League of Legends General - /lolg/

Rek'sai edition

>Patch Notes:

>Useful Sites:

>Assassin rework and Pre-Season details


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xth for sticking your dick in crazy

What went wrong??

I want her to be viable so badly...

Cutest ship

He does no damage.
He's not tanky.
His clearspeed is garbage.
He scales poorly.
His kit can hurt your team if misused.

I forgot about him. He's almost like a dark fever dream.

That's how you get herpes.

god i want to jerk and suck on soraka's feminine horsecock. i want to see her in bed, with a cute cock cozy and ball thong, fully erect and ready for me to service her.

its a feminine horsecock, so its not gay, BTW.



>wanna play on the contest this weekend
>PC is on repair
>notebook runs League at 10fps in teamfights
Please give Nidalee some votes for me brobros

xth for sticking your dick in Annie

How much movespeed do I need on Star Guardian Poppy to make her fly instead of walk? I wanna buy move speed items and just glide around the map

So, I heard a rumour that Riot hired Burch.
The lore's been shit for awhile, you guys think he's gonna make it noticeably worse or will it just suck as usual?

>bought riven on a whim
>fed my ass off first game I played with her
>too scared to try again

haha just according to keikaku

I kind've assumed that the fly animation is like other alternative walk animations, and only kicks in with temporary speedboosts. Building Swifty boots then activating either Righteous Glory/Youmou's/Talisman of Ascension should do it.

/trash/ is fun, so many pony and furry porn threads, plus /sug/ it really is the best board.

>you load into game
>lol looks like they had a fight in champ select, both ivern and nocturne have smite
>the enemy cait is laning alone lol guess they'll FF at 20
>hey wait a sec someone counterjungled my raptors
>ivern is now bot with red buff
>nocturne is probably continuing his clear right now
>cait and ivern are about to hit level 4 while your bot is closing in on level 3


Xth for lewd foxes

>PROJECT: FEED with border
Ohhhhhhh boy

It's not a rumor it's true. Burch is not going to have uncontested control of the lore but whatever small parts he can get his hands on are going to suck.

You are 5 yo again


Mother(can not fuck):
Best friend since primary school(can fuck):
Sister(can also fuck):
Future wife(can fuck):

alright boys i can get one of these 4 skins as well as the Bard Bard skin when it comes out
5 decides

buy boots of swiftness, dead man's plate, and trinity force

If that still doesn't work then buy ZZrot as well and see if it kicks in near turrets.

If all of that still fails then take ghost, cooldown mastery, and cdr boots.

Here you go user!

uncensored: i.imgur.com/RhZ16sp.png

>look at my sic mech0n1x scrub

Well, it's not like ti's gonna be that noticeable. The lore's been shit for around two years.
Just pray to god he never gets permission to make a champion.

I wanna play for that Leona suggestion but she's in such a bad spot right now

>Best friend since primary school
>Future wife

>Not warding the buff opposite of your start when counterjungle: the champion is on their team.
Cmon man, have some foresight.

Save your money.

Should I name him Varus or Jhin?


Don't care they're both cool league names and I'm naming him something from here.

>Daisy scales with AP but is fucking useless because off shit movespeed
>Ivern isnt tanky
>Ivern does no meaningful damage
>Iven doesnt even have decent jungle control
>brush gimmick only strong in niche situations
>super linear snare

Id start fixing him by buffing the shit out of Daisy. Maker her Movespeed scale with AP and change her on-hit damage from physical to magical

>riot wants money
>have not made project: riven

I hate riven and riven players but that skin would sell like crazy.

Varus. Duh.


it isnt my money

Kayle because I don't think she puts out anyways
>Best Friend
Jinx because she'd look good in a schoolgirl outfit
Morgana. I mean, technically she's my aunt. But whatever, she seems freaky.
>Future Wife
Sona. Built for breeding.

>Best friend
>Future wife

The yeti.


My reasoning being:
I don't wanna fuck Jinx, but she can raise me however she wants to
I want Kayle to bully me sexually
I want to wake up with Morgana sucking my cock
and lastly, Sona would be the perfect wife because she can't talk

real human beings have gone from childhood to teenhood with this game
why am i here still

If they want money they'd do r63 skins. It'll take more work but they'd sell like hotcakes.

>fucking your sister is cool but not your mother

One or the other, user. Either incest or no incest

>Release Rule 63 Rengar

Furtits or not I'd be down for it

>Jhin is obviously OP
>Riot buffs assassins instead of nerfing Jhin

I like it. If only they did things like this more often instead of the ass-backwards shit they usually do.

because you havent reached teenhood yet. get the fuck out

>Mother(can not fuck):

Please do not continue to say disrespectful things about sonas chest

>Male Katarina
>Female Talon
>Female Tryndamere


>Yasuo is still in the game
Smh senpai

I mean by buffing assassins it means all of the shit that got nerfed this year might get rebuffed because assassins weren't good enough to do their job at the time.

Or Riot will be fucking retarded.

Sona is overrated and so is her chest.

>Removing champions

Good one.

I have to admit, there's nothing funnier than casually strolling behind an ulting Jhin and just FUCKING him.

>he thinks Jhin wont get the treatment

Just wait for his first skin to come out and you'll see.

The lore's been shit forever. The stories are just random shit happening until x character becomes filled with resolve to fight or take on a quest. There's no good story building elements or depth in them.

>Veigarette becomes an actual in game thing.
>Lamb and wolf swap places.
>Ezreal stays the same.
Holy shit they would sell well.
Too bad it'll never happen.

i don't want to be alone anymore

I wish I was an orc. Then I can go on raids collecting elves.
Being black is close enough I guess.

Draw some poppy faggot

I am nothing but respectful of Sona's bountiful udders.

I just started playing this game a few days ago. What would you guys say are the best resources online for improving? In particular, I can't find an up to date item guide that explains what I should be picking in-depth.

Also, I really really like Thresh. I might want to main him.

Xth for Vlad's penis

I'd buy a female yasuo

simple victory
alright buddies its time to CRUISE OUTTA WELFARE
todays the day i can FEEL IT

saved. Can't wait to fap to this when I get home.


whatever you chose morgana/kayle being sisters would make everything too awkward

What does it say lolg?

>Jhin ults
>use Sion ult
>his team scatters like bowling pins
>touchdown onto his face
Only happened a few times but holy fuck that was funny.

something in gook



Patrician choice user. l'd choose the same

What do you all think about Veigar as a support?

Probuilds+whatever champ you're playing.

Look and see if there's one trick streamers for a champion you want to play.

I would actually wife sona if she was actually like that.

how do I play A sol? I like the character and I've had some success but sometimes I just shit the bed. Like against a champion like viegar. I guess against champions like that I need a banshee's veil?

>Elf skin with Sejuani's physique

unf, saved it for later. Thanks Storm!

It says you sonafags are the worst and Draven is better.

What should I be doing as Fiddlesticks mid/late game? I'm consistently winning early game but I feel like his damage is really bad later in the game after losing his mr shred passive. Current build is Runic Echoes/Sorcs/Zhonyas/Deathcap/Rylais/Void Staff. Running absolute maximum ap runes and I still feel like a pipsqueak come 25 minutes. Is he just bad right now or am I doing something wrong?

>Ezreal stays the same
Unfortunately there's no real easy answer for that.
For item builds you can go to Champion.gg and search your champion, it will give the most popular builds by winrate, as well as listing stuff like skill order, lane counters etc.
For in depth explanation it's a bit more difficult. Your best bet is to find a streamer that mains the role you want. Luckily for you, Thresh is a really popular pick. I'd recommend checking out Aphromoo, he's probably the best support >NA right now.




Silence wench! Poppy is our lord and savior and she should receive more art to bask in her glory.

This should really be a /lolg/ image

I'm on a phone

Someone make one that says "git gud"

>How do I play Sol
Tanky AP, both Rylai's and Liandry's are great on him for the on-hit from his stars
>Against Veigar
curl up and die.

Yeah, Daisy is very intervening underwhelming. Rubbers moves like fucking sonic and Daisy is slow as fuck. I just kite the shit out of her and if Ivern tries to save her I smite her for the memes.

You're not the initiator for your team. You go in after someone like your malphite or someone gets caught out on their team or yours.
You should never be the first one to go in, because then everyone's going to be focusing you down lightning fast, and zhonya's only buys so much time.

Also dude if you want his passive back just build a fucking abyssal. Boom, passive back.


>14 loss streak
>due 2 scripters
pre 30s

Resource for champ abilities and ratios.
Use it whenever you aren't sure what someone does.

Provides raw data on what items are being built on a champion currently along with lane matchups and winrates.
I prefer it for its lack of bias.

Another unbiased website that provides a lot of other useful information.

Your best resource is going to be lol streamers though.
The most popular ones tend to explain what they're doing and why.

Oh there you are. Now I can filter you, thanks.

Honestly what sucked about that matchup was that he was shit but A. Sol's entire model is so big that I'd get trapped in the cage and just keep taking meteor damage.

Maybe my runes were wrong. It felt like I should have had movement runes on him but I didn't.


Rubbers is supposed to be Tibbers. I'm phoneposting.

Which item can I afford to drop for abyssal? Rylais?

fuck off you didn't give results for last game.

>Get a 5-man going with friends
>We're all shit at jungle