Why doesnt Veeky Forums talk about FAFSA more? It is the biggest scam to hit colleges for as long as I remember. FAFSA is nothing more than a trick to get tons of personal information to track you AND charge you more based on your family income. Below 26? Family are millionaires but youre poor as shit? Guess what, you dont get a cent of financial aid. Plus, financial aid are loans. Dont let them trick you.
Why doesnt Veeky Forums talk about FAFSA more? It is the biggest scam to hit colleges for as long as I remember...
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what the fuck are you talking about.
Since I'm in the military and make below $30k, even though most of it is untaxed and everything is payed for, I get $1,200 in Pell Grants each year. It's not a lot of money but when you consider that California community colleges give you classes for free if you're poor, I basically get paid to take online classes (like $120 per a class). Pretty great.
Wtf are you talking about??
FASFA is fucking amazing.
Fafsa has to do with loans, I dont think you know what that means.
You're a fucking idiot. You have to fill out FAFSA to get Stafford/Perkins loans AND the Pell grant you fucking imbecile.
FAFSA isn't a scam. Fill the shit out, collect Pell grant money, get optional federal loans.
>Stafford/Perkins loans
Wow its like exactly what I fucking said.
I keep $5,000 after tuition is paid with fafsa.
>Muh GI Bill
I earn $14,000 a year to go to school. Have fun with student debt faggots
>Pell grant
He's not taking out any loans
Plus, even if he is taking out loans, the interest rates are stupidly low, you can defer them almost indefinitely, and many fields have loan forgiveness programs.
18 year old user here, I'm in the same situation as OP. Should I apply for the FAFSA? When I asked my school counselor about the interest rate for the FAFSA she gave me this blue-pilled answer about the great "experience" I will receive at college
Interest rates are pathetic right now. However, if Trump (wants to kill the bubble, and he's right we are in a bubble) OR Hillary (Beholden to banks) get in, the nominal interest rate will increase, causing all other interest rates to increase as well.
>TL;DR: Don't get a FAFSA Loan unless you get an interest free loans (aka, subsidized).
Interest rates on student loans are retarded high.
Yes apply, you can get pell grants
Are you retarded? Obviously you do it.
And then you get charged interest, and loans and all that shit.
How the hell can something run by the feds be a scam?
Ask the soldiers being sued/garnished/fined in California.
No you don't you fucking moron. Do you know the difference between a grant and a loan?
FAFSA is responsible for charging interest on loans, and they talk you into getting them and fucking you up for life.
>not realizing this is just a political move to steer attention away from the election
They'll do 3-4 stories on soldiers that lost limbs on prime time and then the feds will say "lol nvm".
I'm pretty sure if you just get a Pell grant you don't have to pay it back.
The types of loans you can get do have to be paid back. He's saying they have low interest and can be forgiven.
I didn't have that problem whatsoever. Maybe you're just retarded
Are you guys really this dumb? FAFSA is a corporation that will give loans at such a high interest that youre in debt for life. Even signing up for a FAFSA is detrimental to your career and finances.
>FAFSA is a corporation
Not true
>that will give loans at such a high interest
Not true
>that youre in debt for life
Not true except for extraordinary circumstances
>Even signing up for a FAFSA is detrimental to your career and finances.
Not true.
Sounds like you were scammed buddy boy.
He probably signed up for one of those sites that charge you to fill out your fafsa for you.
Kid's just mad he got ripped off.
Actually no, the school filled it out for me and apparently im in a contract to pay 80 bucks a month back to the school for the next 15 years.
Nothing stops you from paying it back faster.
>rest of your life
Unless your a drug addict, you should live more than 15 years.
Yes. Pell grants are GOAT. It's what your taxes go too. Be careful if you take loans.
Unless you're going to a god-tier school or it's something only that school teaches(really rare)
, go to an in-state school and pay
>FAFSA is a corporation that will give loans at such a high interest that youre in debt for life
This is categorically untrue. FAFSA is a government run entity. You CAN get federal loans through the government now, because there was a decade between the 90s and now where you couldn't, and your interest rate was like 14%. Now a federal subsidized loan is 3-7% interest and has long pay-off systems to help you if you're short on cash the first few years outta university.
The reason why school debt ballooned is because suddenly everyone and their grandma could get school loans at very low interest rates, and college costs a fuck ton because they let those loans out but wouldn't pass legislation to curb prices.
>MFW I'm 'disabled' and once I've maxed out my Pell Grant and Subsidized Loans, all I need to do is fill out one form and they are all deleted with impact on my credit history or score.
Out of curiosity what's your 'disability'?
Bipolar, Agorophobia and PTSD.
I applied online myself andwas approved in three months back in 2009.
BTW, I function fine with all of these 'conditions' but that's our little secret.
Hey, I'm not complaining. If you can lay low for long enough to avoid any suspicion and game the system to your advantage, power to you.
Something something don't hate the player, hate the game.
Yeah but something given has no 'value'.
Something earned does.
I acept the handouts but I'm working towards a degree to actually do something I enjoy, master and be successful at.
Getting paid a lot of money would be nice too.
FAFSA only helps mentally ill like this retard. Proof.
You got scammed mate. FASFA is free. Some schools have student loans as part of their financial aid package, but that's your fault for not reading the financial aid deets.
My fault? So I was suppose to read everything before i signed? Can they charge me this shit without me signing?
>So I was suppose to read everything before i signed?
The sad part about this is that I have to deal with people this fucking stupid all the time. I'd call troll, but I see this all the time.
That wasnt my question idiot.
Yes. Part of being an adult is reviewing contracts that you are legally binding yourself to. Put on your big kid pants and start reading things before you sign them.
Yeah it helps me get a free degree and build my savings account to use as seed money for once I decide what type of investments I'm going to make.
Sorry you didn't read the fine-print and got fucked but some of us did and are making bank, getting degrees and scoring delicious college pussy.
Don't be so salty.
Don't forget never believing what people tell you until you've confirmed with with at least three different credible sources.
Also, never trusting women with finances.
Or in general.
Just so people have their options.
FAFSA is a pell grant with the option of loans. You can go to a community college with a pell grant alone, but will need loans for a 4 year.
I personally rack up my tuition on these things called credit cards. Next step is bankruptcy. Suck it Obama. Fuck your shit.
You cant buy a gun and soon you wont be able to fly either. Grats on being "mentally ill"
"but will need loans for a 4 year."
What do you mean you """NEED""" loans for a 4 year?
My dad just got his parent PLUS loan discharged this way. They say that if he ever makes good money again they'll want it though, like if he wins the lottery or gets a good job but that won't happen.
That's like $55k off our back now!
in my experience loans made directly from the school usually have decent interest rates compared to other private loans
... because they are more expensive than community colleges. Obviously you don't need them if you have money but his point was Pell grant will cover most CC's but not more expensive schools entirely.
Also depending on the school you can get a lot more than a Pell grant, especially if you appeal under circumstances of hardship or something. My family is poor as fuck so I also get a good sized grant and a couple scholarships. Fucked up part was the grant was originally twice as big freshman year, it's not merit based so idk what drove it down but I feel like I was mislead. Thought i'd get the same amount all 4 years.
It's how we reward pieces of shit in America
>Oh you worked a job in high school....sorry no money for you
>Oh your parents were responsible.... sorry no money for you
> Oh you got knocked up at 17 ..... here is your money
> Oh your parents are fucking deadbeats... here's some money that we stole from the parents that were responsible
This is what happens when you rid of natural selection.
Untrue as fuck.
Most of those loans are structured to be payed back over ten years. You'll go past that if you defer them or get your montgly payments dropped on income based repayment. And they are forgiven after 25 years.
You have to be practically retarded to be 'stuck in crippling student debt for the rest of your life'.
That's why when I get my degree; my 'meds' start magically working and I'm 'cured'.
It's called foresight, comrade.
Besides, I own a .45 Glock and have been to Germany twice already.
No wonder you got fucked, you're a 50/50 split of ignorant and stupid.
>It's how we reward pieces of shit in America
Yeah, I remember touring the college bookstore and someone was giving people heads up that the lady at the register could price match a textbook from Amazon if it's cheaper. This dude went up and told this ghetto landwhale about the Amazon price match and she said she didn't need to worry about it cause she got some GIBZ ME DAT/grant/whatever because she was a ex-convict.
i love FAFSA, then again my family was fucking poor
i got all tuition paid (CUNY) plus 2000 dollars a semester for books and transportation.
that shit just started my gambling habit desu. i was shocked at how many people worked and went to school, meanwhile i lived like a bum who had like 4 days of schools max, and one year i just fit everything into 2 days and had the other 5 off. good times, no responsibilities.
Actually it's below 24
Waited until I was 24 and FAFSA paid for my tuition. Don't know what you are talking about OP. Maybe you used some scam site or something
Then why is over half of college students in critical debt?
Because like you they were fucking stupid enough to sign their name to ridiculous terms with a promise of a job in an ever increasingly mechanized global economy.
It's funny because I'm a 'Disabled Retard' and look at all the free grants and scholarships I've gotten.
Oh and before you start pointing at the Subsidized Loans and laughing; after I've used maxed out every Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loan, I fill out a single form and they're fucking erased from existence.
Nigger, you're so jelly you belong in a mason jar.
No, it's below 26.
>Fed Direct Subsized Loan
Boy you really fucked up kid.
Can someone school me on fafsa? Ive gotten financial aid for 2 years and I go to community college and I will transferring to a 4 year in roughly a year. I always thought it was free money..
Basically what it is, is you sign up for a fafsa and it puts you in a system that tried to scam you into taking loans that will fuck you forever. There is nothing good about FAFSA unless you are mentally ill like this user
The fuck is my next course of action then? How the fuck else would I, no, ANYONE be able able to pay for this shit?
Some of it's free money in the form of grants. Some of it's just low interest loans. The catch is that you can't discharge the loans except through very specific circumstances. You can't default on them during bankruptcy.
Don't listen to this retard.
>Don't listen to this retard
>Doesnt try debunking the facts I bring up
Never change Veeky Forums
You've been thoroughly ripped apart throughout this thread. Remember, this board has ID's. We can see which posts are yours.
>ripped apart
No I havent, if anything people have agreed to stay away from FAFSA unless you want to get scammed.
If you actually believe that, you are even dumber than I initially thought.
Please. Explain how being offered loans and grants that you are under no legal requirement to take is a scam.
College degrees are the new GED's. Anyone not in finance does not give a fuck that you partied and sat through high school twice. Design a new product on Adobe for 3D printers or something like everyone else in 2016.
How much was discharged and how much did you owe the IRS/state?
People should know that unless they can prove insolvency, they will owe tens of thousands to the IRS.
You're a retard who signed a contract without reading it. You brought this upon yourself.
If you can't afford college out of pocket or with scholarships, a Federal Direct subsidized loan is literally THE BEST THING you can get. The interest rate is 3.76%, and the loan doesn't accrue interest while you're in school.
You get an education to increase your earning potential. $80 per month is like $0.50 per hour. Are you telling me you spent four years at school improving yourself and you can't earn at least fifty cents more per hour than you would have made with only a high school diploma?
>That name
I work in software, and I'm triggered.
This is the guy who goes to fafsa.com and not fafsa.edu.gov
I realize you posted this a few days ago but everyone else here is pants-on-head autistic.
If you decide to follow up on school, apply for FAFSA. You aren't locked into anything.
FAFSA interest rates are retardedly low compared to private loans. They're 3.76% right now, which is cheaper than you'll find from anyone else. You can turn them down if you want to. Just don't sign the contract.
FAFSA may also offer you work study (Federal government pays a portion of the salary you earn from an on-campus job) or Pell Grants (literally free money for students of low-income families). There are no downsides to either of these.
Whether or not you should invest in an education is a different subject matter altogether, but FAFSA itself is not evil. If you decide to take out a loan for education, use your FAFSA options before private lenders.
I didn't realize I still had my name on, I used that when I had a question I was asking /g/ when I was preparing for a hackathon. Always happy to trigger the audience though, I guess.
He posted it earlier today actually.
The one advantage of private lenders is you can go bankrupt. If you don't mind starting off out of college with shit credit (and let's be realistic here, plenty of people do), and can find lenders that won't require a cosigner, it can work. Being creatively unemployed while living with your parents for a 8 month period can let you just casually wipe off the debt.
Far easier said than done however.
buu.... the jews got me at
Group A 6.000%
Group B 5.600%
Group C 4.500%
Group E 6.800%
Group F 6.800%
Group G 6.800%
Group H 6.800%
Group I 3.400%
Group J 3.400%
RIP ever doing anything with my life. Already 4 years behind.
inb4: hurhrurh you read it and didn't have to do it. You're right. But I clearly didn't understand what 6% interest on bullshit was when I was 19 and trying to bone non stop.
I get paid 2grand a semester with the pel grant. Pel grant is a loan that I don't have to pay back. When you take 6 or more credit hours (two courses) the 6 month Grace period on any student loan is extended. 2 classes cost 618 bucks, pel grant gives me 1440. Of you aren't trying to take advantage of this you are retarded.
I told you to stay away from FAFSA. You should have listened.
>Family are millionaires but youre poor as shit
You don't know what "poor" means, do you?
Your as dumb as a box of rocks and will never make it.
Probably a b8 thread, but I'll bite.
The FAFSA basically determines how much you can afford to pay for college based on your and your parent's/guardian's income. If you're an emancipated minor that isn't financially supported by your parents, then their income isn't taken into account. My guess is that OP doesn't fall into that category.
All you get out of the FAFSA is a number called the estimated family contribution, which is how much the government thinks you and your parents can afford to pay each year. If your family is poor, this number will be low. If you're an emancipated minor with no income, this number will be low.
Colleges then take this number and use it to offer you a financial aid package, which may consist of free money (grants, scholarships) and/or low-interest federal loans, which you are by no means obligated to accept. As others in this thread have said, these loans are preferable to private loans for several reasons. If you're not a retard, you got into a good school that pledges to meet all of your financial need, which cost of attendance - family contribution as determined by the FAFSA. In general, you won't get any sort of financial aid unless you fill out the FAFSA, so OP is a giant faggot for misinforming high school aged anons.
Yes, it has its flaws (such as inflating the family contribution if your family has a lot of assets like property, even if the income is modest), but the alternative is going to the bank and getting rekt even harder on loans.
Why don't you enlighten me since you obviously are poor.
>Family are millionaires but youre poor as shit?
> You're the spoiled, retarded, entitled brat that's going to blow whatever you are handed and end up poor and blaming other people.
You're basically a nigger.
Did I strike a nerve poorfag?
What do you do after you've filled it out?
Trying to get an education here.
Wow, that's not my experience at all. You just suck at filling that shit out, yo.
HAHAHA same. I know a lot of people who got through this way. I was in a poverty stricken family, got 6k Pell grant and like 4K NYS TAP every year. Went to CUNY Baruch. Bretty good overall.
What? How much was tuition?
Is that a community college?
I read 6k/yr on their website for in-state applicants, that's crazy for a 4 year university considering that the one I want to attend costs 42k/yr even for in-state applicants.
The FAFSA is fine. If you honestly think that obtaining the minimal amount of information to determine financial aid is somehow a "scam", then you are retarded. Does the fin aid system need to be reevaluated? Absolutely.
If your parents are millionaires, then your decision on if you should go to college is entirely up to you.
I absolutely hate saying this, but you are more likely to have the financial backing to do whatever you want and will have more opportunities for internships, etc.
Nigga that's some smart shit. So you can literally just discharge it? How long is the peocess for that?
>Too poor for college
>take subsidized FAFSA loans all four years on top of grants
>graduate with an 800 credit score
>take a business loan, start a business
Now I have a number of rental properties and pull in six figures a year.
>ruin my life
Poor is when you family doesn't have money.
And Bob's your uncle.