Are we living through the worst economy since WW2?
Are we living through the worst economy since WW2?
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In the US?
Not really. Isn't the market at an all time high?
5% unemployment?
Dollar breaking low volatility records?
nerd virgin
Its not a depression, its not a golden age its Obama: The President of Meh
I think its just a case by case basis, if your job is in demand and high skilled you are rich af
Most jobs are McDonalds now tho tbqh friends
Not really.
The average person is always going to poor as fuck with little opportunity.
Probably. Our economy could have been much better after the recession hit.
unemployment figures are manipulated heavily.
Unemployment isn't manipulated, it's just different than labor force participation rate. That being said, the "seasonal adjustment" this year was much larger than it normally is, but even before- it was in my macro textbook by Greg Mankiw- the labor force participation rate is a more reliable indicator. There's not a conspiracy, just varying stats.
obama doesn't like to talk about it much because, well, pic related
That's not helped by all the retiring going on right now.
Is your income tax over 95%?
Yeah, I didn't think so...
The decline in the labor force participation rate exceeds the amount of people retiring. Even the normies at CNN know this.
The first is that a huge part of the adult population, Baby Boomers, are retiring. That's expected and healthy. It explains about half of the decline in the workforce.
The second is more young people are going to college and graduate school. They are studying more, which should be a positive for the nation.
But the third one is alarming: some people have just given up on finding work. It's hard to quantify how many people fall into this dropout category, but it's large enough to matter. Politicians like Trump talk about it in stump speeches.
The Wall Street Journal estimates that about 2.6 million of the roughly 92 million American adults who don't work want a job but aren't looking for one.
I'm one of them.
Why the fuck is the stock market trading sideways this badly? Every stock I look at is downtrending terribly. Answers?
The economy is in a bad shape by almost every parameter in existence.
The real unemployment rate is around 7,5%, inflation and growth low. Despite historically low interest rates.
>tfw your country has a 9% unemployment rate for your decade age grouping
>after 6 months of being unemployed, you're no longer counted in the statistic
>real unemployment rate for the age grouping is probably something around 20-30%
muh neetbux
muh EBT
Money just isn't moving. The Fed prints straight into bankster pockets. And then we all get to suffer inflation as if we saw a dime of it.
what about the full- and part- time jobs? Have any graphs detailing them post 2007?
I think there are quite more people on part time jobs than pre '07, and people working multiple jobs to support their falling standard.
Thanks to obamacare, full time is considered 28 hours. 2 jobs is now a requirement.
Are you retarded?
You can't use that statistic. Once you factor out the elderly and college students you pretty much get the unemployment amount.