/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

MHXX (Double Cross) was announced

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 (rage)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing
In 3U, Help! A, Lobby 9

Tags: MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHFU, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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1st for

>not porn

Kill yourself

third for you cannot save him

I was really hoping they wouldn't do it but Capcom went and milked the 3DS Frontier.

Monster Hunter has finally reached the bottom of the barrel. My life is over now.

There's a freight train set to pass my area in about 30 minutes. I'm gonna go jump in front of it.

Thanks for all the hunts over the years, /mhg/. They were mostly fun. Bye.


man that tamamitsune sounds gay

It's fucking over.

You know things have gotten dire when mainline MH is more Frontier than Frontier is.

Anyone still play MHX (not MHG)?

>not adept dodging oncoming train

rip scrub


Emulator guy here.


MHFU seems to have a lot more content, but the moveset of the weapons are limited.

MH3 has like 5 weapons what the fuck.

MHp3rd is kind in the middle I guess?

>more Frontier than Frontier is.

Nigga, generations will never out Frontier Frontier


this is gonna be good

Play MHFU now or you'll never play it, and it really is worth playing if even only for perspective.

P3rd if you don't have a 3DS or WiiU

if you're going to play a 3rd gen game don't waste time playing p3rd it's the worst one

FU or Tri
I never played Tri but I did play through Unite and it's going to show it's age badly if you have played any of the 3DS games

So I'm new to MH
What's up with frontier?

>actual Rajang hunt on the first page
Makes sense.



Hope you like AoE and flashy anime moves.

What's Charlotte's opinion on XX? Has she said anything about it yet?

>brave style is actually pretty neat albeit obnoxiously flashy
I hope it outirght replaces adept, it's a much better concept that actually requires some prep to I-frame attacks instead of doing it on reaction

so wass Frontier basically Capcom doing some crazy shit in Monster Hunter just like how they went from Resident Evil 4 to the wack shit in Resident Evil 6?

Charlotte is in the woods with no internet during the week.

no adept is still in the game
please count to six (6)!

The rapid fire in these always gets me. My sides are in orbit.

I'm just really glad I don't have to buy a new console yet.

>Mainline games will never get deadly assault bowguns

When's a good time to start fighting deviants?

>mfw MH5 you are literally in orbit fighting jet dragon

nobody cares what you hope or like

>mfw SA is definitely getting nerfed

Also, will the whole deviant system of quests be scrapped? What do you think?

Well you can import your saves, so I imagine the I-X hunts will still be there.

Have you ever regret hunting instead of studying? I don't want to stop playing and remember that my life is a failure.

MH was always crazy, people are just deluded.

deviants aren't getting scrapped, theyll probably add a couple ranks to all the gear too

>mfw g-rank deviants

8pm cst

>helleblade 15 triple tail spin

I'm fresh out of college, jobless and hunting is the only thing keeping me on right now. Even tho Gens is shit and all that.

user, they showed a new deviant. Of course its gonna be our 140 rajang endgame


Really? That's neat.
I've a funny feeling that if this game receives an international release, it'll lack that feature to give more incentive to play longer.

We need to get crazier

I want hardcore deviant hyper apex monster endgame

Removing the feature might have the opposite effect. I'd rather continue from where I left off than have to grind out these weapons/armor/talismans.

Oh...so that explains that blue diablos lookalike.

More like from Alpha (some over the top flash but still good) to Xmen vs Street fighter (full retard can't see shit flash and shitty gameplay)

There are quite a few /hunt monsters to desperately try to feel something, anything/ around here, you're certainly not alone.

At least one fewer if freight train user means it, though.

So uhh... how much the cats are going to be nerfed?

in a escale from gl to hh

I like to listen This American Life while playing MH.

They're getting buffed, actually. I think they're giving them Aerial/Adept components.

This picture is so fucking rife for MH drawfaggery, help. Just give that man a baguette and a set with goggles


The power and the glory... That ultimate gold los silver ian quest took me so long to master. Just wish you could treasure hunt single player. Was actually pretty fun back in the day just adventuring with my bud

I'm totally with you there, but we're talking about Capcom here. I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled some shit like that, assuming it ever gets released beyond Japan.

Maybe they'll give us a chance to transfer/import save files between consoles between the 3DS and Switch like in 3U.

I'm just hoping for the best, but already expecting the worst when it comes to starting over.

It's a more subscription-based MMO approach to Monster Hunter (albeit still with a four-player limit in hunts). Frontier is actually pretty fucking old, like 2nd gen old, and from there things have steadily been added to it ever since, with a 'high grade edition' with updated graphics not being all that old either.

It makes some...interesting choices to say the least, and as such there's been a ton of power creep vs mainline and rather over-the-top designs and fights with plenty of red spikes and crystals to go around, which are some things it's criticized for here.

hell yeah nothing like some mellow NPR shit in the background to make me feel productive

Don't the armor sets have like fifteen skills?

>yfw Barioth is back

But will Sand Barioth return? Hoping to sport that badass U set again

Some skills can have ridiculous amounts of points required to activate

All without charms too

I'm guessing (and kinda hoping honestly) subspecies return
It would spice up low and high rank a tad

But will there be twice as much gathering quests?

My daily routine in my freshman year of high school included running that quest solo hammer on the bus. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever git back to being as gud as I must have been then, just with the consistent, difficult practice.

How many people are going to save edit their talismans in XX? There isn't going to be a G-rank Coal Hearted to abuse.

Life finds a way.

People always find a mindbogglingly stupid way to farm charms in G-rank, I'm sure there will be an exploit, even if not as good as Coal Hearted.

brave style evasions are literally safer than adept evasions so it's just as easy in a sense. You still have to time evasions in adept but the brave ones just trigger so long as you're charging which you can do forever.

might be even better than some adept like GS with it's slow attack that's not easily dodged out of for successive attacks while it seems easier to chain brave charges with a GS.

i think it'll be fun. you really shouldn't complain about adept, it's great. Evading never felt right in MH before adept came through, short of wasting a bunch of points on evasion+3.

How many Kirins are we going to have to hunt now? I bet there's at least 4 in high rank village.

>"mh is such casual babbyshit"
>exploit & hack to acquire every possible crutch

Who knows, there might be

I won't save edit either way. Hopefully armors will have better skills. They should, since it's G.

I'm going to save edit charms and anything I need that comes from the Raths, Lagi and Alatreon.

The stamina consumption during a brave charge was double iceblight kind of nuts, you definitely can't just hold the stance forever.

There might be another subquest charm run where you break another poor Rathalos' back

Making perfect sets with edited charms is the only fun thing to do. Like modding the 3D Fallouts then never playing them.

I've never said MH is casual babbyshit. Maybe I should have phrased that better. "What percentage of people do you guys think are going to save edit their talismans?"

>are literally safer than adept evasions
They look easy as shit to pull off, but I think "Press B for a million iframes+counter" is easier than "Press Y and risk your health and stamina getting drained for the chance of a counter"

I wonder if it will be negated by dash juice though that seems like something they'd have to consider right?

I bet not lmao


Mega Dash Juice, boi.

>brave style evasion triggers without timing a button
I thought you had to evade
oh hell no

and evades aren't supposed to let you dodge through things without specifically building for it, it's for repositioning
adept kinda shits on that but it's optional so whatever grumble grumble

I'm saying that's what people do while pretending the games are super easy and dumbed down

Oh, I thought you were assuming I was one of those people.

If this doesn't become functional and get Pufferpounder-tier damage & para, I will purchase an airline ticket, fly to Japan, take a dump on Ichinose's front lawn, and post video of myself getting arrested to mhg

Calm down Jaerick, it's gonna be okay.

>unironically using definitional crutches
Consider joining freight train user

It's a sheathe charge thing that burns really quickly thru your stamina.

I think it'll be fine IF they balance it so dash juices don't negate it's limitations.

>IF they balance it so dash juices don't negate it's limitations

haha... hahahaha..

mega dash juice + lasting power
stamina negate HH
stam recovery

stamina+crit is the new meta

even without dash juice you still have as large as a window as you want to absorb an attack. It's not like adept where you have to time it for it to work at all, though there are obviously benefits with brave evading on-time to save stamina and health.

also consider that it gives you free red damage and that one skill that buffs you +20 attack while you have red health. It will make every counter attack from a brave charge all that more powerful.

Brave Style + Mega Dash Juice + Furor + Repeat Offender + Crit Boost + Honed Blade (sure to be back in XX) + whatever else you can fit in

New meta, screencap this.

>felyne heroics
+low health
>brave cancel through Brachy dunk
>KO'd by explosion
>brave cancel through Gypceros poison ball
>poison KO by lingering puddle
>brave cancel through Ceanataur clothesline
>KO by windmill spin

no you don't

I think they would have done this by now but the 3DS can't handle it. Maybe on the Switch we'll get the Frontier we always wanted.


because they're actually useful right .

And Cumcom hates this



they get aerial and some kind of bushido evade barrel bomb substitution jutsu

Is there still a community online in MH4U? I'm still pretty new to the series, I'm only HR 5 and wondering if there's anyone who can help a dude out.