What went wrong?
You went wrong
No ecoboost
in after egoboobs
inb4 "buttmad" phrase
does that idiot spend ANY time outside of Veeky Forums?
>pointless generals
>retards giving tripfags attention
>high schoolers who think they actually know anything about cars
>retards replying to obvious b8 posts
>the very few "quality tripfags" are driven off by shitposters who continue to remind the tripfags that tripping is stupid, despite them actually making quality posts, so only shitty tripfags are left.
>kids that play video games who think they can actually learn something about cars that isn't just reading off a facts sheet/copy paste from Wikipedia.
I've seen him posting on other boards before. He only seems to shitpost on Veeky Forums though.
>retards giving tripfags attention
You meant to say
>retards giving trolls attention
Alphonse. It all starts and ends with him
It will never end.
It will when I get your IP and slit your throat
I'd like to see you try.
Who's Alphonse?
I used to frequent Veeky Forums a couple years ago and just fell it of it. I was around when Trolley was still making OG Euroneat stickers and there wasn't 10,000 different stupid ass general threads, just the bike and vidya ones. When Ethan (forgot his tripcode) was found out to be a completely autistic retard on Facebook, and I stopped coming a couple months after Snowey (I think that was part of his trip) got busted with cocaine in his riced out corvette in a school zone.
Honestly, I miss the old Veeky Forums. What the fuck happened?
>Honestly, I miss the old Veeky Forums. What the fuck happened?
to many edgy meme posters now a days.
>What the fuck happened?
Veeky Forums is constantly changing.
that means that there was a time where you thought it's shit but in retrospective it was better in that time, your prime Veeky Forums time than it is now.
the shitposters of today will think the same about the time they spent here and about the shitposters of the future.
but in general everything just gets dumbed down, on every board.
Some furfaggot who praises the ecobust engine.
He got busted multiple times
Nocars aren't chased out.
Generals had to come into being because the Autistic Alliance of Alphonse, Prez/King, and Corey have fucking destroyed this board outside of them.
Shit, I thought I was the only one who figured it out.
Yeah, it WAS Frosty. I thought snowy from all the "frosty the snow (cocaine) man" jokes after his mugshot was posted on here :^)
>What the fuck happened?
Literally nothing except for a decline in full blown attention whore tripfags.
Assmad gm fangirl spotted
The end of effective moderation is what went wrong on Veeky Forums.
Constant shitposting goes unchecked; the only time the janitor(s)/mod(s) seem to intervene is when aphonse floods the board. And even then, that response more often than not comes after most of the threads have been pushed off.
If no one is going to watch the board then they might as well call it "ec/o/boost" and leave it for the furfags... it's already practically "/b/ with cars".
no Turtletron
shit moderation
all of this and add >longpostguy
I doubt Corey even posts here anymore.
And I have no fucking clue who Prez is.
LPG stopped tripping because he stopped working at a dealership. That's it.
It never went right in the first place
remember dead? remember henry fords whiney bitching? alpha bikefags vs beta carfags before dbt? termi?
those were horrible yet grand times
desu mods/pocketeers were never effective on this board because its semi-slow.
I still remember that time somebody had a straight up furry thread up for like 3 days
There aren't janitors patrolling this board 24/7, there never have been. It's a slow board, we get a few janitors, and they're here off and on throughout the week. I've moderated traditional forums, it's not easy to stay on top of the rulebreaking 100% of the time unless you have an assload of people who do it so that there's always someone on.
Itd be easier to ask what didnt go wrong
Obviously janitors can't be expected to clean up everything instantly around the clock. It's more that there doesn't seem to be any presence whatsoever... or the staff are in on the shitposting, who the fuck knows.
I've done the stupid forum moderation chore too, and it's rarely a battle you can win decisively. However, effective moderation should slow down rulebreaking at the very least, ideally making shitposting/trolling inconvenient enough to coerce users into behaving.
>No trutletron
This is one and only legit reason why o is bad now
>It's more that there doesn't seem to be any presence whatsoever...
You're not paying attention if you aren't seeing any presence. I've seen several shitthreads disappear today and quite a few shitposts. I've also witnessed every post in a thread made under the name of one of our resident shitposting faggots get deleted despite there not being any flooding going on.
If you see something that breaks the rules, report it. I rarely report something and see it go undeleted.
Bull fucking shit