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This boss was once a defender of evil and has become corrupted and you must defeat them.

Whos that boss /wowg/ ?

Warcraft 4 at Blizzcon I'm calling it

Ask a brewmaster that just tanked karazhan with 3 melee dpsers anything

>Weird Al
>at Blizzcon
Haha lol so epic!!!

Was it the Metallica concert where everybody looked bored as shit or am I thinking of something else (either a teaser panel for WoD or Legion I don't remember)

Might help if the rotation wasn't so convoluted.
There have been classes with worse rotations, but generally if you could do it you were well rewarded.
Not be low-middle if you did it right like survival.

I want to make a blood elf a mom.

What's with all the shitty ads?

Also who else /notclearedkara/ yet?

4 hours to down Nightbane and the same guy got 2 880 pieces and the mount. Not even an achievement wtf blizz :c

you get an achievement for summoning nightbane u dingus

Getting there achievement is easy, Nightbane is the real hardass. Why spend all the time killing him?

Why didn't you stop at the 6 hour mark

nightbane is a joke though???

weird al better have a dank blizzard song

Yes I wish I could gloat with you but alas all I have from slaying him is 50g

does blizzard ever explain why up till this point the legion just used portals to get around but they've had these enormous intergalactic ships this whole time for no reason?

Go use the noose of eternal happiness then

they didn't actually know what direction to go in to reach azeroth via space travel so they relied on portals

>made a solid 40k today selling tank keystone carries

whats the fastest way for a horde player to get to blackrock mountain?

Cause we were almost done.

just kidding, not even that much desu, and only the last boss was kind of hard cause we were tired

hunter or mage?

Portal to Blasted Lands in Org and fly north

Mage for sure, they have all the utility that a Hunter doesn't and do more damage to boot

>working on long forgotten hippogryph crystals.
>3/5 so far
>run over to 'literal who' cave, the cave absolutely nothing is even in
there's a fucking level 102 warlock rp'ing in there
he fucking picked up the crystal because it was his 'great treasure'

aint mad cuz i still got it :)


Anyone else getting these fucking long loading screens. Leaving and entering the pally hall takes 10 minutes each time.

Are mythic+ really the best way to get legendaries? I really need to try to get my BiS legend but fuck, man. No friends to advertise +2/+3 carries so all I can do is just keep joining any random maw/court mythic I see in LFG

>Old Wars and Deadly Grace pots are now cheaper than their mats
What the fuck do we sell now lads? All Im doing now is rng prospecting ore for profit.

ill tell you if you link source

Post favorite Weird Al songs.

Now, you miserable FUCKING NEEERDS!

Legendary system is fucky, I don't think there's anyway to reliably game it. If you just do a lot of stuff, you'll get one eventually. Two of my three legos were from M+. and the third was from Mythic Xav last week.

I've also heard from people it's slightly gated by AP, when you hit certain amounts of AP your chance to get another lego goes up. But I doubt the validity of this, it's just something I heard.

What would you even need that legendary for if you're not already 7/7m?


update elvui...?

>tfw can't decide between beast mastery or marksman
i know marksman is the go to for raiding, but can beast mastery
compete somewhat with marksman at the highest level?

why does razorgore get all the mobs on him 90% of the time

How is retri paladin? Is it still three button class?

One spec can cleave a small around a target, the other spec can cleave the entire room passively doing their single target rotation.

MM's kit is just too good for raiding, BM would have to have a serious numbers advantage, which it doesn't.

It was happening to me when I entered dungeons. I had coords set as a data text under my mini map once I turned it off the error stopped. So I'm assuming that's the issue.

its cool and all that anzu got a new model in draenor

but why the fuck is my raven lord still the old anzu

>Hardware store machinima
What a blast from the past.

How do I know if I'm being catfished?

did it update today? I just downloaded elvui today

how do i disable? ;o

>do a random bg
>3 enhance shamans
>monstrous wall of damage, CC, mobility and healing
>they're all orcs
Smash these the spec with a hammer already. There's a reason they're not supposed to be good at any point because when they are they completely ruin the game for everyone else

>mfw Frost DK is actually pretty enjoyable

>tfw my keystone gets killed by black rook hold every week

fuck everything

>Can't get a straight answer on if I'm supposed to do the spec intended for faggot spam frost scythe now

just getting into feral on my lvl 90 balance I used back in MoP

someone school me right quick

I have no idea how to use this spec so I need some pointers

pic unrelated

>tfw blizzard is still making specs that either do dogshit damage or godlike damage depending on RNG

enhance is aids and only enhancefags will deny this

>want to join raiding guild
>do LFR Xavius
>my fps drops to literally 4 fps
>tfw toaster

So buff Ele so they have something else to do.

Just go guardian. you will not get groups as feral. Im 880 balance and still get rejected from shit like +7 +8 keystones etc

>enemy team has 2 mistweavers
>you don't have a single healer

Now that friendly with all factions is no longer required for world quests, what's the fastest way to level to 110?

>ele has been consistently dogshit since like cata

not gonna happen family

anyone use?

It had some moments during MoP

is disc just bad or something? it feels like I have to bust ass to keep people up as disc, but as holy it is easy

Why is karazhan so awful?

Disc got taken along on the EN world first so it can't be that bad. It's definitely hard to play, though.

>play the pug lottery with karazhan
>find people who are decent and one shot every boss and get out of there in a timely manner

its a good feel

How would list of dps classes look based on how difficult they are?

wew lads, totally useless for the 2 specs i play.

Official word is lego drop rate increases the harder the content is. Raids probably have a higher drop rate, btu M+ is just the easiest content to spam since everyone is doing it around the clock

The only class I hate seeing in any form of pvp is monks. No matter what spec they're the most annoying pieces of shit imaginable
>smug MW channeling soothing mist
>start smacking them
>starts channeling again
>get out of it and go at them again
>rolls away
If you play a druid or monk in pvp you need to hang yourself

in raids it feels way better, but in dungeons... I was struggling

As intended for Raids, frost scythe for mythic+'s.

They buffed Oblit to absurd status.

It's a 5 man raid. That means doing a pug with 4 random people often ends up bad as people think it will be as easy as a normal mythic dungeon.

>class has two forms on CC
Gee wizz just like 80% of other classes

Shortstack player. You deserve it.


Sexualized wow characters, probably a virgin.

Wow player, definitely a virgin. like me

You realize they were sexualized by blizzard in the first place right

Does anyone know what the bloodtotem saddle blanket does yet?

>get my first legendary
>its an ok one
>don't feel happiness

woo, now I top dps by an even bigger margin

then you join a good guild with good players who all have the same gear and ilvl as you because you gear so ridiculously easy

and everybody does the same dps because everything is so easy to play and classes are balanced so tightly, wheres the fun in that

Me and my wife were both virgins when we met on wow

Not nearly as much as you nerds make it out to be. You could make your characters into champions of the people, wearing full gear, but y'all transmog them into slutty sluts.

Did you both lose your virginity on WoW or in real life?

>mfw these 6 minute loading screens


Real life, amazingly

And then i moved to Canada cause shes canadian, and now im a neet as of like a week ago

woo lad, 2 legendaries in less than 30 minutes.

Cry more, sjw

on a scale of 1-10

every class is 1, feral and spriest are 2

Good on you bro. Glad to see people meet up in this game and form relationships. Good change from the majority.

Thanks man. Its been a lot of work to finally get here. We met in LK, during Ulduar.

6 years of long distance is a bit insane imo

I thought it was just me. what the fuck happened?

>lying on the internet
lol pitiful faggot

>bugged wqs

I'm jealous but I still don't play short characters. Only play Trolls baby. Vol'Jin take us away!



>not owning goblin slaves

Can you even call yourself a troll?

I noticed some fps inrease but on the other hand I also have loading screens longer. Really annoying when someone ports me to dungeon and they are considering kicking me because I cant load fast enough

how do you leave a dungeon you just solod quickly?
/camp doesnt work

>go in on a disc priest
>attacks are barely denting them
>heals back to full health with an instant cast
>mind controls me and walks me away
>trinket it
>does it again and walks me off edge of path
>if this doesn't happen I get Holy Word Chastised
How do you fight these fucks. Was it necessary to give every spec in this game CC?

I approve of the gold/goblin names, but why are they all on different servers?