When do you "blip" the gas when downshifting

Exactly when do you blip or press the gas when downshifting?
Is it when you put the stick on neutral or when you already put your stick on the lower gear?

You're supposed to keep your foot completely down on the gas when you shift!

Right before you release the clutch

I almost am at a point where I'm blipping the throttle as soon as the clutch detaches from the flywheel.

You can take as long as you want to rev match just as long as you hit the correct rev though

B8 m8

so its anwhere between detaching the clutch and putting it back on?

What the fuck is 'blip'? Some kind of animu reference?

are you never been in any car forums?

so after I shifted to lower gear?

granny shifting, not double clutching, etc

You want the rpms to match when the clutch engages. So basically between when the clutch starts to engage to fully engages is when you blip, and it should take about as long as a blip to for the clutch pedal to travel thru this arc. So it's not really when you start to let the clutch out, and it's over before it's all the way out. It's quick, so expect to Fuck it up blipping too early and too late even after you know when to blip.

I would in case something slips, would rather do it after than during

something slips??

ITT: People who don't double clutch when rev matching. Enjoy your exploding synchros.

Just practice it and get good at it.

There's really no explanation that will teach you.

>double clutch when rev matching
You're just doing extra work for nothing

Is this true or not god damn it?

I started downshifting by double clutching but then l was made to understood that it is redundant on synchro boxes. Now l "just rev match" and shifts feel smooth like this as well.

I could do it either way but is it needless dancing to double clutch?

Double clutching is a meme. You only double clutch when your synchros are out. Doing it in a modern car is just a waste of energy/effort.

This is how I've been doing it. Let's say a 3 to 2 downshift

>clutch in
>pull out of gear
>slide over
>in the same motion of sliding down, blip throttle
>hop off clutch

If done properly the car won't so much as give feedback. If you don't get it right away its okay. No one does. Thought it's almost second nature now, it wasn't easy to learn and even still the shifts aren't perfect every time. I remember the days of throwing my RPMs up and then nervously releasing the clutch out of uncertainty. Also, don't get so hung up on your downshifts. Braking is king.

so basically you blip it when you're putting it in gear

will this also work on downshift overtaking? I seem to jerk most of the time

Double de-clutch is pointless on a modern box.

The only time you need to use it is on a dogbox or for impressing autists.

It honestly doesn't matter when you blip the throttle, just so long as the flywheel and clutch are at similar speeds when they engage.

You do not need to rev match for wvery downshift, only when there's going to be a significant jump in revs. I'll normally only bother if I'm block shifting from 4/5th to 2nd

>not rev matching every downshift

Imagine it like starting from a start on first on a hill and that about sums it up.
Most of the time when I rev match I can feel the front of the car lift up a little (dunno if this is good, think it's borderline bad considering. When I fuck up it bucks up)
There are a few times I've revmatch downshifted perfectly on instinct (and the first time was on accident)
You'll know it because it'll be smooth as butter and your engine will be growling

>starting from a start
From a stop, I'm too tired for this shit.
Tbh I only ever bother to revmatch 3rd and second. Probably would to 5th but I never use it because lolcitycommute

>tfw the only times you go over 40 mph you're hooning

You blip after pressing the clutch. Basically you want the revs to go higher easily so that when you start letting go of the clutch pedal, they fall right in place where they left when you pressed it. More or less.

enjoy the smell of burning clutch

That's literally the way to avoid a burned clutch you moron.

giving gas while depressed literally burns the clutch


Your clutch doesn't even connect to anything and there is no friction when your clutch is disengaged.

Only time you are burning the clutch is when you're actually taking too long to engage it and hold it halfway. That's when the friction happens.

You'd know that if you ever drove a manny.

rev matching....

There are explanatory viceos on the internet about it .. but you will have to practice to really get it right....

great help! i couldve googled it myself. Thanks

Really doesn't matter as long as you shift quick enough that the revs don't drop

It depends entirely on the car, throttle response, drivetrain mass, and clutch friction.

In essence, you time it so that the engine is at the correct rpm for the gear you are downshifting into when you re-engage the clutch.

All of this info is a moot point anyway because the only way you will get it right every time is through muscle memory, which means actually driving your car and trying it instead of asking Veeky Forums.

TL:DR - OP needs to get outside.

Have you ever looked inside a gearbox you faggot?

have you discovered rev matching by accident? Did you never ask anyone about it? Did you never google it? What a badass

You can actually do this on some cars. On hondata you can set up WOT shift and leave it floored.

The point isn't that it's necessary to double clutch with modern box, it's that you're keeping your synchros fresh and building l33t skills to show off with. And honestly, if you can't do it fast enough, you need to git gud or hand in your car for a 4 speed corolla.

so its unnecessary shit then, good to know


Bad meme

>enjoy your synchros doing their job
Lol ok then

>overworking your synchros
enjoy your car shitting the bed @ 100km

>using your synchros is overworking them

I used to double clutch, but it wore the fuck out of my pressure plate. Don't fall for this.

pressure plates are wear parts though

I double clutched for 3 months and wore it out. The friction material is in fine shape. I'd do it if you have a bad synchro, since a new pressure plate and clutch are cheaper than a whole new tranny, but with working synchros, I wouldn't bother

I do, honestly do know that it's not nessecary, it's just a habit from driving trucks that I can't seem to shake

You don't, and let the synchros and ECU handle it.