How often in a week do you flip off other drivers?
Never really. The most I do is throw a hand up in confusion. I don't feel like being an asshole all the time.
I've done it once in the past 6 months.
>driving down road
>2 lanes, third lane opens up for left turns at intersection
>approaching intersection at about 35 mph (speed limit is 35)
>hamplanet in SUV rolls out into the middle of the road from parking lot, takes up both lanes but leaves turn lane open
>was about 50-60 feet away when she started rolling slowly out
>another car turns onto the road so she can't get through
>was making a left anyway so squeeze into left lane
>she lays on her horn
>look over, let off gas, extend right hand and middle finger at same time, making her miss another opportunity by engine braking
>now other cars that aren't turning left are honking at her as I pass because she's in the way
>light at intersection is green so she's not getting across anytime soon and has to back up into the parking lot
Playing chicken with women in SUV's in a 90's ecobox is probably going to get me killed.
Daily. So many fuckwits on my drive to work
Do you think they care about you?
Obviously not, since they're being fuckwits.
Do you think I care about them? One fuckwit did after I ran over the front of his car as payback for cutting me off.
never, pic related
enjoy that cardiovascular disease
every day
>Based NYC
I flip people off when I'm in a good mood.
> Giving them the finger
Not often at all.
> Yelling obscenities through the windscreen
> Honking them, or using the highbeams if it's at night
Averages about 3 times a week. Sometimes I go weeks without having to, but then rack up multiple uses in a day.
For example, I was doing well last week. Then I was coming back from a party on sunday morning, a bunch of people didn't give way on a major roundabout, so I leaned on the horn as I weaved through the pack of them.
Also, idiot jaywalkers get horned. Aimed for as well, if I'm in a foul mood. RUN, PEDESTRIANS!
30-49 times. Gotta correct the record.
0 because I'm not an American whose brain has turned to mush from all the greasy red "meat" they ingest or a Russian whose brain has turned to rubber from all the vodka he drinks.
Every day, it's not my fault they can't drive.
None, but one of these times I'm just going to stop caring and slam into the person who cuts me off instead of slamming on the brakes.
When they text at a green light I get heated and just smash the horn as I'm turning and follow them with the horn blaring then I speed up and cut them off.
My passengers usually think it's funny
you mean that nervous laugh people do when they're stuck with someone making them very uncomfortable?
None, I'm not insecure so get no pleasure or relief from acting like an asshole.
Nah people like riding with me. It's just sometimes I can't resist fucking with people on the road
I've done it twice this year. You have to be a major dumbass or serious cunt to make me mad enough to flip you off on the road.
>driving in heavy traffic minding my own business
>some douche faggot in a new mercedes gets the front of his car about 2 feet ahead of mine in the right lane and starts to come into my lane
>honk at him thinking he isn't looking and will stop this shit
>he looks right at me and keeps pushing into my lane
>I brake because fuck letting him scrape against my car and ruin my day
>move into the next lane to the left
>give him the middle finger as hard as I can while honking as I pass him
>some shittard flies up and starts tailgating me in the middle lane even though the left lane is open
>he abruptly switches into the left lane and floors it
>cuts back over and brake checks me
>drop back as I see traffic ahead turning into a rolling roadblock
>switch to the left lane and pass him
>he cuts over and starts tailgating me again
>middle and right lane come are at nearly a complete stop now
>this guy is riding my bumper honking and flashing his lights, I'm already driving past stopped traffic at 60mph so fuck him
>slow down because cars in front of me are slowing down
>he swerves like a drunk fuck onto the shoulder and tries to pass
>I drop a tire onto the rumble strip to block him and stick my hand out of the window, holding the bird for a solid minute or so while we sit in the now stopped left lane
I've only done it once. I was 19 and a giant diesel bro truck was driving 60 in the left lane. I get in the right lane to pass and he sped up as fast as he could to block me from passing him. Ego got the best of me and I became determined to pass him. Ended up barely getting by him at around 100-110 mph, flipping him off as I drove away. Not my proudest moment.
Told a guy that I would kill him just the other day. Almost rear ended me 3 times on the same street.
I think I've flipped someone off once in the last year. I've got a pretty long fuse so it takes a lot to make me angry.
>Driving to work for night shift
>3pm on some quiet suburban roads
>Speed limit is 50km on unmarked roads
>Doing about 55 or so
>Multiple side streets that are clearly marked
>Heading up the hill when I see a smaller sedan start to enter the roadway from the right hand side at a very slow pace
>Think that this guy is just creeping forward and understands it's a yield on his end
>Continues to mosey along straight into the road
>Have a good 5-7 seconds before I hit him
>Laying on the horn for probably 4 of those
>Doesn't even fucking notice
>Have to serve around him
>lean back past my seat and flip him off while cursing
>Ends up at the same light behind me and is clearly flustered
>Looking back I think it was some neck beard kid who was literally out driving for the first time on his own
This, I will sometimes yell out what the fuck or something so they can hear my disapproval but I'm not an angry driver generally.
>retards that don't use blinkers on the roundabout
>retards that are in the left lane but not overtaking
>retards that are doing 5 or more under the speed limit for no apparent reason
>retards that merge onto the freeway doing anything under the speed limit
I also honk my horn while flipping them off because some of these dumb women won't even notice you.
I follow them closely, visibly yelling while making a "gun" out of my fingers and holding it to my head and motioning for them to pull over. Then when they either pull over or drive to a safe spot I just keep on driving like the pussy that I am.
Not often. But I did it yesterday.
>on my way home from class
>going 60 or so in a 55
>short bitch in a Hyundai Equus behind me riding maybe 5 inches from my bumper
>keep driving, coming to a red light in maybe 600 feet
>red light is at a 3 lane intersection, 2 go straight one goes left to an on ramp
>I'm in middle lane going straight, bitch floors it and flies into right most lane, shoots past me and cuts over with less than a foot of space from my bumper to hers
>she turns on left signal to get into turning lane
>has to slow down in front of me because another car was in her way of getting over
>all this just after she almost took off my front end
>finally gets over
I just laid on the horn and stopped next to her flipping her the bird. She wouldn't look over just kept bobbing her head as if to say yeah yeah yeah.
The bitch was in a fucking hurry to wait at a red light. Had she been patient and waited behind me she would have ended up in the same position without risking her $60k shit box and my $5k shit box.
Apologies for sideways pic
I never understood why people ride other people's asses when there are clearly lanes open and then get mad because you move over? And then he tried to pass you in the shoulder, woah nigga
I don't flip off people. Mostly because I've people on a couple occations that just couldn't handle being flipped off and they wanted to fight me. Now I know when driving your likelihood of getting away with it is better, but still, that road rage mayne.
I still don't understand why some people are so incredibly offended by the middle finger, like their ego is so big they can't let anyone flip them off. But generally I act bretty civilized when I'm out and about and don't actively go looking for trouble.
I don't understand what's happening in this story
>And then he tried to pass you in the shoulder, woah nigga
>riding with stepdad the other day
>traffic as we're entering freeway
>says fuck it, hops on shoulder
>passes all these cars on the shoulder
>pulls into lane next to shoulder
>then pulls into fast lane and keeps going
>few days after, him and I are riding with my mom going to niece's birthday party
>some guy passes and merges in front of my mom using the shoulder
>mom is irate
>stepdad complaining about improper use and dangerous passing on shoulder
As for OP, I've flipped someone off once in the last 5 years because the dumbfucks couldn't handle their lifted brodozer. They pulled out in front of me from a side street late and slow as fuck. I honked because I nearly t-boned him because of it. He honked at me because I was apparently inconveniencing him, so I just stuck my hand out the window and flipped him off.
I'm pretty hard to upset, so usually it's just me shrugging and wondering wtf people are thinking.
Used to do it a lot.
Not at all anymore, Had some nigger point a gun at me from his drivers side window about 5 months ago.
You really don't know if someone in the car in front of you, or beside you have nothing to lose or are just a nigger. It's not worth your life
Unless you are George Zimmerman, don't do it.
>just moved to seattle
>everyone honks their horn and flips eachother off
I got honked at yesterday to turn left on a red, in downtown seattle.
haven't flipped anyone off in about a year...that wasn't a friend.
>somali taking up entire road for a left turn, trying to turn around
>politely sit there, and give him a wave
>doesn't wave back though he was being retarded
I hope to not become like the assholes here. People look at me weird when I politely wave at them when I pass.
I usually give the confused hand or honk, but one hamplanet deserved honk + finger.
She blocked the exit to the gas station I was trying to leave. I was already in the first lane and she comes rolling up in the left lane, ignoring all 3 signs the gas station put up saying "hey fuckheads, don't block this exit. Seriously."
>driving semi truck
>Governed to 65, so my ass stays in the right lane
>Coming up to an on ramp
>Green pickup with two douchebags is matching my point of travel
>Slow down and flash my lights once they're ahead of me to merge over
>Douche decides to brake instead of merging
>I just speed up since he's acting like a retard
>About ten seconds later, they fly around me and he trirs to rub my lane while his boyfriend flips me off
>I hold lane because what the fuck can they do
>Caught them minutes later in a traffic jam and gave them a highly stylized fuck you in a box from the scene in guardians of the galaxy
>They laugh and keep going
That's all I wanted. No need to take this shit seriously, just don't be a douche bag because you can't drive.
Never anymore because I did it to a trucker that was in the left lane through the mountains when there are clearly signs that say no semis in the left lane and we got off at the same exit and he got out and came over to the car. The light turned green and I ran away.
I prefer a disappointed thumbs-down.
My favorite thing to do is when some idiot does something exceeding stupid I just give them the okay sign with my hand. Like the circle with thumb and pointer thing.
We generally drive with our windows down, so it carries much more weight to give them a good verbal swearing than silently sitting there making gestures.
But I take more aggressive stances with the vehicle ie. blocking them off, overtaking them wrecklessly, squeezing them into the side of the road and so on.
>one finger wave
>not synonymous with "I am shitting my pants I have no confidence pls halp"
I remember the last time I did.
>be 16
>licence for 3-5 months
>cocky as fuck
>someone did something that caused me to slow down, I gave them the finger
>unaware how cancerous I was
>how I didn't get the shit beat out of me, I don't know.
>one day, at stop lights for T intersection
>turning left
>didn't know turning left was allowed on green, there was a green light and a green left arrow.
>light turns green
>contemplating going, but not moving
>guy behind me in lifted silverado, also turning left, starts honking
>get pissed, step on the gas in my parents B4000, peel rubber in the intersection
>put down window, lean out arm, and give him a 3 1/2 inch piece of my mind
>he puts on his high beams, starts tailgating
>get scared
>drive randomly around town trying to lose him
>lost him on 1 way, 2 lane street
>never gave the finger again
>do not block intersection signs everywhere in front of my neighborhood
>KEEP CLEAR painted on the pavement
I love standing on the horn and opening my window to heckle the idiots who violate this area. They do nothing but keep facing forward with their beet red faces when they realize their error
show me on the doll where the overweight, alcoholic Russian-American man touched you
Pick either english (UK) or english (simplified). Don't try and mix both.
You clearly haven't lived in the country.
>index finger just to acknowledge who ya pass
>index and middle to locals you recognize
>whole hand to friends and family
Typically how it goes. It can vary though.
>I got a lot more angrier at drivers after watching snowcat
I've given up on flipping them off, I'll just give them a thumbs up or an "okay" hand sign. I find it gets a better reaction.
On occasion. It's reserved for passing that fuckwit Camry driver doing 40 in a 60 zone.
I believe the SUV pulled out Infront of him, he got in the left lane, she wanted to be in the left lane and he flipped her off while she was stopped Infront of a green light to go straight
I just do this most of the time.
>in carpool lane with other folks going 80mph
>Camry up in front merges in at 50mph