I've been looking to find ways to start and maintain online businesses to make some side income along with my full time job. The end goal is to live very comfortably. Anybody out there figure out some decent methods? All of the advice you find from google searches just seem clickbaitey and not helpful.
Passive Income
spoiler alert: it takes as much effort, if not more, than your full time job.
you won't find any serious discussion about achieving those goals here.
ethtrade.org for cryptocurrencies
maybe it is a ponzi sceme idk for sure - it works perfectly fine for me since 100+ days
+30 euros a day (and growing) passive income feelsgoodman.jpg
u are lucky if you read this because i am not sharing this information anymore since everbody is freakin out about it.
german guy trying to become financially independent through online investments/passive income documenting his successes and fails
if you are bad at speaking german just look up his top projects by yourself
I've been buying rental properties, it's pretty good for passive income. I've tried the online business route before, it's a giant amount of work and still takes some dollars to get off the ground. Imho, it's a waste of time
how much capital is needed in your city to buy rental properties?
I do real estate deals time to time.
Buying an oil lease with a buddy who has had his own service company and leases for 15 years. Not worried. Blowing cash on the investment i dont need. We will see.
Casually buy sell trade shit online.
They arent wrong. Passive income isnt easy, but worth it.
Capitol? For me 0 in small town buying shitholes. 21k and 10k. And a 3rd for 30k i hope in spring.
Fixing up and renting cheap to quality tennants while i bide my time to try and flip for profit. Assuming that dont work when people move i do some work and jack up the rent to a higher but fair price.
Rule of thumb is 20% down and banks love lending on properties
>amazon kindle direct publishing
>write shit
>get a cover picture license or make it yourself
>post it up
>people buy it while you sleep
make sure you set up an llc, there was a something awful post years ago that basically spelled out how to do this eight when the ebook craze took off.
> I don't have an earthly clue how ponzi's work, the post.
Thanks for the top secret info though, user.
I love in southern AZ where we get snowbirds. Old people coming down with RVs to stay warm in the winter.
Neighborhoods have empty lots with an RV garage and plumbing to hook up to their trailers.
Should I buy one of these lots to rent out?
It would only make money in winter but without any real property on the lot it would be low maintenance.
Warning: this is not for poorfags, you need substantial capital to get this up and running or you are going to get your lunch eaten by professional sharks
Buy the royalties of producing oil leases. You need geological software ($4k month roughly for what I use) and need to take a class on how to use it. Read up on what geological phenomena to be aware of and look out for.
There are auction websites running every few weeks wherein thousands of producing leases are sold, leases that cost anywhere from a few thousand to upwards of hundreds of millions. Look for wells that have long term production still producing 40% of their peak. Long term means they have been running for 5 years at least. This is to minimize damage from production fall off. The level of production will depend on your budget, but start and end small. As a private buyer you will get strong armed by professionals if you try to go big.
Look up county records to see who owns the well, look at other wells in the area to determine their production rate and lifespan. Information on barrels per day will be posted on the auction listing.
When you buy a well, you pay the lump sum and then maintenance for that well is deducted from the royalty check you receive every month. My family has some wells that have been producing steadily for the last 20 years or more. Prices are down which means smaller over leveraged businesses are selling off their assets to stay in business. This is not something you can do part time, it requires far too much money and research. If anyone has questions I can answer them. My father has run a company doing this for 35+ years and I have extensive experience with the business along with petroleum engineering.
If you don't want to gamble with meme coins or wait fifty years for your index fund to mature, this may be the solution. It's moderate risk, extremely high reward. Over the lifespan of a good well, you can expect to make back well over a 100% ROI.
Interesting information, user. I've been looking to get into this. Two questions -
1. What's the minimum starting capital for someone starting out at the very cheap end?
2. Can it be done online from outside the US? I'm a britfag.
I'm already doing this. Pic related, my last month's sales.
Music royalties are a good way to invest in passive income. Check out www.royaltyexchange.com
>passive income
No such thing.
Did you write it yourself or did you outsource everything?
make an app that makes money somehow, that's what I did
Of course creating an app that actually earns you money requires a combination of experience and intelligence and 99% of people reading this will not have enough of either. You need to know how to code reasonably well. You need to understand what people want, even when they don't know it themselves, and act accordingly. You need to understand what drives sales and how to market properly. You need to actually solve someone's problem, and keep solving it for recurring income.
tl;dr: buy kneepads
Here's what I do -
>be me, good at writing
>check out amazon's bestsellers in various categories
>download and read as many of them as I can from sites like, libgen etc.
>write a book that's basically a rehash of what I've read. Might take a week or so.
>upload to kindle with an attention-grabbing title
How many books do you have on there? How do you promote them? What genres are the most lucrative?
How do you get over the fact that amazon pays half a cent per page read as part of its royalty program?
worst part is this might be true
About 30 books I think.
I don't promote them, the titles are usually related to one of the bestsellers in that category. eg. '50 Shades Of Play'. They're hitching a ride on a bestseller.
My bestsellers are women's romantic fiction (that shit writes itself) and fantasy role play.
I didn't know that about the royalty program.
So you had to write 30 books to get to $500 / month? Sounds like a waste of time desu
What's the average book length?
That's 30 books over a period of about 5 years. Not much work really, when it takes about a week to write one. I use the Dragon speech-to-text app so I don't actually physically write anything. And once it's done, I don't have to d anything else with it.
Average 150-200 pages.
My experience is only US based so take it with a grain of salt.
There are geology and engineering programs that you can purchase for a monthly fee that will give you production info on drilling sites. You could probably find a program for cheaper than the one I use. This is really the only concrete cost..all the other info you need is provided by the county or state. Cheapest program I've seen runs around $2k a month. Definitely not the best. My father uses one in his business that is around $15k per month with a lot of added functionality. Helpful but not necessary.
Yes I really don't see any reason why it couldn't be done outside the US. Your involvement is minimal as a royalty owner, and more than likely there will be other owners as well in the states. If you are majority owner you may occasionally have to deal with angry phone calls from residents complaining about the site or relatives who think they have the right to the oil (they don't), but that's about it. Unexpected expenses are possible, for example if a pump breaks you'll be footing the five thousand dollar bill or lose out on the well entirely.
As I said before, routine maintenance is deducted from your royalty check. You buy in, keep paying those taking care of it, and pocket the rest. Very little work, very high gains. There are plenty of dogs and stars, it just takes some trial and error to figure out what to look for. At this point, I don't even bother purchasing sites that offer me less than a 20% ROI in a year. Some offer significantly more but carry more risk with a steeper initial investment.
People are tearing their hair out trying to beat the stock market when oil is right under their noses. Less work, greater returns on investment if you know what you're doing, little risk as long as you don't get too ambitious.
For those affiliate marketing people I have a question for starting since I'm stuck. Do I make a webpage first or find an offer for a product? Also what are some examples for websites that do this? No place shows you sites or how your ads look.
love the tldr after all that lmao
Which auction site do you prefer and why?
>My father has run a company doing this for 35+ years and I have extensive experience with the business
>I use the Dragon speech-to-text app so I don't actually physically write anything
Fuck damn. You smart. Don't you have to proof read that shit though? I'd imaging there being a lot of error in using speech to text.
Curious, do you use a real name or a pen name?
What does that matter? You need both a website and offers before you can make money so it's really a null issue.
Look into adplexity or whatrunswhere to see what competitors are doing.
Thanks user. How do I sign up?
Can our share a link to the software? What am I googling?
This sounds like a waste of time. You need a whole NEET week do make one, or do you work like 1-2 hrs daily?
i own 6 vintage vending machines that dispense short storys in 1" capsules for $2 each at various hipster cafes, pretty low investment and i exclusively use copyright free material.
Pic related is the machine I use costs about $70 AUD so like 50ish USD
Dragon is a great app. There are errors, but I don't mind proof reading.
Pen name. I'm not putting my real name to that shit.
Literally speaking into a mic for a couple of hours a day for about a week. Then proof read it, clean it up and it's good to go.
I used to have gumball machines for kids, but this is interesting. Do they actually go for it? What are sales like?
Thanks for your help, user. Are you familiar with GeoTriple? What do you think of it?
On a $2 sale net profit is 1.692
The 1" capsules bulk end up being about 8 cents a pop and printing costs of around 20-30 cents depending on what GSM paper is on sale.
I would say average 2-4 sales per day per machine and Ive been told they do from the business owners people love the idea. Also it is so much easier convincing a cafe owner to set up a short story machine than a gumball or toy piece of shit, makes it classier imo.
Really only tough part is finding new stories to add
So say $1.50 profit and 2 sales per day = $3 a day. Say they're closed sunday so 6 days a week = $18 a week, or $72 a month. So it pays for itself after a month?
These cafes are open 7 days
and it averages around the $55-60 mark per month
Im a student so its not hard travelling and refilling the fuckers but if you actually worked and didnt have machines close by you might not enjoy it that much, also I collect coins so sometimes you get a rare $2 that sells for like $10-15 so thats always nice
Just an FYI for blog hopefuls..
I started a blog that gets about 100 unique views a day. I monetized with adsense and affiliate programs and in the past 2 months I've earned $6 total.
It's pretty difficult to make money with a blog UNLESS you are selling your own, premium products. It can still be passive if they are digital products (eBook, software, etc).
Good luck.
Thanks for the voice to text advice. Don't know why I never looked into this, as this could be multiple times faster than my abysmal 50 wpm rate.
Forming a corporation as your "publishing company" was advised in the original post years ago. Makes it easier to keep track of expenses (licenses for cover photos, accountants, lawyers, etc), protects from liability, etc. Then you can have multiple pen names, with each pen name being a brand. A cyberpunk crime novel series should have a different author from a historical fantasy romance novel or a young adult romance series.
As for coming up with ideas, just use the hollywood studio model, regurgitate the same story over and over, changing only surface elements, or Disney's capeshit model. People want more of the same. You don't see much proper literature in a best seller list, you see the equivalent of summer popcorn flicks. For romance every story is essentially, multiple alpha males fight over a mary sue. If there are fads (50 shades) ride the wave. The best part is that your customers do the marketing for you.
How much money are you making from this app a day?
Maybe. There is a lot to consider but in the end the rule of thumb for us beginners is, if u fuck up and cant eat the loan payments them dont do it. That being said i have never done it but some things to consider would be.
>land price. Wich u maybe could start an llc and wrap all this in a business loan but thats a hole other rabbit hole
>the price of hookups. U will need guages installed and meters for electric water gas water and sewer
>rock. Ofthen overlooked is that you will need about 2 1p wheeler (15) ton loads of rock (gravel) or a slab to put thier camper on and park. This runs roughly $250 a load here in kansas. Depending on your economy im sure its close if there is a nearby quarry.
>property tax. Find out what those are because that is a yearly or monthly payment even when empty.
>advertizing. U need flyers and adds and shit or do u already know some folks that will move on in?>lighting. Not necessity but u will already have a power pole. And people apprecuate a good street light. Like $10 a month from the power company. A breaker is handy as they draw bugs and a small percentage will want it off unless they have guests. This also adds to the safty of your space. People dont party hard or cut donuts on your land much if they can be seen.
>how large is the space?if u can add more meters how many canoers can u comfortably house? 1 or 40?
>do some investigating. Drive all over town every month and count the competition and their locarion. How many lots are there?how many spots they have? What percentage of thos lots are full? What month was it? Are there any local jobs or events temporarily effecting the full spaces?
>are there any nearby drawing your renters away?>would it be worth poping up a cuckshed and making a hunting cabin or weekend renal on the space so your renters can have family visit and rent it nightly?
>what van i do with the space to make it apear nicer cheaply? Coy pond lanscaping fountsin etc...
>small investments may in decorations make the space apear nicer and u could potentially sway them from an equal and cheaper space.
>small fire pits are always a cheap selling point.
>a big one here. What can i do in the "off" months when empty? Host events, rent cheap to food venders? Host weekend flea markets and charge for electricity. This os a big one and fucknear limitless. U could even put in a few storage sheds to up rents on the campung spots and rent them out month to month in the off season.
In any case good luck to u. I would start studying personal finance and real estate investing and spend a few weeks doing research. Its hard not to get overexcited about these things. But if u got the money to risk fucking go for it. U still have the land to rent or sell and if u buy right then land almost always will go up over time until u can break even. Thats almost. And with inflation u may bever make it back. But u can cash out and you learned a lesson. Good luck to u user. Im considering the same thing. 2 camper slots behind my hunting cabin. We will see. And i already have the land so if i fuck uo i got a place to park a few cars and list it for sale till i die.
Sorry long winded and autistic spelling. Bored at work but just got fucking busy and no time to proofread.
Holy fuck user. Been in the shit side of the oilfield most of my life. Looking to switch over soon and still learned a little. If you are at all interested in oil leases near Southeast Kansas I know people around here always horsetrading the fucking things. Knowing what to look for in my first lease will help a lot. Let alone if i dont have to fuck with pumping and can buy a long way away.
If you are really playing at that level i know some pretty welthy guys that know the area and might want to do some business. It makes me feel good when i can drag peopke together and they all make money. And some are friends and some are my dad's bosses. They take good care of him. Bringing them a few deals would mean a big thank you to them from my poor ass.
Not him or sure about outside the us. But if u wanna risk drilling a well around here for 100k u can be a silent money partner and have 50% of the profits if u in good with guys that run the buziness. Pretty sure if u have your own rig it cost a little under 100k. So in down times they do this to keep their guys busy and then the upswing of 50% of the profits for 0 investment.
Its pretty much the shillcoin meme of my area. People ro lazy or dumb to invest their money give it to these guys and pray. Then the ones that make a few hundred grand keep it going by bragging and losing it all. Its a viscious cycle watching dumbasses cointoss till they lose and call it investing
100 views a day is shit desu, of course you dont make any money.
I'm not sure if you're dumb or what but
>100 unique visitors
>Avg. 7.14 page views
>714 page views daily
It isn't a ton, but it's achievable. If you think that getting thousands of views a day is easy than you have another thing coming.
You made $6 bucks in 2 months either you need more views or more relevant affiliate links/adverts you fuckwit. Its not rocket science faggot.
you are the worst kind of jew
> If you think that getting thousands of views a day is easy than you have another thing coming.
I would definitely recommend dragon as the best voice to text program, but it takes a while to get used to your voice and speech patterns. You have to give it time.
Wouldn't you do the same if you were in my position? It's a small HQ of around 8 employees in the office yet manage 1500+ producing wells at a given time. Total company assets are massive. I'd be an idiot not to take over my father's legacy.
You're being very vague. You're looking for business deals? We have wells all throughout the US, Kansas included. If you want to get out of the rough neck game (seems like that's what you're doing) then keep your head on a swivel and ask questions. Get in to an office ASAP. You'll take a pay hit but will learn the important aspects of how oil firms are run. I realize rough necking is big money but there is a low ceiling compared to being in the office. I know several good friends who have stopped rough necking to start their own production business and are now multi multimillionaires. I wouldn't advise you try to get in to what I have been talking about without some sort of mentor. It is very easy to see something that looks like a sure thing, only to lose out on big money because you overlooked something minor.
Just look up oil and gas production software. There are dozens that will work just fine. Another guy linked geoforge, don't bother with that. You only need oil and gas production info, nothing else. You need to be able to pinpoint a position on the map and see the production for all the wells in that area over the last several decades. Additionally functionality is unnecessary.
You just gave me a great idea for my next book, a horror story about two jews who steal money and bury it in the sand. The Adventures of Dr Shekel and Mr Hide.
Here's an idea, or well a different spin on that idea: Bible shit. Like scriptures, or maybe Christian theology or history trivia.
Still with me here? The beauty of this is that you can get yourself ordained easily and cheaply. You set up a non-profit ministry, and claim that all proceeds go towards, I dunno buying bibles for people in Africa, or China or somewhere. Find out where the fundies in you area frequent (Hobby Lobby, and Chic-fil-a are fundie run companies, and fundies love the shit out of them) and see about placing these machines in such places. These types of Christians will eat this shit right up, and you'll be collecting tax free income--non-profits don't have to keep records like normal businesses, and are pretty much on the honor system as to how they actually use the money they collect. I mean you just about nearly have to wear a sign that says "I'm running a scam" before the IRS even glances your way, and the sort of Christians who fall for religious cons will defend the ones bilking them till the bitter end, and are very quick to forgive, and forget.
I guess this all depends on where you live though. Anywhere in the Bible Belt would be great. NYC probably not so much.
Im in Aus so maybe not the demographic to try that kind of business here but that sounds pretty solid for the bible belt, and charity is very easy to sell to cafes and other biz hard to say no if its for a good cause
Here's another idea. Branch out into gay erotica. A jew, and a stormfag meet during a Craigslist threesome with a nigger, and fall madly in love. would be first in line to buy it.
For the people making money from Amazon ebooks, I know you mentioned using a pen name instead of a real name. But is it possible to have Amazon send your payments to a foreign corporation rather than your personal details? Like if I have a BVI corporation that all of my internet income goes through, can Amazon just have that as my real/payment info?
Is there anymore you can share about starting a production bussiness?
thoughts on setting up a website that hosts links with new tv shows every day like awesomedl.ru. or channel 131? Is this legal if i just provide the links and do not host anything?
that's exactly how all streaming sites maintain their legality. nothing is actually hosted on the server, it's just backlinks to other streaming services. there's definitely money to be made, either through adsense or surveys or CPC.
>>Avg. 7.14 page views
bullshit. That or you're trusting awstats like a pleb and not using google analytics.
Anything above 3 is fucking unheard of unless you're big time. 7.14 is just piss ass lying or bad stats.
anyone ever try buying and flipping domain names? seems like it could work. Isn't that how taco got money on The League?
Did. It's bullshit unless you're super lucky or buy thousands of domains. Your avg person buying a couple hundred dollars of domains at a time has no chance ever.
german speaking guy here.
Stefan is 100% pure bullshit ponzi sceme and retarded.
do NOT waste your time on this.
is Probably Stefan himself shilling.
This shit is getting posted here more frequently.
FUCK YOU Stefan. Do not drag other anons money down the drain.
Get some job you fucker.
>It doesn't take much work to write
I fucking hate people like you.
thanks for the info bruh
>all referral links
Piss off.
You're going to get slammed hard by copyright.
None of those things are passive
Just buy invest in MLPs through robinhood.
You get low barrier to entry, diversification, liquidity, etc.
And if you have the risk tolerance for it buy one of the 2x leveraged ETNs from ETRACS. These are currently yielding 12-14%.
Honestly unless you are already specialized in the field of have millions of working capital, everyone should go the exchange traded route.
want real advice?
passive income is a myth. you either work for the money or you tie down and risk money or assets to make money.
online business is work but it also comes with more risks than employment.
how much of a cut does the cafe take? and why wouldnt they just get their own? im assuming you must have connections with the people who own the cafe and they are letting you do it as a favor?
Thank me later
Stop shilling my nigga, thanks.
There are so many cool and interesting ideas here that I don't know what to try.
hey dudes, does amazon ebook publishing allow adult stories heavy on sex and fetishes?
>He got the Poor Dad
Sorry your parents decided to breed without long-term plans for their offspring's livelihood. Must be hard being a nigger.
Literally everything except pedophilia or zoophilia, even necrophilia is free game
You pay the store owners nothing
does furry count as zoophilia ?
>The Adventures of Dr Shekel and Mr Hide.
Sure but it's really not as difficult as many people seem to think. Starting out I'd strongly recommend doing field work with a petroleum engineer and pick his brain about what to look out for when you're examining a well site either in person or in the logs. If you don't know a petroleum engineer or can't find a mentor in the industry, consider rough necking temporarily if you think you can handle it. Tough dangerous work but massive pay if you can secure a job (not easy in this current market, you may have to move). That'll give you the basic know how of fracking mechanics.
Side note: the firm I work with is exclusively involved in extraction. We don't send oil or natural gas to refineries, we have buyers set up as soon as we get it out of the ground. Occasionally people will come to us with drilling locations and we may invest, but only if they do all the heavy lifting. We want to provide capital, nothing more.
The Internet has totally changed the industry. In the old days, oil men had to look through thousands of listings and pages of well info to figure out what to buy at auction, and all the huge companies went to these auctions. Nowadays it can all be done online more efficiently at a fraction of the cost. Now is the time to get in to the industry IF and only IF you have a decent sum of money to get started. Over leveraged companies have been going under for years and there is blood in the streets. Great producing properties can be bought for next to nothing and you can recoup your investment in a short amount of time, even if prices stay as low as they have been. I have it on good authority from a revenue estimator from the Texas comptroller that oil has already bottomed out and will rise over the next ten years, while natural gas will continue to steeply increase in value over the next 2-3.
What do you need to get started? If you're doing it on the side, just some knowledge (try and find a mentor), money, and production software. cont
If you're looking to turn it into a full time business, you don't need many employees. There's you, the money man and handler. You choose what to buy and sell. You need an accountant that is very savvy. Taxes can be almost entirely avoided through funneling money through this type of company if you know what you're doing and your accountant is on the same page. You'll need a secretary to deal with royalty checks, making sure that you receive what you're owed and that you keep up with maintenance and fees you owe. Then you need a petroleum engineer to go check on sites, create and organize research around auction days so that you know what you want to buy and what you want to avoid. This is the most expensive part, petrol eng. start out at a whopping $100k right out of university and get paid much more by large firms. Friend of mine started at $100k, did some good work and got headhunted by multiple big firms. After a bidding war he now works for Chesapeake and clears around $500k per year, and he's 28.
Note this is a work intensive business. You can expect to work up to 80 hour weeks no problem. My father has owned a business using this model for 35 years and he still works at least 65 hour weeks. However, it's paid off for him. He just purchased a private jet (the second he's had in his lifetime) and clears several million $ a year just from royalty checks from properties he owns. You won't see gains like that for at least 10 years, but one day you'll look up and realize you're receiving enough money in the mail to never have to work again should you choose to do so. Good luck, it's a cutthroat industry. Many millionaires are made in oil every year, and many go bankrupt due to the turbulent market. Being conservative is good for your long term goals, resist the urge to hit a jackpot. As soon as you get greedy, you can be several million in debt.
Been researching this for awhile and ebook seems easy enough. You earn $2for a $2.99 book. If you can do one book a week ,and sell one book a day for each,after one year you would be earning over 3k a month.
wow such returns, i wonder why billionaires don't just invest in it to make hundreds of millions in 1 month
its a ponzi.
for checks you can let amazon send it to your paypal or some other shit but for products real name and address is required(altough i know few gray hat ways to receive items user, but that is my bread and butter so)
The company provides 5 statuses for investors:
FRONTIER weekly limit for investments is $500, withdrawal limit is $300.
HOMESTEAD weekly limit for investments is $1,000, withdrawal limit is $500.
METROPOLIS weekly limit for investments is $3,000, withdrawal limit is $1,000.
SERENITY weekly limit for investments is $5,000, withdrawal limit is $2,000.
CO-FOUNDER weekly limit for investments is $7,000, withdrawal limit is $3,000.
you can invest up to 30.000 $ thats the maximum atm
it's a pyramid scheme for the lower class kek. it's still ponzi you dumb fuck.
i´ll stay in anyway because i don´t give a fuck about what a shitposting poorfag kiddie has to say.
gonna make a threat just for you one year from now when i´m sitting on 100 BTC you dumb fuck
VERY insightful, thank you.
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What auction sites do you recommend?