
weed smokers edition

shit op

first for hbt

trump might surprise clinton ;)

hopefully the schizo no value guy doesnt drag his autism in to this thread -_-

i hereby official declare my retirement from drinking

*downs a shot*

starting now >:)

why would a goth support a reggae musician

*cracks open a cold one*
nvm lmao

asking the big questions

look at me im obsessed lol

i don't get it

post this young man's butt

i wonder who im talking to...


what is better regular show or adventure time?



onii chan you pervert.


cuz he smokes weed

>from the start you said such things as that don't exist, so to pretend you were talking about them all along is kind of funny.

>this goes back to the first bit you failed to address and assumes that there is only the perceivable and the unperceivable and ignores the currently unperceivable

i never said either of these things. literally the entire time i have either said the opposite of these, or not said them at all. they're complete fabrications of your mind.

i said it's besides the point because i've never mentioned it for a reason - it's not relevant, me predicting the future and prophesizing every single thing that is never discoverable and every single thing that is only currently undiscoverable is besides the point.

it's literally the opposite of what theoretical means. it isn't relevant to the point to have this information and is an irrelevant unanswerable question.

ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora



twins? his sister is cute


hbt should transition already...

>i never said either of these things
I've already shown you about 5 times that you did
>literally the entire time i have either said the opposite of these
already showed how you said that things that you can't perceive are exactly like things that don't exist, which is to say they don't exist. I said this many posts ago, it was never confuted, I can link you the post where you say it (again) you also ignored the currently imperceivable and only included the perceived and the totally imperceivable in your reasoning, that I also pointed out a few posts ago
>they're complete fabrications of your mind
sigh. do you read the posts you write and respond to?

>me predicting the future and prophesizing every single thing that is never discoverable and every single thing that is only currently undiscoverable is besides the point
first of all, that's not the question. the question isn't asking you to prophize what is and isn't possible to be discovered, it's asking how you can say what is undiscoverable without the ability to perceive everything which would be requisite to deem something undiscoverable in the first place? a question you love to dodge because it ends this discussion once you answer that you can't

>it's literally the opposite of what theoretical means. it isn't relevant to the point to have this information and is an irrelevant unanswerable question
the question that was posed to you was answerable, the way you reworded it to make it unanswerable is funny. you're just continually dodging questions, marking key points in your logic as irrelevant in order to prop up a theory that is useless and also straight up fibbing in the first part of your post

you just concede. you wont answer, and you've taken to just bold faced lying now

ok now this is a really shitty op

fuck you retard

okay you concede I leave this thread victorious

damn...confuted him good

dont concede. this is entertaining

>WCS Global Playoffs 13h 45m

i semi-ironically own that shirt and i also smoke weed and have a cat too!

but youre not white lol

i have no idea what relevance you see in this question, it doesn't have any to my central point. what is currently undiscoverable is not relevant when i'm talking about a theoretical peak where we cannot possibly discover or perceive anything more, the practically of reaching this point doesn't matter - it's a theoretical. it is not necessary to pinpoint the exact point at which this will happen, or how one could get there, or if it will ever happen. doing so would make it the opposite of a theoretical by definition.

it's an unanswerable question no matter how it is worded. you're asking me to define specifically what is undiscoverable without the theoretical peak ability of the entire human race. nobody knows what the peak of human perception might be, no one can 'know' by definition what, if anything, lies beyond that peak. even if you had the absolute peak knowledge and tools of a perfect human civilisation.

the specifics of the matter are unknowable by nature, that does not negate the theoretical possibility of undiscoverable truths about realities existing

>already showed how you said that things that you can't perceive are exactly like things that don't exist, which is to say they don't exist.

again, this is a non-sequitur. saying something has no effect in our perception of reality is not the same as saying it doesn't exist, nor is it the same as saying it has no effect period. it is saying we, as humans, cannot perceive the effect even if it has one, so its existence or non-existence doesn't matter to human beings specifically. this is objectively true, and you've already conceded that this is not a contradiction.

>>it is not a contradiction to suggest that things can exist outside of our perception while not directly affecting our perceptible world

>of course

i'm gonna be honest. i'm p fucking mad right now. stop saying that shit! i'm white!

well at least you have a cat dude

i wish i had a cat

>he protests this much

you should pick different words with less syllables sometimes. your posts are very dry & boring

your face is very dry and boring tbqh



don't bully me ok

*bullies your butt*

that's crazy

yeh using the g-word is never ok


yeah im a geek so what

what the heck!


wow wow wow



would you say this is a fitting end for us? like this will likely be the last year of sc2 at blizzcon looking at the viewership and players retiring. now Veeky Forums is likely dead soon. where will your new home be?

wtf is blizzcon

we have located tinnie

follow me

no thx

please tell him to fuck off

kys op



microscopic kbutte

i don't care what everyone else says. i like them

that ass is damn near concave

spoiler that shit

that's just a really long back

her thighs and butt look bigger and ok when you compare them to her tiny waist

how do we save /scv/

mandelbutt set



we all go on a road trip together to try and find metzen so we can convince him to come back and fix everything
be ready because things might get a little pg-13 out there. a bunch of boys cooped up together with no locker room for miles can get pretty wild

we would need all the cocaine in the four lands to summon metzen

you ask the impossible

i wish it was a movie. think of all the crazy adventures we'd get into trying to find metzen coke

we'd have to go back in time and get old metzen because current metzen is the retard who ruined everything

lets show that old asshole who's boss pham

right after i blow a few lines...

tfw too lazy to even make ramen anymore

it's deleted

>browsing /tv/
stay away idiot

^hothead alert


w-we went back to far

it all makes sense now O__O

dead thread dead game

*shits on the floor*


>tfw a solid red

you should be orange

purple here


between green and blue desu

not gay btw

who hyped?


should be a pretty even match :)

nerchio might suprise ty
we'll just have to wait and see ;)

gooky gooker

