cars similar to the miata that haven't fallen to retard's hands are mr2 roadsters but because they're not cheap and dont have much aftermarket
>mr2 roadsters but because they're not cheap and dont have much aftermarket
in bongland you can get them for £1k because no one wants them
they're around ~5k here
Not old enough for people to appreciate, they gained some weight compared to the NA and NB and that's sacrilege
but them powered hard top NC's, especially them club versions, mmph, I like em
the NA8 is good
"The NC is the better car, the NB is the better Miata." Basically, the NC is bigger, more plush, more "grown up." It also doesn't help that the NC1 was kinda ugly and the suspension was just weird. It also made a friend of mine scared because he spun a base-model, open-diff NC1 somehow and declared it dangerous. He prefers heavy Audis, understeer-y TSXes, and now has a 996 C4S. I told him he got the exact wrong NC for such antics (except for having a 6-speed) and then listed out the reasons. Unfortunately, I was also unable to convince him of why Miatas in general are good, fun cars, since my NB looks and sounds like a heap of shit but is fairly quick thanks to suspension, tires, and turbocharger kit. He also likes the 124 over the ND.
Of course, he's the one who's more successful in his career, has a beautiful wife, two kids that are shaping up to be politicians or Air Force officers (not much difference depending on AFSC), a Cayenne, the aforementioned 911, a rather nice 968, and a big house in a HOA. Therefore, I am automatically incorrect despite objective arguments.
Anyone driving a Miata is a deprived self righteous, ignorant fool, a bicycle would be a better form a transport. Anytime 10 people minding their own business see a Miata 2 children die. no joke, i have seen the statistics. MATHS NEVER LIE!!!
It's the best. It's number 1. IT'S THE BEST. IT'S THE BEST. IT'S THE BEST
>ND has a glass tranny
That's been fixed
It's a RWD toyota corolla for hot weather
The heat they produce is insane. You can be top-down at like 20F with the heater on full and the fan set to setting 2 or 3 and be perfectly comfortable up to 50 or so MPH.
What's the fuel consumption on those things? They look like fun cars. I'd like to get one after college.
expect high 20s combined
not terrible. i drive like an idiot in my NB on 93 and get decent mpgs
>big house in a HOA
No, user, no one that lives in a HOA deserves anything other than a burning bag of dog shit on their front porch.