/wowsg/ - World of Warships Admiral

Melon Edition

pastebin.com/tfYw51Rr (POI)

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Let's talk about botes for a change?

If you could bring one warship back to full fighting condition, which would it be?

Why did the previous thread die? Shitposting in the OP?


this op sucks

bismarck or tirpitz

yamato maybe simply because it was the largest BB.

one of the museum BBs, maybe Massachusetts or one of the Iowas

No other correct answer

the enterprise (1705)

Thanks again Jake senpai

No competition desu.
Why wouldn't you bring back the biggest and best looking BB ever built?
Hell if only to see what she was actually capable of, seeing as she never got a chance to do anything and most of the records about her being destroyed.