League of legends general /lolg/

Most beautiful male champ edition, probably best at sex as well.

Also Vlad x Vayne is legit

>Patch Notes:

>Useful Sites:

>Assassin rework and Pre-Season details


Other urls found in this thread:


1st for Gnat

1st for ganking riven


Xth for booty
You tried

Ahri have feminine human penis or foxy prick?

yth for >tfw no gf

you want to know why this game sucks fucking dick and so does every moba?

the game is too fast, ADCs and burst damage anything can fucking kill you so fast in an ambush that you have no time to react.

secondly, to 'counter' this benign tumor that is game speed, they introduce the fucking AIDS called crowd control. you know whats really fucking fun? having no control over the game whatsoever, being stunned for 5 seconds as you just sit there and die unable to act.

holy fuck this whole genre is so fucking bad its unbelievable.

why dont silvers realise youre not supposed to let nasus farm?

i hope all waifu fagg and feminine penis die for a better future.

Xth for hairlines and breaching d gates

Except it was intentional.
I just remembered I have that skin on discount. I think I might buy bootirelia but I'm pretty shit at irelia in general.

Human vagey.

hes actually overpowered now

he was only played by memelords before so he seemed shit like heimerdinger mordekaiser etc but the real mains of the champ are even saying its too much

Best girl.
Best breath.
Best wife.

Why aren't you breaching the gates?

No bully pls

>check in on Senator Armstrong's OP.GG
>feedling 11 times on Taric
>negative W/L
>D5 1LP

He talks shit but looks like cuck

You misspelled Russia comrade

he was D4 just yesterday too.

This man knows how to tilt

>plat series
>our support intentionally throws in my first game
> rest are ok but I end up falling out of series, ok nb right?
>fucking WRONG
>2 games with afks in a row
>a game where our jungle loses to an ad teemo jungle
>8 game loss streak
>now at gold 2 34 lp


How does /lolg/ feel about the jungle changes?

I did break the gate, so now I can't play until preseason, even though I really fucking want to

>still not sure why I play this game

Haha holy shit

He said he'd left /lolg/ right?

How long till we hear from his shitposts again?

You have time user. I made it to plat in a similar situation too. Good luck, my man.


A for effort atleast. Most people would have quit while they're ahead


I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>9 loss streak
feels great mate

>Windspeakers Blessing
>not using superior Bond of Stone
>Ninja Tabi

What does it say lolg?

Vladfag come here and I'll give you some porcelain rod.

It's blank you blind fuck.

Which of the two is more important: game knowledge or mechanical skills?


Cum inside my titspussy

unless you are trying to get back to where you were, im pretty sure everyone bounces between like 3 divisions before finally climbing up

this game sucks

Depends on your champion and role.
Most junglers will need more knowledge to get ahead.
Most assassins will need mechanical skills to get strong and carry.

But overall, I think knowledge is a bit more useful. You can be shit at ebin outblays but if you know alternatives on how to win games, it pays off better.

>tfw too shit to OTP scary gargoyle on a tower that you made with plastic power

* ᴮᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ

game knowledge is far more important in every aspect. every champion in the game is piss easy to play mechanically anyway.

he's going to get reworked right after warwick, I don't think OTPing him right now is a good idea.

Are big boobs cute?


How do I deal with Fiora in lane?

Every time, I only hope to not lose lane too hard. Every time she ends up being able to ult me under my tower and 100 to 0 me.

I feel like the answer is 'Have a non-retarded jungler that ganks for you', but I'd like some idea of how to deal with her when i'm on my own.

Why Poppy flat? She have huge tits under breastplate

You can't stop him at a certain point unless your jungle forgoes map pressure literally everywhere else. The only thing keeping nasus "balanced" is how easily he is kited in teamfights.

Game knowledge. Mechanical skill doesn't come in to play until d4 and higher.

t. D5 shitter with no mechanical skill.

Flat is justice

We have no reason to believe that is actually the case

Is there a better feel aside from winning lane anyways than losing lane but winning the game anyways because your pick was actually good and not some win lane but do nothing afterewards shit? I could almost touch the salt.

what build on yorick
i want to become otp

She sucks vs bruisers. Is strong vs tanks. Every single other match up is skill. (Jayce, riven, etc).

Are you losing to her on dairus or sion or renekton?

I'm probably the only fiora main in the general.

Why not karthus?


1. Rank
2. Main
3. Fetish

Fiora can actually lane safely and scale up, also, if you get pushed to your tower you have the whole lane to chase after the other guy after 6, and there's NO WAY anyone melee can actually survive an all in from Fiora on a long lane without blowing flash. I wish I could be actually useful but Fiora is a lot about matchups and the only real tip I can give you is learn them and remember that even if it is a shitty match up, at 3 items you're gonne blow that shitter up anyway.


people keep fucking with the list based on feelings instead of facts

Loli little fang

Having coming back after a break from the game I'm having lots of fun with jungle rammus, hes simple but effective.

post similar champions for other roles?

which support carries the hardest


Which one of those is her Canon default splash

Annie stomps kids in low elo and is very simple. Blitz too.

He's having problems beating fiora not playing fiora. Though everything you said is fairly accurate lol.

I would like to drizzle my fetal juice onto Shyvanas tummy

Well welp I fucked up.
So yeah, reset vitals when they're up front if possible, do not over extend in the lane else you'll get completely butt blasted and bait the parry.
Alternatively, play GP (while still not over extending in the lane).

Oh I see

So who is depicted in those splashes then? Nobody?

Depends, but generally brand

I just bought Zilean and Nasus, which one will carry me further on the road to summoner level 30?

I'm thinking Nasus because I can just build him to be an unstoppable monster whereas with Zilean I'd probably play support with a bad ADC and lose.

Alternate noncanon representations or universe versions of poppy

I didn't even think of recommending cheese.

If you don't want to learn how to play the game and just want her to lose, pick pantheon or gp. Pantheon is easier to rofl stomp her. Gp is overall more useful. Q until she qqs.

>playing melee into Ryze top
the true power..................
of cancer........................................................

D cane is opie op. Just dont do the stupid iceborn build its trash. vs AD get like raptors cloak and vs AP a negatron first item i run scaling CDR 20% but you can go with 10% flat and get a vissage or some shit like that. Iceborn aint that bad still, but compared to trinity force with the new buffs to his ult, like it seems pointless to get it when you get so much armor and mr for free.

>tfw 4 wins and 15 losses past 19 games
>mmr dropped from 1480 to 1180
>silver 1 to silver 3, about to hit silver 4 if I lose 2 more
>every game is getting worse with team mates who don't listen

Should I just give up?

Take Zil mid.

You should stop playing trash champions and roles, and use your fucking brain : ^).

>teammates who don't listen
It's the same shit up here in diamond senpai. Play around it. Also there's a very real chance whatever you're trying to communicate is wrong or worthless.

I either play Jungle Rammus/Graves or Elise and Support Thresh

Allin him level 1 and he can't do anything

You're severely overthinking this user

Poppy's depiction changes between artists, but in the end she's an amazon by yordle standards

so look for jungling graves is fine but i think you try to overgank with no fucking reason and dont force towers, like some games are uncarriable but with the tank graves build you can shit on the entire enemy team when you get your items. youtube.com/watch?v=KD96Ahirlow

Check this video out as it can help you, dont force ganks focus on farming, objectives , pushing out lanes etc.
Like i bet when you see 1 man bot and 1 man at drake at 30 minutes you would go like a retard and try to take the drake insted of grouping with your useless team for a free baron unless its warded or they cant contest it.

I mean, 3 of my games have had eloboosted players, nasus 0/3 within minutes of the game, poppy 0/5 within 10 and building full mr against ad, rumble 0/6 within 10 just intentionally feeding a darius, and a first time katarina who I gave a double kill too yet still lost her lane because she thought she was a god.

>get mid instead of jungle
>go to champion.gg to look ahri counter
>"annie?ok thats easy enought to play"
>zilean calls me out for playing her first time
>/mute all and win the game
Thanks for reading my blog, the point i was trying to make is /mute all is your best friend when soloq'ing. Use it wisely


There are two canonical representations of poppy, her model and her default splash, neither show that

>Plat V
>Threesomes, leashes

cheers I'll check it out after this game, thanks for the advice

I don't like muting the whole team because it makes setting up objectives harder than it should be but muting shitters in general is always a good idea.

How do I build Diana

Please respond things are getting embarrassing

Pretty new to the game, does Riven shit on Jayce up top, or am I just bad?

and as for the supports, Janna. If you know how to play her (shes easy as fuck thats why girls play her). Thresh is good but only if you can play him and if your AD isnt braindead which is common in silver. So pick janna shield peel and you literally cant lose lane if you play passive unless your jungler comes in and ints with your AD and gives the enemy draven2 kills and he goes tyler1 beast mode and kills you under turret.

It's winnable for the jayce but it favors Riven

Depends on the player on my experience.

>support MF insists her team only lost because our midlaner was a smurf
I hate silver


take exhaust
dont let her proc vitals and make her eat creepwave damage

Brand if he's not a shitter
Zyra if she's actually playing aggressive and not a Janna main
Blitz if he can land all his grabs at the right time.



Don't worry about them. Worry about you. If you win lane 100% of the time and know the macro you will climb. If you're not winning lane 100% of the time you don't even have room to shit talk.

And I stand by that anything you're trying to communicate is wrong or worthless.

Hey at least she's fucking strong now. You take what you can.

yeah 1v5 carry this 5v5 team game!